Special masters on campus

Chapter 462 Chen Dong, School of Medicine

Chapter 462 Chen Dong, School of Medicine

I don't know who shouted, "Director Han and Director Zhang are here!"

The freshmen of the medical school who were watching around gave way one after another.I saw two figures rushing in, none other than Chen Dong's old acquaintance, two leaders of the medical school, Dean Han Xuelin and Dean Zhang Bangjiang.

But what Zhang Bangjiang didn't notice was that when he appeared, Zhang Xingren, who was standing at the front of the crowd, retreated behind the crowd unknowingly.

"I'll go! Boss is not only amazing, but now he has become a predictor. He said that Dean Han will come, so he really came. It seems that Principal Lin will really come in a while!" Sitting on the ground, Bai Bufan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly shook his head and thought.

"Dean Han, Director Zhang." When he saw Han Xuelin and Zhang Bangjiang coming, Gao Shi hurriedly greeted them.

"What happened to Gao Shi? Why did the police get alerted?"

"Yes, how about Principal Lin's granddaughter?"

The two people quickly asked, it turned out that when the two of them were rushing to Tunghai University, a police car also entered Tunghai University.

This incident happened on campus not only related to the safety of ordinary teachers and students, but also related to the safety of Liu Yashu, the granddaughter of the old principal Lin.As the leaders of the medical school, the two of them certainly dare not neglect in the slightest.

"Chen Dong, no matter how strong you are, so what? As long as you can't stay in Tunghai University, then you won't be an obstacle to my plan!"

"The situation is like this..." Gao Shi sneered in his heart, but his face was very anxious, and he hurriedly told the two leaders of the medical school what happened.

"What! You are Liu Yashu's classmate, who was injured and the injury is unknown now!" Han Xuelin's face turned pale. If something happened to Liu Yashu, he, the director of the hospital, could not escape the blame!
"From the look on her face, she should be seriously injured or poisoned, but I can't be sure about the specific situation." Gao Shi said.

"Then what else is there? Where is Liu Yashu?" Zhang Bangjiang also panicked. He is also the leader of the medical school and he must be involved in the accident.

"That's right, where is Liu Yashu? Check the situation quickly. If you are really injured or poisoned, call 120 immediately!" Han Xuelin also looked anxiously at Gao Shi.

"I also want to confirm the situation quickly, but I can't see Liu Yashu now!" Gao Shi became more anxious.

"What? Didn't you say you saw Liu Yashu just now?"

"That's right! Gao Shi, as the president of the school's student union, you must strictly prohibit what you do and say. This is a very serious incident!"

Han Xuelin and Zhang Bangjiang panicked when Gao Shi said that Liu Yashu could not be found.

"I know where Junior Liu Yashu is, but I can't see her." Gao Shi expressed helplessness.

"What do you mean by that? What do you mean you know where Liu Yashu is but you can't see her? Could it be that she is not in school now? Then why did you ask us to come to school, call the police and let the police find someone!" Han Xuelin was anxious. Well, less than a month after the start of this semester, there are more things happening in the medical school than usual. Now even the principal's only granddaughter has an accident. Can he, as the dean, be impatient?
"Student Gao Shi, please speak clearly. Where is Liu Yashu now?" Zhang Bangjiang's old face on the side was almost wrinkled. It seemed that since Chen Dong came to the medical school, he, the dean, hadn't been idle.

"Student Liu Yashu is in bedroom 214!" Gao Shi pointed to the door of bedroom 214 with a helpless face.

"What? We all know that Liu Yashu is in dormitory 214, why don't you hurry in! What do you student union officials do? Isn't it for you to deal with these recent situations?"

"Student Gao Shi, you have handled this matter a little improperly!"

Han Xuelin and Zhang Bangjiang were taken aback when they heard Gao Shi's words, and Lao Gao frowned.

"The two teachers misunderstood. It's not that we don't want to go in. We've been here a long time ago, but we can't get in!" At this time, a student union official beside Gao Shi said.

"Can't get in? What do you mean?" Han Xuelin and Zhang Bangjiang looked puzzled.

"We want to go in but the people inside won't open the door." Another cadre of the student union replied immediately, they didn't want to share the responsibility, and at this time they all stood by Gao Shi's side again, trying their best to get rid of their relationship with this matter.

"Human life is at stake! If the people inside don't open the door, it means that the matter is more serious! Gao Shi, as the president of the school's student union, should deal with it decisively at this time, kick the door to save people!" Han Xuelin heard the student union official say that there is no When he opened the door, his complexion became even more ugly, and he hurried to the bedroom door to kick the door forcibly.

"Dean Han, we tried to forcefully enter the dormitory just now, but look at this classmate, he is already unconscious!" Gao Shi said again at this time.

"What coma!" Han Xuelin and Zhang Bangjiang thumped in their hearts.The two turned around quickly, just in time to see the student cadre who was blown away by Chen Dong's qi when he knocked on the door was helped up by two members of the student union.

"It's okay! The student union cadres were beaten unconscious!"

"First, he hijacked the female student and entered the boys' dormitory. Now the female student's life and death are unknown, and then knocked out the student council officer who saved her! This is no longer as simple as violating school rules and disciplines. You must call the police! This is already a criminal case!"

Han Xuelin and Zhang Bangjiang had almost the same reaction.

And no one saw the invisible smile flickering on the corner of Gao Shi's mouth.

"Chen Dong, did you hear me? What you have done is no longer a simple violation of school rules and disciplines. It is already a criminal case. But don't blame me, I didn't do anything! But I'm afraid you won't If you stay at Tunghai University any longer, you won't be qualified to be an obstacle in my Gao Shi's plan!"

"Who did this! Do you know if the other party is a student in our school or a person outside the school!" Han Xuelin asked hastily.

And Zhang Bangjiang has already taken out his mobile phone, and is about to call 110 to call the police.In his opinion, the matter is already very serious, and it is no longer within the control of teachers like them.

Gao Shi didn't rush to answer, he knew that his subordinates of the student union would be more anxious to shirk responsibility than him.

I saw these student union cadres looked at each other, and then nodded to each other.

"It is certain that these things are done by the students in our school!"

"Hmph..." Gao Shi smiled in his heart, and it was exactly as he expected, "Chen Dong, Chen Dong, you are a martial artist, how can you compare with me, the inner core disciple of my sect, who is a once-in-a-century cultivation genius!"

"What! The students in our school did it? It's really outrageous! This doesn't look like a student!" Han Xuelin and Zhang Bangjiang glanced at each other, and the anger on their faces immediately came up.

"Do you know which college this student is from and what his name is!" Han Xuelin asked.

"Medical school...Chen Dong!"

(End of this chapter)

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