Chapter 467
Chen Dong's voice was no longer imperturbable, but added a touch of domineering and questioning tone.

That's right, Liu Yashu has already spoken, which means that everything Gao Shi said before is inaccurate.As for all the accusations made by him and his subordinates of the student union against Chen Dong before, it will be self-defeating.But Gao Shi and his subordinates didn't believe it. Liu Yashu had already spoken and they said Liu Yashu was in a coma.This means that they all hope that something will happen to Liu Yashu!

The first-year boys of the medical school and Han Xuelin and Zhang Bangjiang who were watching in the corridor looked at Gao Shi and the others with strange eyes.People say they're fine, and they say it's impossible. What kind of mentality do they have?
"This..." First of all, the cadres of the student union around Gao Shi blushed, and they suddenly realized under the strange eyes of everyone.The facts are already in front of them, if they still say that kind of thing, there is something wrong with their own mentality.

"That's right, none of us have confirmed that Liu Yashu is really seriously injured and unconscious?"

"Who was the first to say that Liu Yashu was either seriously injured or in a coma from poisoning?"

I saw these student union cadres looking at Gao Shi who was stunned there.

"How is it possible? Although I am not a medical professional, I can still see the most basic illness. Judging from Liu Yashu's face at the time, she must have been in a coma after being poisoned, and the poison must have been extremely deep. Other parts besides the heart veins. How could she regain consciousness and be able to speak in such a short period of time!" Gao Shi and others took two steps back.

"There must be something wrong! Something must be wrong!" I saw that Gao Shi ignored the gazes of everyone around him, but kept shaking his head there.He understood that if he lost this time, not only would he completely expose his mentality of wanting to get rid of Chen Dong in front of Chen Dong, but he would also lose the best chance to get rid of Chen Dong!
The most important thing is that just now he agreed to Chen Dong's request in front of everyone!If he loses, he will apologize to Chen Dong in front of everyone, bow to him and call him Brother Dong!He can't afford to lose this man!

"Alright, student Gao Shi, since Liu Yashu is indeed fine, let's leave. I can also understand that you are considering the comfort of the students in our school. But next time, you must clarify the matter and talk about it." At this time, Han Xuelin looked Seeing that Gao Shi's face was ugly, he was acting as a peacemaker.One is that Chen Dong has his pigtails in his hands, and the other is that he has already confirmed that Liu Yashu is fine, so he doesn't have to worry about anything. Being a peacemaker can sell Gao Shi a favor.

"That's right! Let's do it this time. Next time, any work, especially this kind of major student work, must be strictly prohibited!" Zhang Bangjiang listened to what his leader said, and naturally followed suit.

"Lao Zhang called 120 and the police station and told them not to come. Let's not make such a big show when the young couple is in love..." Han Xuelin said with a smile on his face, but Gao Shi stretched out his words before he finished speaking. Take a shot.

"Principal Han, I think we should be more cautious. After all, the relationship is very important at this time. I still want to hear Liu Yashu's junior sister say that she is fine, so that I can rest assured that it is also the responsibility of the president of the student union." Gao Shi Said in a low voice.

"This..." Han Xuelin frowned slightly, with a troubled look on his face. More than anyone else, he wanted to get Chen Dong away from Tunghai University, but he didn't dare to offend Chen Dong in person.

"However, Gao Shi's statement has some truth..." Zhang Bangjiang, who was on the side, saw Han Xuelin's meaning and said.

In bedroom 214, on the second-floor bed on the left side of the window.

With his eyes tightly closed, Chen Dong fumbled to fasten Liu Yashu's light yellow suspenders.

At this moment, Liu Yashu, who was sitting in front of Chen Dong, looked much better, and Chen Dong had temporarily suppressed the poison in her body with pure Yang Qi.But to completely detoxify her body, Chen Dong's current cultivation at the late stage of Qi refining is not enough, at least he has to break through to the early stage of Qi Sea to have any hope.

Liu Yashu's willow eyebrows frowned when Chen Dong buttoned the suspenders of the small clothes for her, but he didn't say anything.

When Chen Dong's pair of thugs touched her skin inadvertently, she felt like she was being electrocuted. It was a strange feeling, and it was like a tingling feeling.

"Don't worry, I, Chen Dong, have sworn by my own personality. If I don't know how to open my eyes, I will never open my eyes!" Chen Dong closed his eyes and lifted up the coat that had faded to his waist. .

"Ghosts believe in your personality..." Liu Yashu said with a blushing face. From the sound of her voice, although she is still very weak, her life will not be in danger for the time being.

"Heaven and earth conscience, I really didn't watch it!" Chen Dong said with an aggrieved face, thinking that he had managed to be a gentleman once, but he didn't expect that people would not believe it!How do you know that she saw it just now? Anyway, she couldn't see it.Hey, is it easy to be a good person these days!

"Even if you haven't watched it now, who knows if you watched it just now!" Liu Yashu's ears were so red, if she didn't have the strength now and her personality would have turned around and gave Chen Dong a few big mouths!Her savagery is a little different from Situ Xiadan's hotness, they are completely two types of girls.

"I've been busy healing you just now. If it weren't for me, you might be...ahem, don't talk about this, don't worry, you will be fine with me!" Chen Dong said.

"What happened? Who were those people just now?" Liu Yashu opened his eyes and adjusted his clothes, lowering his head and asking.

"You should have what they want!" Chen Dong said with his eyes closed.

"Is there something they want on me?" Liu Yashu regained some strength now, and slowly turned around, and when he saw Chen Dong sitting behind her with his eyes closed, what was originally in his heart The trace of anger and resentment is gone.

"Sometimes this scumbag is a little reliable..."

"Yes, there may be something in you that they want, and you don't even know about it. I want to ask your grandfather when he comes later." Chen Dong said with his eyes closed.

"Okay! Pretend you can open your eyes now!" Liu Yashu gave Chen Dong a blank look, even if Chen Dong really saw something just now, she couldn't do anything about him, and after all, it was Chen Dong who saved her life.

"The conscience of heaven and earth! If I knew it, I would have watched it just now. I watched it all at once. From the inside to the outside, from the east to the bottom, I watched it several times..."

"You're still talking nonsense..." Liu Yashu just wanted to raise his arm, but found that his body was extremely sore.

"I won't say it, I won't say it, you haven't recovered yet, so take it easy..." Chen Dong hurriedly supported her.

At this time, the corridor outside the dormitory had been quiet for a while, and everyone was waiting for Liu Yashu to speak again.But the bedroom was suddenly quiet.

"What's the matter, isn't Chen Dong afraid to speak? I think you forced Yashu Xuemei to enter the dormitory?" Gao Shi said coldly again.

(End of this chapter)

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