Special masters on campus

Chapter 475 Tracking

Chapter 475 Tracking
Just as Chen Dong left the dormitory with Liu Yashu in his arms, in a corner not far from the dormitory, a figure spoke to another figure in front of him.

"That's right, the team leader can't miss the opportunity and never come back again, now is the best chance to snatch someone!"

"Do you think this Chen Dong is a fool?" It was a girl's voice that spoke. This voice should be very pleasant and soft, but now it contained murderous intent.

"This!" The men in black behind her lowered their heads quickly.

"Since Chen Dong dared to take the target person Liu Yashu away, he must be on high alert. This is the student dormitory area. Once we don't absolutely succeed in ten seconds, we will be completely exposed. By then, the whole plan will be destroyed. Thanks to the failure! Are you sure about this?" The voice not only made people shudder, but it also made people shudder.

"Ten seconds..."


"It's still the team leader's rigorous consideration!"

The people behind her lowered their heads and whispered.

"Leader, what should we do now?"

"Follow up, remember that the distance should not exceed 30 meters, and you must not startle the snake!"


Several figures rushed out quickly, and followed in the direction Chen Dong left.

Only the figure known as the team leader was left standing there and looking towards the direction where Chen Dong disappeared. With the help of the faint light, one could see her long hair hanging down to her waist.

"Don't blame me, this is my destiny..."

The night gradually thickened, and Donghai City was shrouded in a thin layer of mist.The night looked so peaceful, but only a few people knew how much murderous intent was hidden in the air.

The white Maserati passed through the city and stopped in the courtyard of the villa in the western suburbs half an hour later.

Chen Dong took Liu Yashu, who was still sleeping soundly, out of the car, went to the door and rang the doorbell.

"Who?" Zhang Yaxi's voice came from the villa for a while. After the previous few incidents, she was already a little nervous, especially at night.

"I, Chen Dong."

"Squeak..." The door of the villa opened, and Zhang Yaxi stood inside the door.

"Which family is this girl?" Zhang Yaxi was taken aback when she saw Chen Dong coming back with a girl in his arms, and then asked.

"Eh... you know Liu Yashu..." Chen Dong entered the room with Liu Yashu in his arms.

"What's going on here? Why is Ya Shu involved?" Zhang Yaxi quickly closed the door and chased after her.

"You really wronged me. I really didn't bring her into this. Her own background attracted others." Chen Dong said with a look of injustice.

"Ya Shu's own identity?" Zhang Yaxi was stunned for a moment, before everything was calm and thought of a pool of stagnant water, but the successive events these days almost subverted her world view.

"What's wrong with Yashu?" Zhang Yaxi knew that no matter how much she knew, it was useless. All she could help was to take care of Liu Yashu. She only hoped that Chen Dong and everyone would be fine.

"I was attacked by someone in the teaching building, and I temporarily suppressed the injury, but my body is still very weak, and I have fallen asleep now." Chen Dong said.

"Being attacked by someone, why do you think you are so daring to do something in school!" Zhang Yaxi's expression changed.

"I don't know now, anyway, the opponent is very strong! In order to ensure the safety of Yashu, I can only take her to our home. You don't have any ideas, do you?" Chen Dong looked at Zhang Yaxi.

"I won't be as stingy as you said! No! Why should I have an idea?" Zhang Yaxi said all the words, but realized that she jumped into the hole dug by Chen Dong.

"Hey..." Chen Dong smiled innocently.

"But I have a request!" Zhang Yaxi said at this time.

"What request?" Chen Dong was taken aback.

"Ya Shu can't sleep on the sofa in the living room." Zhang Yaxi looked at Chen Dong and said.

"Why?" Chen Dong was taken aback.

"No reason? Ya Shu is so weak now, how can he sleep on the sofa? Besides, Ya Shu is not an outsider. He is different from that cheeky policewoman. Tonight, we sisters will share the same room." Zhang Ya Xi pouted and said.

"Ah...the thick-skinned policewoman, she has a grudge." Chen Dong's forehead darkened.

"Okay, you two can take care of her if you share a room. Otherwise, look at it like this. You see that there is an elegant word in your name and hers also has an elegant word in her name. Is this fate? Daya and Xiaoya are comparable Big Qiao and Little Qiao of the Three Kingdoms!" Chen Dong said with a smile on his face.

"What do you want to say?" Zhang Yaxi knew that Chen Dong would definitely not have any good ideas.

"Look, otherwise, tonight you Daya will sleep on the left side, Xiaoya will sleep on the right side, and I will sleep in the middle..."

"Shameless! If you continue to sleep on the sofa in your living room and feel uncomfortable, then sleep on the floor!" Zhang Yaxi said firmly.

"Uh, okay." Chen Dong looked disappointed. In fact, he was just joking. He probably won't have time to sleep in the next seven days.

Chen Dong carried Liu Yashu to Zhang Yaxi's room on the second floor of the villa.Zhang Yaxi walked ahead and opened the door.

Chen Dong walked into Zhang Yaxi's boudoir with Liu Yashu in his arms. This was not the first time Chen Dong entered Zhang Yaxi's boudoir.But the last time things happened too hastily, Chen Dong was too busy looking at other beautiful pictures, and didn't bother to look at other things.

I saw that Zhang Yaxi's boudoir was very simple but clean, it looked like a girl's room.The smell in the room is hundreds of times better than the boys' dormitory.

"Put Yashu down. Haven't you hugged enough yet?" Zhang Yaxi said when she saw Chen Dong holding Liu Yashu standing there without moving.

"Eh... it's a bit..."

"Scum!" Zhang Yaxi gave Chen Dong a blank look.

With a smile, Chen Dong reluctantly put Liu Yashu in his arms beside Zhang Yaxi's bed.

"What are you still standing here for?" Zhang Yaxi looked at Chen Dong and said.

"It's a beautiful day tonight, otherwise you'll see the three of us talk happily and then get messy after drinking..." Chen Dong frowned.

"Bah bah! Get out!" Zhang Yaxi immediately stopped Chen Dong when Chen Dong said the word "sex" at the end, pushed Chen Dong and walked out the door.

"Eh..." Chen Dong's old face froze, and Zhang Yaxi kept pushing him out of the door.

"Bang!" The door closed again, Zhang Yaxi leaned against the door and patted her chest. When Chen Dong said those words just now, her heart was pounding.

"Yaxi?" At this moment, Chen Dong's voice came from outside the door.


"If there is any movement at night, immediately go to the third floor and knock on the door." This time Chen Dong's voice was surprisingly serious.

"it is good!"

Outside the door, Chen Dong smiled slightly. He didn't really want to do that just now, but now he can tell which is more important. He just wants Zhang Yaxi not to be overly nervous.These few times have frightened this girl many times in vain.

"Then it's time to attack the Sea of ​​Qi! Seven days, I only have less than seven days!" Chen Dong clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes flashed.

(End of this chapter)

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