Special masters on campus

Chapter 484 Murder 4 Volts

Chapter 484

Three days passed, and the time came to the afternoon of the fourth day after the incident.Gao Shi finally couldn't sit still anymore. According to the previous information, Liu Yashu was the most important clue to the thing the sect was looking for.Gao Shi has been lurking in Tunghai University for so long as a student because of Liu Yashu, but he has never been able to find out where the clue of this girl's identity is.

Originally, he had been ordered by his master not to startle the snake and attract the attention of other cultivation forces, but now Chen Dong suddenly appeared on the way and disrupted his plan.

Tunghai University office building, principal's office.

Principal Lin is sitting in the principal's office as usual, but no one knows his current mood.All his thoughts are now on his granddaughter Liu Yashu. Today is the fourth day, but Chen Dong and his granddaughter have not returned yet.

"Bangbang..." At this moment, there was an urgent knock on the door.

Principal Lin stood up all of a sudden, his old eyes suddenly lit up.

"Come in... come in!" Principal Li's hand holding the pen was trembling. Yes, he was too nervous.

"Squeak!" The office door was pushed open, and a figure walked into the office.

"Principal Lin!" But the person who walked in was obviously not the person Principal Lin thought of.

"Oh, Gao Shi, you're here." Principal Lin's eyes became cloudy again.

"Principal Lin, Yashu Junior has not come to school for the fourth day." Gao Shi said as soon as he entered the office.

"Well, I know that." Principal Lin nodded. When it comes to worrying, no one can compare to the worrying in his heart at the moment.

"The vice president of the student union, Chen Dong, also hasn't come to the school for the fourth consecutive day. Principal, don't you think this is a bit strange?" Gao Shi continued seeing that Principal Lin didn't respond.

"Well, both of them have asked for leave, why do you think something is wrong?" Principal Lin looked at Gao Shi.

"The principal should know about the fact that Junior Yashu and Chen Dong were in the same room a few days ago, right?"

"Han Xuelin has already explained this matter to me. It was a misunderstanding in the end. Ya Shu was indeed in the dormitory with Chen Dong, but Ya Shu didn't suffer any harm. Is it also a mistake in the work of your student union?" Principal Lin said.

"This... But there are still many doubts about this matter. Junior Yashu says she is fine, but it does not mean she is fine. I think it is better for the principal to be cautious. After all, Junior Yashu is your granddaughter." Gao Shiyi The face really said.

"Okay, I've made it clear. I'll ask Ya Shu when she comes back." Principal Lin nodded, "Does Gao Shi have anything else to do?"

"No...not anymore. The principal, I'll go first." Gao Shi said with an ugly face.

"Yes." Principal Lin nodded and ignored Gao Shi.

"Why does this old man act so irrelevant? After all, Liu Yashu is his granddaughter! Could it be that Chen Dong said something to this old man that made this old man suspicious of me?" Gao Shi turned around. Turning around, his face became extremely ugly.

"Boom." Gao Shi walked out of the office, and the door closed again.

Principal Lin raised his head and looked towards the door.

"Chen Dong asked me to pretend nothing happened. Could it be that he was just to guard against Gao Shi? Could it be that he also came here for Xiao Shu's secret?"

At this time, Gao Shi stood outside the door with cold eyes, "It seems that I have to ask the teacher for instructions on the next move, maybe we can directly attack this old man!"

Ten minutes later, it was on the roof of a building not far from Tunghai University.

The black eagle, which had been completely black, circled down in the sky and landed on the arm of a figure on the roof.

This person is none other than Gao Shi who came out of the principal's office.

But Gao Shi tied a bamboo tube thick as a little finger in his hand to the eagle's leg, and then raised his arm.The black eagle let out a long cry and circled in the air for a while and flew westward.

Compared with the modern way of transmitting information such as telephone and short message, the method of bird communication is very slow, but this is not a problem that Gao Shi is worried about now.This kind of eagle fed by various fairy grasses and fairy fruits in this sect is not only extremely fast, but also much safer than various modern communication methods.

"Hmph, Chen Dong, you still have a few days to live..." Gao Shi sneered.

Soon another three days passed.Chen Dong and Liu Yashu still did not return to Tunghai University.This time, even Principal Lin couldn't sit still.And as the sun rose on the seventh day, this was the last day Chen Dong promised.

During this period, Gao Shi came to Principal Lin more than once, but every time Principal Lin's answer was to wait.Principal Lin was a little shaken. Should he send Liu Yashu to the hospital when he knew that his granddaughter was poisoned, instead of believing in some magical pure yang golden needle?

Just now Gao Shi found Principal Lin again, and Principal Lin's answer finally changed. If Chen Dong and Ya Shu could not return to school before [-] pm, he would call the police.

At the same time, a villa in the western suburbs of Donghai City.

Zhang Yaxi's room on the second floor.

The black air on Liu Yashu's cheeks lying on the bed began to spread again. At this moment, her face was black, her lips were pale, and her eyes were dark.It looks like a sick patient who may die at any time!The two poisons temporarily suppressed by Chen Dong have begun to recur, and they are now attacking Liu Yashu's heart!

"Cold... so cold..." Although she had been covered with several layers of quilts, the two kinds of poison in her body made Liu Yashu's body tremble continuously, getting colder and colder.

"What to do, what to do! I'll call Chen Dong!" Standing by the bed, Zhang Yaxi looked anxious, but there was nothing she could do.

"No, he said that he would definitely come out before sunset. I believe him..." Liu Yashu said tremblingly.

"But...but I'm worried about your current state..." Zhang Yaxi didn't say anything, she also studied western medicine, and she also showed it to Liu Yashu, but she found that she was completely helpless.

"Sister Yaxi, don't worry, even if I really die, I won't blame anyone. I want to thank you for taking care of me these days..." After getting along with Zhang Yaxi for the past few days, the relationship between the two daughters The relationship is obviously closer than before, and even the address has become much closer.

"We sisters still talk about this, I'm just worried about your body..." Zhang Yaxi sighed.

"I'm going to die and be a ghost, I won't let that scum go!"

At this time, in a forest outside the villa in the western suburbs.

The villa was originally built at the foot of a low hill with dense forests. The environment here is good with few people and the air is naturally good.

But for some people who are not ordinary people, this kind of place is the best hiding place.

"Whoosh!" A few black shadows flashed between the trees, and finally landed under a big tree.

"Team leader!" When these figures appeared, a dozen people in black clothes came out from the surrounding woods and surrounded them.

(End of this chapter)

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