Special masters on campus

Chapter 487 Old Immortal

Chapter 487 Old Immortal

After saying this, tears flowed from the corners of Liu Yashu's eyes, slid down his cheeks, and finally fell into the fish tank.

"Chen Dong, I wish you had come earlier..." The tears were full of regret and reluctance.

Some words often have no chance to say them before they are spoken, and some people often lose them forever without cherishing them.But no matter what, when you love someone, you always want him or her to be well...

When he heard this sentence, Chen Dong was stunned as if he was electrocuted, and he almost forgot to send his true energy.

"It turns out that this girl has so many things buried in her heart, and she is not as unruly as she appears on the surface. She is really a silly girl..." Chen Dong smiled slightly, and felt that it was a bit too much for him to joke with her like this.

"Son, if you were given another chance to be reborn, would you be willing to tell these people what you wanted to say just now?" Chen Dong said.

"Rebirth? Can you bring me back to life? I've been poisoned deeply and my body is already dying!" Liu Yashu said hastily.

"As long as you have the courage to face it, I can bring you back to life."

"Really!" Liu Yashu's originally sad eyes lit up, as if he saw hope again.

"Well! But the premise is that you have to face everything in life with courage, know how to cherish and be full of courage and hope!"

"Know how to cherish, be full of courage and hope..." Liu Yashu muttered to himself, then nodded, "I understand..."

"Okay. My child, I will give you a chance to come back again. I will arrange someone to save you. Now close your eyes again, count dozens of times silently in your heart, and then open your eyes again, and you will return to the original world. Remember, no matter what happens when you open your eyes, don’t be angry, because no matter what happens, the person I sent has no choice but to save you. Cherish this new life, don’t be angry and cherish it more..." The thick voice of the wolf slowly disappeared into the surrounding mist.

"No matter what happens, what he sees is because he has no choice but to save me? Could it be you..." Liu Yashu slowly closed his eyes.

"One... two..." Liu Yashu began to count silently in his heart.

Chen Dong let out a long sigh of relief. He was so fucking witty. It not only gave Liu Yashu hope, but even if she opened her eyes again and saw herself sitting in the same bathtub with her, she wouldn't misunderstand her!It still confirmed his sentence, as a man, you don't have to be handsome, but you have to be smart.

"Nine...ten..." At this moment, Liu Yashu silently counted ten in her heart, but when she was about to open her eyes, she hesitated.She was more afraid than she was when she lost consciousness in pain and pain just now. She was afraid that nothing would change or she would see nothing when she opened her eyes.Can't see the person you want to see, can't say what you want to say, disappointment again after being full of hope is despair!
At this time, Chen Dong's healing had also entered the final juncture, and the black energy on Liu Yashu's body had basically been refined by Chen Dong.The remaining bit of toxicity is rapidly dissipating from Liu Yashu's ten fingertips.

After struggling violently in her heart, Liu Yashu finally chose to open her eyes, because it would be too regrettable and too painful for her if she stopped looking at the person she wanted to see.In the last life, she didn't cherish or have the courage to express it, but now she has no scruples.

Gathering up her courage, Liu Yashu slowly opened her eyes. When she saw the white mist in front of her eyes, her face full of anticipation suddenly turned down.

"It seems that I was overthinking it myself. It was just a good hope in my heart..." Liu Yashu smiled wryly.

"Chen Dong, I hope you are doing well..." Liu Yashu suddenly remembered that out-of-the-ordinary but trustworthy figure at the critical moment, and a sweet smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

In fact, Chen Dong could hear all of this, and this was the time to finish the healing.However, after finishing his work, Chen Dong didn't speak or retract his hand on Liu Yashu's back, and kept his original posture.

Gradually, because Chen Dong finished his recovery and healing, the moisture in the bathroom quickly dissipated.

Liu Yashu looked down at her body, and found that she was not wearing any clothes. At first she had already eaten.But he immediately smiled knowingly, just in response to that sentence, people come and go naked in this life, life brings death and does not take away.

"Huh? Is this a dead world?" At this moment, the scene in front of him gradually became clear due to the dissipation of water vapor, and Liu Yashu felt more and more that something was wrong.

Just now, the surroundings were covered with white mist, but now she found that the place where she was sitting seemed to be a bathroom, and she seemed to be sitting in a bathtub.

"Bathroom? Isn't he already dead? Is there a bathroom in another world?" Liu Yashu frowned and said to himself.

Then she slowly stood up from the bathtub, looked around, and found that this was an ordinary bathroom.And just when she turned around and looked back, her expression changed suddenly, her body stepped back and almost slipped and sat in the bathtub.

She saw a man with no clothes on his upper body and a towel over his eyes sitting in the same bathtub as hers.The muscles on this boy's body can only be described as perfect, and Liu Yashu doesn't know why he noticed this at the first sight.

But soon she realized who this boy was, "Damn scum?" Liu Yashu frowned, as if wondering why Chen Dong was here and sitting behind her.

At this time, Chen Dong was still sitting in the bathtub with his hands in the healing posture just now, his eyes were covered with a towel and he didn't speak or move, as if he had fallen into a trance.

"Am I not dead?" Liu Yashu suddenly realized, stretched out his hand and squeezed his arm.

"It hurts! I'm not dead!" Liu Yashu's eyes lit up, and then he looked at Chen Dong, "Why am I not wearing any clothes, and I am sitting in the same bathroom with this dead scum in a bathtub!" Liu Yashu found himself When he didn't die, his face immediately turned red.

According to her usual personality, she would have yelled a long time ago, and then went to clean up Chen Dong.In fact, she had already planned to do this, and Liu Yashu was covering her key parts with one hand in front of her, and the other hand was raised to slap Chen Dong in the face!

"Damn scum! Smelly shameless!"

Seeing that Liu Yashu's hand was about to slap Chen Dong's face, but Chen Dong still sat there with his hands in the original position as if he didn't hear or notice it.

(End of this chapter)

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