Special masters on campus

Chapter 503 The Dragon Head Meeting Is Coming?

Chapter 503 The Dragon Head Meeting Is Coming?

"Oh..." Liu Yashu's face was flushed and her ears were hot. She didn't know how to say what she thought, but when she heard what Chen Dong said, she quickly sat up straight.

"Is there someone following us?" Liu Yashu checked his seat belt and looked in the rearview mirror.

Sure enough, in the rearview mirror, she saw two very inconspicuous black cars following far behind. If Chen Dong hadn't reminded her, it would be really hard to notice.

"Who are they? Are they the ones who kidnapped Sister Yaxi?" Liu Yashu's face immediately recovered, and he looked at Chen Dong and asked.

"Probably not, those people already know where I live, and since they have already proposed the terms of exchange, there is no need to follow me. Because once someone of them falls into my hands, it will make them more passive. I don't think they will I will do that." Chen Dong said with cold eyes.

"Then who are they?" Liu Yashu also frowned.

"If my guess is correct, these people should be the killers of the Dragon Head Club." Chen Dong said.

"Dragon Head Meeting?" Liu Yashu was even more puzzled.

"Well, do you still remember what happened to Tenglong Group a few days ago?" Chen Dong said calmly.

"Well, I heard about it. I heard that Li Jianye, the chairman of Tenglong Group, is not as decent as he appears on the surface. On the contrary, he has a lot of shady business in private. This time, he also kidnapped the chairman of Canghai Group and our freshman of medical school. All the students in Class 1. Later it was revealed that the entire Tenglong Group was seized, but Li Jianye has not been arrested yet." Liu Yashu said.

"Actually, the reason why Li Jianye did these things was for me, or he wanted something from me. For him, this thing was enough for him to take risks, and even take everything he had." Chen Dong looked at Liu Yashu , "Do you know that what I just said is not a lie? In order to get what they want, these people, not to mention killing people, even massacre cities."

"What about the people behind?" Liu Yashu nodded.

"It was the killer hired by Li Jianye before, but I abolished a few leaders. Now they reappeared, probably not just for the sake of Li Jianye. They probably also want something from me." Chen Dong said.

"Then you are very dangerous, and you are going to rescue Sister Yaxi with those bad guys who are running towards me, and these killers are following behind!" Liu Yashu's face became worried.

"These little shrimps are just followers let out by the other party, trying to figure out where we live. But I guess they won't be able to complete this task." This time, there is Liu Yashu who has just recovered from a serious illness in the car. It's easy to get rid of these small fish and shrimp.

Chen Dong smiled, turned the steering wheel, and turned into an alley.

The two cars following saw the Maserati turning into the alley in front and hurriedly followed.

But where was the Maserati when they turned in?The people in these two cars must have been terrified, and rushed out of the alley hoping to catch up with Chen Dong again, but when they rushed out of the alley, they were facing the bustling traffic on the busiest road in Donghai City.

"Report...Report to the vice president, we lost..." One of the killers tremblingly said into the phone.

"Trash! Cut off one of your own fingers!" A cold voice came from the other end of the phone.


"Ah! Ah!" Two shrill screams came from an alley in Donghai City. They didn't dare to cut off their fingers, otherwise their heads would be severed!
Ten minutes later, Maserati slowly drove into the garage of the villa in the western suburbs.Chen Dong locked the garage and took Liu Yashu into the villa.

"Just the two of us tonight?" Standing in the living room on the first floor, Liu Yashu suddenly felt a little sad.Zhang Yaxi felt guilty because she was captured by those men in black.

"Yeah, it's just the two of us." Chen Dong kept Liu Yashu from behind, "Don't blame yourself too much, it has already happened, we will bring Yaxi back safely tomorrow."

Feeling the broad and firm embrace behind him, Liu Yashu felt safer than ever.When Chen Dong hugged her from behind just now, she felt her heart was about to jump out of her throat.She was even a little surprised. If it was her previous self, no matter who dared to hug her like this, she would definitely be blown up.But at this moment, she didn't feel disgusted at all, instead she felt very comfortable and warm, and this was not the first time Chen Dong hugged her, it seemed that she was used to this embrace, Liu Yashu said to herself.

Although Chen Dong who hugged Liu Yashu could feel Liu Yashu's soft body at this moment, he didn't have any evil thoughts.Now is not the time to take advantage, he just doesn't want to see this girl feel too uncomfortable because of self-blame, after all, she doesn't even know how she got involved in the conspiracy among the cultivators.

"By the way, didn't you just say that you thought of something? Could it be that your parents really left you something?" Chen Dong turned Liu Yashu to look at her and asked.

When Chen Dong said Liu Yashu's face turned red, she lowered her head and blushed and whispered, "Do you really want to say it?"

Chen Dong raised his brows, "What's the matter with this reaction? Could it be that it's difficult for her?"

"Finding out why these Dongying people want to arrest you is the key to rescuing Yaxi tomorrow. Knowing what their purpose is, we can have better countermeasures. But if you are in trouble, it doesn't matter, you You have the right not to say anything." Chen Dong looked at Liu Yashu and smiled softly.

"Then I told you, you are not allowed to laugh at me..." Liu Yashu said with a flushed face. Even if she said this to the girl in the same dormitory, she would feel ashamed to say it to a big man like Chen Dong.

"How could I laugh at you..." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Then you swear!" Liu Yashu pouted.

"I swear no matter what Liu Yashu says, I won't make fun of her." Chen Dongshu raised his hands and said.

"And you can't tell anyone!" Liu Yashu continued blushing.

"Okay, I swear that no matter what I know today, I won't say it, otherwise I will be hit by thunder..."

"What nonsense!" Before Chen Dong finished speaking, Liu Yashu covered his mouth behind him, "If you swear, why do you swear such a heavy oath?" Liu Yashu said with a face of reproach.

"Yes, yes, my chairman. Now there are only the two of us in the room, and there will be no third person to hear it. You can speak quickly." Chen Dong's curiosity was also aroused.

"Then I said it..." Liu Yashu lowered his head again.

(End of this chapter)

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