Special masters on campus

Chapter 505 The Secret in the Photo

Chapter 505 The Secret in the Photo
When this thought appeared in Chen Dong's mind, it was as if a huge wave rolled up in his mind!
Chen Dong compared the birthmark on the photo again, carefully observing its shape.

"There should be nothing wrong! This is the outline of a piece of Skyfire Xuanice!" Chen Dong exclaimed in his heart!Although the current situation of this birthmark is not the same as the piece of Skyfire Profound Ice that he owns, Chen Dong can still conclude that this is the shape of a piece of Skyfire Profound Ice.

"Twenty years ago, masters from all walks of life in the cultivation world gathered on Wuming Island in the East China Sea to compete for the rare treasure of the cultivation world, Tianhuo Xuanbing. Later, these top powerhouses fought fiercely for the Tianhuo Xuanbing, and the entire island was torn apart and disappeared in the vastness of the East China Sea. In the sea water. And the focus of everyone's competition is the skyfire black ice, which was also broken into several pieces and taken away by some cultivators."

"The piece of Tianhuo Xuanbing in my hand was left to me by my parents. It should have been snatched in the earth-shattering cultivation world 20 years ago. And thinking of what Principal Lin once said, Liu Yashu's parents came from the East China Sea 20 years ago. After returning home, he was seriously injured, and then Liu Yashu fell ill, and the context of that incident can almost be sorted out."

Chen Dong raised his head and looked towards the door of the room. At this moment, Liu Yashu and him were separated by this door.

"If I tell her that this birthmark is not a birthmark, but a piece of heavenly fire and black ice planted in her body by her parents, wouldn't it be too cruel for a girl who has never been in contact with the cruel cultivation world?" ?” Chen Dong let out a long sigh.

If his deduction is correct, there is also a piece of Tianhuo Xuanbing in Liu Yashu's dantian.This is what her parents planted in her body back then, and it is also the reason why Chen Dong can feel that there is a strange poison in her body.Tianhuo Xuanbing, the coldest ice and hottest fire in the world, was planted in a girl's body!If she hadn't been born with an extremely cold constitution, it might not be as simple as getting sick, but she would have been reduced to ashes long ago!
"Unexpectedly, there are such cruel parents in this world! Planting such a rare treasure of cultivation that even cultivators dare not resist into their daughters! But why did they do this? And why has no one discovered it in the past 20 years? What about the abnormality in Liu Yashu's body?" Chen Dong suddenly thought of this question.Because he found that he had met Liu Yashu many times before today, and even had close skin-to-skin contact, but he had never noticed any aura fluctuations on Liu Yashu.And according to common sense, if a person has a magic treasure of the level of Tianhuo Xuanbing on his body, even if he is an ordinary person, he will be as conspicuous as the bright moon in the dark night.As long as one is a cultivator, one will immediately discover this level of aura fluctuations.

"I understand!" Thinking of this, Chen Dong's eyes suddenly lit up, he thought he should know the reason for this!

The reason why Liu Yashu's parents planted the fragments of Tianhuo Xuanbing in their daughter's body was probably to prevent the aura of Tianhuo Xuanbing from leaking out!Although Liu Yashu's natural Yin-cold physique is not once in a thousand years like Chen Dong's Chunyang physique, it is also an extremely rare physique.Planting Tianhuo Xuanbing in Liu Yashu's dantian can not only nourish the fragments of Tianhuo Xuanbing with Liu Yashu's cold air, but also prevent the leakage of spiritual energy!In this way, no cultivator has discovered the secret of Liu Yashu in the past 20 years!
"If you say it like this, then Chu Shanshan, Xu Jiaying, and even Feng Bingbing, these three girls are likely to be baby girls who were selected to plant Heavenly Fire and Black Ice in their bodies!" Chen Dong had a more daring idea in his heart. guess.Because these three girls, like Liu Yashu, all have yin and cold physiques, and there is a cold poison in their bodies that even Chen Dong's pure yang power can't dissolve.

"If this is really the case, then the person who made the arrangements made a really big move! After 20 years, the major powers in the cultivation world will gather in the East China Sea again, which will inevitably lead to many shocking secrets!" Chen Dong looked serious, With his current strength, he still can't compete with these planners.Now he is like a small boat on the sea trying to escape the control of the sea. It is not impossible, but it must be based on your strength!
What he has to do now is to make himself stronger and prevent the fate of these girls from being manipulated by others!If they fall into the hands of those cultivators, the fate waiting for them is certain death!Either being regarded as a cultivation furnace and dying of being sucked dry of Yin Qi, or being directly broken to take out the fragments of the skyfire black ice, in short, the end will be very miserable.

"Yashu..." Chen Dong said softly outside the door.

"You...have you finished it?" Liu Yashu's voice came from the room.

"It's over..." Chen Dong said with some embarrassment. He knew that Liu Yashu in the room should be more impressed. A girl showed her almost her last secret to herself. How much courage and respect for herself would it take? absolute trust.

Liu Yashu in the room was silent for a while, just as Chen Dong thought, she was flustered and her cheeks were hot.But apart from being shy, she didn't regret doing this at all. Chen Dong had done so much for herself, and she could also sacrifice herself.

Seeing that Liu Yashu didn't speak, Chen Dong didn't know what to say. He read what he should read, and also showed him what he shouldn't.This advantage has almost completely taken over everything else.

"Then...then what did you see?" Liu Yashu's voice came again after a while.

"I think I should have seen it." Chen Dong said with a face of embarrassment.

"What did you see? Could it be that those people with unknown origins really came here for this?" Liu Yashu asked hastily, obviously she wanted to figure out the secret about herself.But because of the special location of the birthmark, no one else has seen it except Chen Dong.

"If my guess is correct, that's their purpose." Chen Dong's face was serious. It seems that only Dong Ying and the people behind Gao Shi are interested in Liu Yashu, but they should also be in the stage of suspicion.So this time, we must first completely deal with the Dongying people, and then let the forces behind Gao Shi give up.Otherwise, once this matter spreads, Liu Yashu will be attacked by cultivators at any time.

"Really are……"


"Then what will happen if I fall into their hands?" Liu Yashu asked.

"Dead." Chen Dong answered very simply, and he didn't hide this from Liu Yashu.


"Don't worry Ya Shu, with me by your side, anyone who wants to hurt you must step on my dead body first!" Chen Dong's voice was firm and confident.

"Squeak..." The door opened again.

(End of this chapter)

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