Special masters on campus

Chapter 512 Start the exchange!

Chapter 512 Start the exchange!
Chen Dong quickly looked over.I saw the person escorted by two men in black to the beach. He was wearing a white casual dress, a pair of light blue jeans, long hair, and his mouth must have been wrapped with tape.

Chen Dong can be sure that this person is none other than Zhang Yaxi who was hijacked by these Japanese killers!

"Chen Dong seems to be Sister Yaxi!" Liu Yashu behind Chen Dong obviously recognized Zhang Yaxi and said hastily.

"That's right, it's Yaxi. Listen to my arrangement later and don't mess around." Chen Dong said while staring at Zhang Yaxi.

"En! Good!" Although Liu Yashu was extremely nervous at the moment, he nodded stubbornly.

At this time, the men in black on the island gradually opened a passage, and two men in black escorted Zhang Yaxi to the shore.I saw that Zhang Yaxi's hair was a little disheveled and her face was very pale, but there were no obvious injuries on her body. She shouldn't have been injured, but she must have been frightened a lot.

"Woohoo!" When Zhang Yaxi saw Chen Dong and Liu Yashu coming to the island, she quickly shook her head, as if she wanted to say something to Chen Dong, but she couldn't speak because her mouth was wrapped in tape Come.

"Sister Yaxi! Huh..." Seeing Zhang Yaxi suffer so much for her sake, Liu Yashu behind Chen Dong burst into tears.

"Chen Dong, quickly think of a way to save Sister Yaxi! If you can't, let me go down and replace them with them!" Liu Yashu wanted to get off the boat as he said that.

But Chen Dong reached out to stop her, "Don't worry, since they let me see Yaxi, then the game is over! Get off the boat and follow me right behind, remember not to leave even half a step!"

"Okay! We can't see sister Yaxi being wronged anymore!" Liu Yashu said, wiping away tears.

"Don't worry, these people will pay the price they deserve!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold.

"Mr. Chen Dong, you have seen the hostages. I think our transaction can start! Please disembark!" the leader of the man in black said in a dark voice. They have already made strict arrangements on the island. As long as Chen Dong sets foot on this small island, they will have absolute confidence that Chen Dong will not leave alive!

"Yes." Chen Dong smiled, started the boat and slowly drove towards the shore.

"Woohoo!" And when Zhang Yaxi saw Chen Dong and Liu Yashu approaching the shore continuously, her emotions suddenly became agitated, as if she was struggling to speak and tell Chen Dong something.

"Haha!" And looking at the leader again, the smile on his face became more and more, as if he saw the result they wanted to see.

"Hmm!" Seeing Chen Dong's boat approaching the shore, the man in black waved back again, and at the same time he started to back away.

Nearly a hundred men in black who were fully armed or armed with submachine guns or Dongying knives also retreated back, and they retreated about ten meters before stopping.In this way, a buffer zone of about ten meters was left between the shore and Chen Dong.

"Go ashore." Chen Dong said in a low voice.

"En!" Liu Yashu nodded and followed behind Chen Dong.

I saw Chen Dong and Liu Yashu leaving the small boat one after another and going ashore.

"Mr. Chen Dong, please hand over the weapon." Seeing that Chen Dong and the two had landed, the leader said in a dark voice.

"You can send someone over to search you." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"En!" The leader turned his head, and a man in black immediately nodded and walked quickly to Chen Dong's side, and began to search Chen Dong's body.

"No weapons." The man in black nodded to the leader, and then returned to his own side.

"Mr. Chen Dong is really sincere, so let's start the exchange." The boss was obviously very happy. Obviously, if they can complete the task this time, their benefits will definitely be indispensable.

"Yes." Chen Dong nodded.He can't forcefully rob someone now, although the other party dare not hurt Liu Yashu, because Liu Yashu has something they want, but Zhang Yaxi is not that important to them.Once he forcibly saves people, these Japanese killers are likely to kill Zhang Yaxi for the sake of jade rather than tile.Chen Dong is still waiting for an opportunity, the most certain opportunity.

"Okay! Happy! Mr. Chen Dong is one of the few Chinese people I have ever met who is happy. Then we will follow the rules and let these two ladies walk towards each other at the same time. During this process, neither of us can do anything." , Mr. Chen Dong thinks this is fair?" Then the leader of the man in black laughed.

"Yes." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched. These people were all holding weapons, but they mentioned the word "fairness" to him. It seemed that they really didn't know what their fate would be like!
"I'll tell you to get down on the ground in a while." Chen Dong whispered to Liu Yashu who was behind him.

"En!" Liu Yashu nodded.

On the other side, Zhang Yaxi was also pushed to the front by two men in black. Zhang Yaxi was still shaking her head, as if she wanted to remind Chen Dong of some information.

But Chen Dong smiled at Zhang Yaxi, nodded to indicate that she was under his control, and told him to just move forward.

Only then did Zhang Yaxi calm down.

"Start the exchange!" At this time, the leader of the man in black said in a dark voice.

I saw Zhang Yaxi and Liu Yashu looked at each other, and then walked at the same time.

For a moment, the whole island suddenly became deathly quiet, everyone held their breath and looked at Liu Yashu and Zhang Yaxi.

The many men in black on the island all held their weapons tightly in both hands, ready to snatch people at any time as long as they were ordered.And Chen Dong on the bank also stared at the second daughter Liu and Zhang with murderous intent in his eyes, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Anyone who is familiar with Chen Dong will know that when Chen Dong shows such a smile, it means that he is going to kill!

One step, two steps... five steps, when the two of them took five steps forward, the situation suddenly changed!Let these two people stop at once!
"Boom!" came from the sea behind Chen Dong, and the small boat that Chen Dong and Liu Yashu came in was completely submerged in the water!There is no need to guess that this is also the trick of these Japanese killers.The sinking of the speedboat meant that Chen Dong's retreat was cut off!
"Haha!" For a while, these Japanese killers let out strange laughter. From their point of view, Chen Dong had no way out now, and he didn't dare to terminate the exchange, because in that case, these two Chinese chicks would have no way out!
"Hmph! Chen Dong? A strong man in Huaxia? I don't think so!" The leader of the man in black sneered. If he hadn't been afraid of hurting the girl they wanted, he would have ordered her to be robbed a long time ago, but the team leader The order given to him was to ensure the absolute safety of Liu Yashu, not a hair less.

"Woohoo!" Seeing this scene, Zhang Yaxi shook her head and struggled again, trying to signal Chen Dong to leave her alone.

And Liu Yashu didn't know what happened because her back was facing Chen Dong, but the strange laughter of these men in black made her heart beat faster and tense up.

"What about Chen Dong?" Liu Yashu asked with a pale face.

"Keep going!" Chen Dong's voice was as calm as water.

(End of this chapter)

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