Special masters on campus

Chapter 521 Orders from the Province

Chapter 521 Orders from the Province

The other three people on the helicopter were taken aback for a moment, then they reacted and looked towards the sea quickly.

I saw a figure floating on the rough sea.And this person is clearly making a scissors hand gesture to the helicopter in the sky!

"Chen Dong! You really are such a guy! I knew you wouldn't die so easily!" Leng Feng laughed.

"Chen Dong..."

"This dead scum scared me to death!"

The faces of the three girls were still crying, but this time they were crying with joy!

At this time, on the small boat on the sea.All the armed police and criminal police took off their hats and paid tribute to Chen Dong.

"Student Chen Dong has repeatedly assisted our police in solving major cases, and this time he heroically sacrificed himself to protect the lives of the hostages! Such a hero deserves our praise and memory! Listen to my orders now and raise your gun!" Zhang Wushan will With the police cap in his hand, he said in a desolate and solemn voice.

All the armed police and criminal police on several speedboats drew their guns, loaded the bullets and raised them to the sky.

"Captain Zhang, Captain Zhao!" Just as Zhang Wushan was about to fire his gun in salute, Situ Xiadan's voice suddenly came from the intercom in his hand.

"Comrade Situ Xiadan!" Zhang Wushan quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and said.

"Chen...Chen Dong! Chen Dong is not dead!" Situ Xiadan's weeping voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"What! Chen Dong is not dead!" Zhang Wushan was taken aback, and quickly looked towards the ruins of the small island in front of him.

Sure enough, a figure was already standing on a remaining rock, and this person was none other than Chen Dong!

At this moment, Chen Dong's upper body was completely naked, revealing his perfect muscle lines, and there was an indescribable arrogance in his whole body!

"Speed ​​up, approach quickly to save people!" Zhang Wushan ordered immediately.

At this time, Chen Dong was standing on a small rock, his eyes were extremely serious, as if he didn't know the shock and joy he brought to everyone.

"This small island is obviously a stronghold of those Japanese killers. If this stronghold falls, they will use the Yusha plan. They will evacuate through secret passages and place a large amount of high explosives in the stronghold. Once someone breaks into the stronghold by force, they will trigger The detonating device finally blows up the opponent and the entire stronghold together!" Chen Dong's eyes were sharp, and if he hadn't been fast enough at that moment, far surpassing the average Qi Sea stage practitioner, he might really be like this small The island was blown to pieces.Even so, the situation just now was very dangerous. The bombs on the small island behind Chen Dong just jumped into the sea all detonated!
Fortunately, with the buffer of sea water and Chen Dong's strong defense ability, Chen Dong accomplished the unimaginable thing, and survived such a violent explosion!
"Who are you? Did you leave the word 'go' behind?" Chen Dong's brain at the moment is full of the word "walk" on the rock.

"Pfft!" At this moment, Chen Dong suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood mist, he only felt his eyes go dark, and his body suddenly fell into the sea.

Although Chen Dong survived the horrible explosion just now, Chen Dong is still human after all!The terrifying impact still made his seriously injured body suffer another serious impact. At this time, many bones in his body were broken, and his internal organs were also greatly damaged.

Then the rescuers in the air and sea began to rescue Chen Dong with all their strength, and Chen Dong could still see many familiar faces appearing in front of him.Situ, Liu Yashu, Zhang Yaxi, and Leng Feng all looked worried, but Chen Dong couldn't hear anything.

Ten minutes later, the sea returned to calm again, but the small islands in the sea had basically disappeared at this time, leaving only a few reefs still standing in the sea.

At the same time, several people in strange black costumes climbed out one after another from a sewage outlet not far from the coast.These men in black were in a state of distress, and immediately after they came out of the sewer, they were already waiting in several cars here.These cars immediately started to drive towards the downtown area of ​​Donghai City without stopping.

An hour later, Donghai No. [-] Hospital was in an intensive care unit.

Two girls, Zhang Yaxi and Liu Yashu, were sitting on either side of Chen Dong's hospital bed.Chen Dong, who was seriously injured just now, was sent to the First Hospital of Donghai City. After hesitating, Chen Dong's injury was extremely serious and he had almost no intact bones, and he lost a lot of blood, so he was immediately sent to the intensive care unit.

Outside the intensive care unit, Situ Xiadan, Zhang Wushan, and Captain Zhao were all standing outside, surrounded by several doctors.

"How is doctor Chen Dong's injury?" Situ Xiadan asked one of the male doctors with glasses in a panic.

"That's right, doctor, how is the condition of the injured?" Several other people also looked at the doctor.This doctor is the best surgical expert in the entire Donghai No. [-] Hospital.

The doctor shook his head, "The patient suffered extensive fractures and internal organs were bleeding. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't even have believed that he was still alive with such serious injuries."

"What are you talking about! I asked you to save people, not to curse them!" Situ Xiadan exploded all of a sudden.

"Comrade Situ Xiadan, please calm down!" Zhang Wushan and Captain Zhao beside him hurriedly pulled Situ Xiadan away.

"Why is this lesbian so angry?" The doctors were obviously frightened by Situ Xiadan who ran away.

"Do not mind, doctor, she is too emotional. But we hope that your hospital will do its best to rescue this patient!" Zhang Wushan said.

"That's for sure. Naturally, we will try our best to rescue him. But who is this patient?" The surgeon seemed to be a little curious about Chen Dong's identity, mainly because he was still alive after suffering such an injury.

"The dean is here!" At this moment, a group of people came from the other end of the corridor.

Walking in the front was a middle-aged man with gray hair who looked in his 50s. He was wearing a white coat and was walking towards the intensive care unit with an anxious expression on his face.And behind him were several doctors, all of whom looked anxious.

"President Liu!" The doctors standing at the door of Chen Dong's ward all looked respectful when they saw the gray-haired middle-aged man, who was the director of Donghai No. [-] Hospital.

"How is the patient's condition?" The middle-aged man asked quickly.

"It's not optimistic. It is conservatively estimated that the patient has more than [-] severe fractures, and has serious internal injuries, and the bleeding is severe. Although the bleeding has stopped now, he is not out of danger." The attending doctor said.

"There are the best experts and doctors in Donghai City here, all of whom are urgently dispatched from major hospitals in Donghai City! You immediately consult with me and give me a guaranteed treatment plan immediately!" Dean Liu said.

"Consultation by experts from all over the city!" Everyone around was shocked, who was lying in the ward with such a high standard!

"That's right! The leaders of Binhai Province and Donghai City have been notified that they have been ordered to die, and they must go all out to ensure the cure of this patient!" Dean Liu said.

(End of this chapter)

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