Special masters on campus

Chapter 524 2 Great Forces

Chapter 524 Two Great Powers
After finishing speaking, Principal Lin picked up his briefcase and was about to leave the office.

"Live at Chen Dong's place..." Liu Yashu was taken aback for a moment, and she realized only after Principal Lin had almost walked out of the office, "Grandpa, what do you mean I'm staying at Chen Dong's place!"

"I also took the key away. Mama Lin has asked for leave these days. I have prepared all your luggage and clothes for you and put them in the suitcase next to my desk. I have to leave now..." Lin The principal left the office without looking back, and even helped close the door before leaving.

For a while, only Chen Dong and Liu Yashu stood there dumbfounded in the principal's office.This was the first time they saw Principal Lin, who had always been staid and deep, so funny.

Chen Dong and Liu Yashu were silent for a while, and the atmosphere in the office suddenly became awkward.

"You see, this grandpa really trusts me!" Chen Dong scratched the back of his head and smiled.

"Laugh! I just know how to giggle. What are you still doing standing there? Take this lady's luggage." After this day's experience in the hospital, Liu Yashu discovered that Chen Dong's body had already recovered in a seven-to-one manner, and the last day was completely complete. It's because of taking advantage of the girls.It wasn't because he was upset about being taken advantage of by Chen Dong, but because he was jealous of the other two girls.No matter how close the relationship between girls is, they will always be full of jealousy when they share a man.

"Take the luggage? What are you doing with the luggage?" Chen Dong was taken aback.

"Nonsense! Who made it so hard for me to have such a grandpa? It made me unable to go back home! Now my lady will naturally move to your villa." Liu Yashu crossed her arms, and she naturally understood that her grandpa's behavior was a joke. Well intentioned.

"Go...to my house? Okay, okay! Let's sleep in the same room, I have a good sleeping habit!" Chen Dong came to his senses immediately, and hurried to carry his luggage.

"Bah, who slept with you! I want to sleep with Sister Yaxi!"

"The three of you squeeze together!"

"I've never seen someone as thick-skinned as you..."

Half an hour later, Chen Dong drove out of the west gate of Donghai University with a happy face.At this time, Chen Dong's car was full of people, the co-pilot was Chu Shanshan, a little girl of mixed race, and the ones sitting behind were Liu Yashu and Zhang Yaxi.

Needless to say, it was Chen Dong's duty as a bodyguard to send Chu Shanshan home.Zhang Yaxi herself was Chen Dong's tenant, so it was natural for her to take Chen Dong's car home.The reason why Liu Yashu went home with Chen Dong was the arrangement of his grandfather, Principal Lin.The relationship between Zhang Yaxi and Liu Yashu became very good after this incident, and they were naturally very happy to hear that Liu Yashu would live in their house.But Chu Shanshan didn't want to keep arguing that she wanted to live too, and that she would apply to her sister tonight.

Chen Dong had a proud expression on his face. Principal Lin deserved to be the principal. This arrangement is very good.Not only did it allow Chen Dong to protect the safety of the three girls, but it also created a reasonable opportunity for Chen Dong to take advantage.

When Chen Dong drove past the couple-themed restaurant at the west gate of the school, Chen Dong stopped the car and took a look at the restaurant.Ever since Chen Dong found a girl who looked like his junior sister Lin Wan in this restaurant last time, he had always suspected that there was something wrong with this themed restaurant.Coupled with the woman in black who injured him but did not kill him this time, Chen Dong even suspected that the two girls were the same person, and it was very likely that they were his junior sister Lin Wan who had been avoiding him all this time.

I saw that the restaurant was open for business as usual at this time, and the business was pretty good. From time to time, there were couples of young men and women entering and leaving the restaurant.On the surface there is nothing out of the ordinary about this restaurant.

"Chen Dong, why don't you drive, what are you looking at?" Liu Yashu who was sitting in the back row asked.

Zhang Yaxi also looked at Chen Dong.

"Nothing? Everyone must pay attention to this restaurant in the future. As long as I'm not here, don't eat in this restaurant." Chen Dong restarted the car.

"How can we go in if you're not here? Elder sister Yaxi and I go in, and people won't think much of us!" Liu Yashu gave Chen Dong a blank look.

"Pfft!" Zhang Yaxi also laughed out loud.

"Uh... what's wrong?" Chen Dong looked puzzled.

"Brother Chen, why are you so stupid? It's a couple-themed restaurant. If two girls go in, they will be mistaken for lesbians." Chu Shanshan said.

"Lala? What does Lala mean? Lalachacha?" Chen Dong frowned, he really didn't know what it meant.

"Pfft..." The other three girls in the car laughed even harder.

"Hey! Are the three of you ganging up to bully me? I'm a wounded person and I need you to take care of me!"

"Who has seen the wounded still driving..."

"Brother Chen, are you injured? Where are you injured?"


And at the same time as Chen Dong drove past the couple-themed restaurant.

In the basement below the restaurant.

It turns out that the basement of the entire restaurant has been hollowed out and there are two basements.

At this time, the lights were on in the basement on the second floor, and there were about ten people sitting in the room.And if Chen Dong saw the clothes of these people, he would definitely recognize these people at a glance. These people were exactly the group of men in black who attacked Liu Yashu and took Zhang Yaxi away a few days ago!

And the basement of this restaurant is their biggest foothold in Donghai City!
At this time, one of the men in black was sitting in the middle of the basement, and a dozen other men in black were sitting around him. These people seemed to be holding some weird ceremony.All the men in black closed their eyes tightly, clasped their hands together in front of their bodies, and seemed to be in a trance.

After a while, the man in black sitting in the middle slowly opened his eyes, and the men in black sitting around her also opened their eyes one after another.

"Thank you, team leader, for healing us!" These men in black said one after another, but what they spoke was not Chinese language but Dongying language.

"This time we lost a lot of team members. As the direct commander of this operation, I bear the inescapable responsibility. I have already requested self-punishment from the headquarters." At this time, the man in black sitting in the middle also spoke. Said, this is a girl's voice, speaking also fluent Japanese.

"Subordinates request to accept the punishment together!"

"Subordinates request to accept the punishment together!"

Almost all the men in black around stood up and bowed their heads to the man in black in the middle.

"As the team leader, I deserve to be punished because I was wrong about Chen Dong's strength. I didn't expect that although his cultivation level is the same as mine, his strength will exceed mine!" The girl in the middle said in a cold voice.

"Hmph! That Huaxia man is indeed very strong, but so what? We obviously felt a huge explosion when we evacuated through the underground tunnel. It means that our time bomb must have been triggered. Even if he rescued the target, He should be blown to pieces right now." At this time, a man in black said with a sneer in Japanese dialect.

"That's right, so many high explosives are enough to blow up the entire island, no matter how strong that Chinese man is, he can't survive!" The surviving men in black all around echoed, obviously they all hated Chen Dong Deep into the bone and very afraid at the same time.

"Crack!: At this moment, the stone door in the basement opened suddenly, and a figure hurriedly stepped down from the stairs. If Chen Dong was here, he would definitely recognize him at a glance. This person is the theme restaurant above. the proprietress.

"Team leader, there is a situation!"

(End of this chapter)

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