Special masters on campus

Chapter 526 Sacrifice Your Body

Chapter 526 Sacrifice Your Body

On the second floor of the basement of the restaurant, the woman in black standing in the middle looked at one of the men in black and said.

"Ozawa Mieko!"

At this time, everyone else in the basement also looked at the man in black standing on the outermost edge.

"Team leader? Are you sure? Keiko is just a peripheral team member who barely reached the realm of internal strength. If you didn't rescue her at the last time this time, I'm afraid she would have died at sea."

"That's right, she can't even handle the intelligence, how can she deal with Chen Dong?"

The men in black around said one after another, obviously no one believes that Mieko Ozawa can complete the character that even they can't complete. You must know that the Huaxia man named Chen Dong killed dozens of them, it is very likely that it is Jindan Period of strong!
"Leader, I..." I saw the man in black standing in the corner looking at the woman in black in the middle, obviously she didn't believe she had such ability either.

"Didn't you say it before? Chen Dong should have absolute trust in you?" The woman in black looked at Mieko Ozawa and said in a cold voice.

"Yes, my identity has never been exposed, so Chen Dong should have absolute trust in me." Mieko Ozawa said with her head down.

"Very good! Now I ask you to stay at Tunghai University and stay by Chen Dong's side! Find an opportunity to get close to him, further gain his trust, and even make him fall in love with you!"

"Let him fall in love with me..." Tian Meihui was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately said, "Understood!"

"Remember, don't expose yourself without my order. You can sacrifice your body when it's critical. You just need to pass on all the information you can get about Chen Dong to me!" The woman in black said in a cold voice , as if completely devoid of emotion.

"Yes! Team leader!"

"Also, don't come to this restaurant again without my call, and pass the news through other team members."


"Others should not go out in the near future, stay here to heal their injuries, and wait for further orders from the headquarters!"

"Yes! Team leader!" Everyone in the basement replied in unison.

A moment later, a girl walked out of the newly opened couple-themed restaurant at the west gate of Tunghai University.I saw that the girl lowered her head and was inconspicuous among the passing people, but if Chen Dong was here, he would recognize who she was.It is none other than Tian Meihui, the school flower of the Chinese Department.

"Chen Dong, don't blame me...this is my life..."

The western suburbs of Donghai City.

Chen Dong first sent Chu Shanshan home, and then drove Daya Xiaoya back to the villa in the western suburbs.However, the two names Daya and Xiaoya were just called by Chen Dong himself. The two daughters Liu Yashu and Zhang Yaxi refused to admit it even though they were beaten to death, saying that they felt like the eldest wife and the younger wife.

Chen Dong drove the car into the courtyard of the villa, and the two daughters Liu Yashu and Zhang Yaxi got out of the car.

Chen Dong locked the garage, turned around and looked at the second daughter, "Let's go, big wife and little wife, let's go back to the palace!"

"It's really shameless!"

"Who is your wife now?"

The second daughter gave Chen Dong a white look, turned around and entered the villa, leaving Chen Dong outside alone.

"No... this is my house! You two are not my wife, so what's the point of living in it!" Chen Dong hurriedly followed.

At this moment, night has fallen, and the allocation of rooms at night has become a big problem.

Originally, the villa had three floors, but there was only one room on the third floor. Although the room was huge, Liu Yashu definitely couldn't enter it, otherwise he would die instantly.

There are two rooms on the second floor, one of the larger ones has always been Zhang Yaxi's residence, and the other smaller room has been vacant as a utility room.Before Chen Dong discovered this empty room, he had been strongly demanding that he live in this room without the sofa, but Zhang Yaxi sternly refused because he violated the agreement of the Three Treaties.Later, because Chen Dong often lived in the school, he gave up continuing to fight for the most basic rights that a landlord should have.

The first floor is the living room, with only sofas, where Chen Dong, the landlord, lives.

"The room on the third floor is unacceptable. The small room on the second floor is not only small, but also dirty and messy after being unoccupied for a long time. How can it accommodate your golden branches and jade leaves? And it's not very good if you want to live here all the time. It's convenient." Chen Dong sat on one sofa, and Liu Yashu and Zhang Yaxi sat on the other sofa arm in arm.

"It seems like it's inconvenient to live in Sister Yaxi's room all the time. I have seen Sister Yaxi's little privacy..." Liu Yashu looked at Zhang Yaxi and covered her mouth with a smile.

"How can I have any little secrets? I think it must be that you have some little secrets that I am afraid of being discovered by me?"

"How can there be, how can there be..."

The two girls frolicked on the sofa, watching Chen Dong swallow hard.These two girls were considered to be at the flower level in terms of body and appearance, and the two of them were playing around for a while, and their chests were trembling, which made Chen Dong's internal injuries that had not fully recovered almost collapsed again.

"But where do I live?" Liu Yashu asked after playing around for a while.

"Should I invite an aunt to clean the room on the second floor thoroughly, and it will be ready for master after a few days of ventilation." Zhang Yaxi said.

"No! There are many people staring at Yashu now, absolutely no outsiders are allowed to enter the villa!" Chen Dong said righteously.

"That's right! There were several men in black who ran away that day. They must still be hiding in the dark. We'd better be careful." Zhang Yaxi nodded solemnly.

"I can't live on the third floor, and I can't live on the second floor for the time being, so where should I live?" Liu Yashu looked at Chen Dong and said.

"Of course there is a place to live! And it's very spacious, you don't have to pay utility bills or rent!" Chen Dong said with bright eyes.

"Where?" Both Liu Yashu and Zhang Yaxi looked at Chen Dong curiously.

"The first floor! The entire first floor is yours!" Chen Dong said with a chuckle.

"First floor?" Liu Yashu and Zhang Yaxi looked at each other.

"Yes! Look at how spacious this floor is! Hundreds of square meters are all yours!" Chen Dong chuckled.

"Then where do you live?" Zhang Yaxi asked, Liu Yashu didn't know that Chen Dong lived on the sofa, but she did.

"I live on the sofa, the first floor is so big, and Yashu and I are not crowded on the sofa. And I will never do anything outrageous, I guarantee it with my personality! Besides, you can pretend that I don't exist !” Chen Dong said.

"When you don't exist..." Liu Yashu blushed slightly.

"Your personality?" Zhang Yaxi looked disbelieving.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I swear to God that I have absolutely no evil intentions!" Chen Dong quickly explained when he saw the second daughter looking at him in disbelief.

"Bah bah! The ghosts will believe you! And sister Yashu, let me tell you that this person has a disgusting habit of sleeping!" Zhang Yaxi rolled her eyes at Chen Dong and said to Liu Yashu beside her.

"Disgusting habit? What habit?" Liu Yashu asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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