Special masters on campus

Chapter 531 I Am The One You Are Looking For

Chapter 531 I Am The One You Are Looking For
Seeing that the boy at the early stage of Qi refining was held down by Chen Dong on his shoulder, he felt a shiver all over his body. This feeling was like a person suddenly fell into an ice cellar.

"Damn it!" I saw that he wanted to break free from Chen Dong's hand, but he found that the hand on his shoulder was like a pair of iron tongs, and he couldn't break free even if he used his true energy. .

"Could it be that he has really met a master!" Cold sweat suddenly seeped from his forehead.

"You! Who are you! Do you dare to tell me your name!" At this moment, the bald man with stud earrings screamed.

"For the sake of kneeling down for me, you can call me Brother Dong." The corners of Chen Dong's mouth were the same. The bald men were at most students with some family background and some good legs and feet, but they were held down by him. This boy is different from them. A cultivator is not a rotten street guy. There is definitely something wrong with this guy appearing here.

"Wow! So handsome! I really didn't see it before!" The girl from the Chinese department who was with Yang Shishitian Meihui looked at Chen Dong and whispered.

"He's really a handsome boy, but he seems to be really smart, much better than those cowards who passed by just now. Eh? Do you think he is deliberately playing handsome there because he has taken a fancy to our Meihui?" Yang Shishi Now he was completely relieved, but he really didn't expect Chen Dong to bring down all five strong men so easily by himself.

"Shishi, what are you talking about?" Tian Meihui blushed and lowered her head.

"You!" Hearing Tian Meihui's three girls whispering, the bald man who was still on the ground and couldn't get up turned red. Today, this man really lost all his face for the rest of his life.

"I asked your name, not mine! Do you think I'm stupid? If you dare to say your name today, tomorrow I will make you famous in Tunghai University! I will let you climb around the school stadium! No! Three laps! Ah, my crotch! It’s cracked!” The bald man with the stud earrings thought that the Dongge mentioned by Chen Dong was his own name, Fan Xiaodong, and thought that Chen Dong didn’t dare to say his own name anymore.

Chen Dong ignored the bald man with a smile, but looked at the boy in the Qi refining period who was firmly held by his shoulder.

"If I'm not wrong, you came to Tunghai University to find someone, right?" Chen Dong said.

"What... what is looking for someone? I... I came to Tunghai University to study, and I am a student!" The boy in the Qi refining period said quickly.

"Student? I don't think you are a student but a killer?" Chen Dong's voice turned cold.

"Killer? Is this kid crazy? Have you watched too many movies!" The boys who lay on the ground and didn't get up for a long time looked surprised. They knew that this boy was very powerful, but the killer was too much for them. far away.

"Killer!" The faces of the three girls Yang Shishi and Tian Meihui also changed suddenly, and they subconsciously took a few steps back.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about?" The boy obviously panicked.

"Hmph, whether you are a student or a killer, I will know at a glance." Chen Dong's voice turned cold.

"What do I want to do, don't you know?" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched, and a strong and hot pure yang force blasted out from the palm of his right hand that was pressing on the boy's shoulder!

"Ah!" The next moment, everyone heard a scream like a slaughtered pig, and the boy whose shoulder was held down by Chen Dong actually burst into flames all over his body!And no matter how much he struggled and screamed, he couldn't extinguish the flames on his body, because Chen Dong's hand was firmly pressed on his shoulder!
"Ah!" I saw that the clothes on the boy's upper body were quickly scorched by the flames, and even most of his hair and eyebrows were burned off.


"what's going on!"

"Black art! It really is black art!"

The boys from the art department who were lying on the ground were completely shocked when they saw this scene!If the bald man was originally dissatisfied and wanted to take revenge on Chen Dong, then at this moment his heart was completely occupied by fear.I saw that he still maintained the shape of a horse, but his eyes were full of horror, looking at Chen Dong like a devil.Chen Dong didn't have fire at all, but he set the boy on fire all at once. In his opinion, this was either magic or sorcery!Even if you give him a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare to talk to Chen Dongheng anymore!
In addition to panic, these art departments now have more fear in their hearts. Fortunately, they are not like this boy!This person is not something they can mess with!What they said just now is pretending to be coercive, but what they say is telling the truth!
"Ah!" At this time, the scream of the boy in the Qi refining period also attracted many passing students to watch the excitement around, and someone had already notified the school security.

"What to do! Will it kill someone!"

"In the end what happened?"

The three girls, Tian Meihui and Yang Shishi, also looked anxious. After all, this incident was caused by them, and Chen Dong came to help them to save them from the siege.

It's just that after a while, the fire on the boy in the Qi refining period was extinguished. This is the campus, even if it is confirmed that the other party is indeed a killer, he can't really do anything to him here.

The fire only burned off his shirt, and then scorched part of his hair and eyebrows, and did not cause any harm to him. At most, his upper body was charred black, like a man who had just crawled out of a pile of black charcoal. Similarly, only two eyes and teeth are not black in the whole upper body, which looks quite funny.

Just now Chen Dong used pure yang zhenqi to ignite the clothes of the killer in the qi refining period, just to see if he had the same dragon head meeting mark as Feng Bingbing and the black and white deacons.A black snake spitting out a letter!If there is, then you can be sure that this person is the killer sent by the Dragon Head Society!
"Ah! I'm going to die, I'm going to die!" It's just that although the fire on his body has been extinguished, this person is obviously frightened and still has to scream, and keeps grabbing the air with his hands.

"Ha ha!"


The funny appearance and movements of this boy in the Qi refining period caused the crowd around him to burst into laughter.

"This!" At this moment, he realized all of a sudden, and found that he had not suffered any substantial injuries except that his shirt was burned off.

"Who the hell are you!" the boy said in an extremely ugly voice.

"If my guess is right, I'm the one you're looking for!" Chen Dong smiled. The reason why he said this was because he had already seen that there was indeed a black snake logo on the killer's back. People are the killers sent by Longshouhui to Tunghai University.Needless to say, the reason why the Dragon Shouhui came to Tunghai University was also to chase and kill Chen Dong!

"You...you are Chen Dong!" Only the charred and blackened Dragon Head Killer said in a trembling voice.

"That's right, I'm Chen Dong." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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