Special masters on campus

Chapter 534 Healing Again

Chapter 534 Healing Again
"Thank you very much for what happened last time. If you feel embarrassed going to that restaurant, then we will change. Where to eat is up to you." Seeing Tian Meihui's hesitant look, Chen Dong Hastily said, after all, going to a couple-themed restaurant for dinner will indeed cause misunderstandings.

"Chen Dong, you misunderstood me. That's not what I meant, it's just..." Tian Meihui said with her head lowered.

"Just what? It's okay, you can tell me if there is anything, if I can help, I will try my best to help." Chen Dong said.

"I'm not feeling well recently." Tian Meihui said in a low voice.

"Not feeling well?" Chen Dong suddenly remembered that on the night he went to the small island in the East China Sea to rescue Zhang Yaxi, a few boys in Class [-] wanted to go to Tian Meihui's window to eat, but then they all came back and said Tian Meihui Sick and on leave.

"What a coincidence, Tian Meihui asked for leave the night before? And she is from Dongying!" Tian Meihui's words reminded Chen Dong, and the suspicion in his heart increased again.

"Well, I'm not feeling well recently." Tian Meihui said with her head lowered.

"I also heard that you haven't gone to class or work in the cafeteria for several days. What's wrong with you?" Chen Dong actually didn't know if Tian Meihui really didn't go to work or class for a few days, he was just probing like this Take a look at Tian Meihui, if she is really the Japanese killer, she will definitely show a flaw.

"You...you know?" Tian Meihui said with a blushing face.

"Could it really be her?" Chen Dong frowned slightly, Tian Meihui's reaction seemed to be a little problematic, and she seemed a little nervous.

"I also heard from others that you know that you are the target of many boys' attention at school." Chen Dong said.

"Since I came back from the hospital last time, I haven't felt very well, ahem..." Tian Meihui began to cough violently halfway through her words.

"This!" Chen Dong suddenly became very embarrassed. If Tian Meihui is really not feeling well because of the old injury from last time, and he doubts that she is a killer, then he really is. Too much.

Chen Dong hurriedly walked to Tian Meihui's side, took Tian Meihui's left hand, and put his hand on her pulse.

"Irregular breathing and poor blood flow are symptoms of internal injuries. It seems that I was too careless last time. Tian Meihui is not a cultivator, but an ordinary girl. With such a serious injury, she will definitely need to recuperate to keep up with it." Only then can I fully recover. And I have completely forgotten about this matter these days! No wonder Yang Shishi said that she is irresponsible, this matter is indeed not done well by myself." Chen Dong thought to himself.

Chen Dong touched Tian Meihui's hand to observe the pulse, and he found that Tian Meihui's internal injury was not completely healed, but he didn't know that Tian Meihui did suffer from internal injury, but he was injured by the shock on the small island in the East China Sea that day.And the reason why Tian Meihui took the initiative to say that she was not feeling well was to let Chen Dong see the injuries in her body, and make Chen Dong mistakenly think that her current injuries were old injuries that had not healed because of Chen Dong!This woman is as scary as she is beautiful!But it is hidden too deep!In response to the old saying, a hero is sad when a beauty passes!
"Chen Dong, someone..." Tian Meihui quickly withdrew her hand.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I took your pulse just now, and the injury in your body is indeed not healed." Naturally, Chen Dong didn't know that he was already reacting according to the plan designed by Tian Meihui. Dong Ligui's mentality blinded his eyes, so that he could not feel the murderous intention hidden around him at all.

"It's okay..." Tian Meihui held her hands together, blushed and lowered her head, which made Chen Dong feel even more embarrassed.

"The injury in your body is difficult to recover in a short time by self-cultivation alone. If you don't mind, I can help you heal the injury. This will allow you to recover as soon as possible without leaving any root cause of the disease." Chen Dong said.

"Healing?" Tian Meihui raised her head and looked at Chen Dong with a blushing face.

"Yes, have you been feeling pain in your body recently, and then you have shortness of breath and weakness, and no matter how much you rest, it doesn't get better?" Chen Dong looked at Tian Meihui.

"Well, yes, I can't go to work for a few days. I just got better today, so I went to class." Tian Meihui nodded.

"That's right, this is caused by the internal injury you suffered last time and you haven't fully recovered. It's also my fault that I forgot that you are an ordinary person, and it is impossible to recover by yourself so quickly. But fortunately, it is not too late, I can help you You have fully recovered." Chen Dong said with some guilt.

"Ordinary people? Are there any people in this world who are not ordinary people?" Tian Meihui looked puzzled.

"It's nothing, I just said that your body is relatively weak, unlike some strong people who can recover better." Apparently Tian Meihui's reaction like this further dispelled Chen Dong's doubts.

"Oh, my physique is indeed not strong." Tian Meihui nodded.

"Then, can I heal your wound?" Chen Dong asked a little embarrassed.

"Healing...healing...what do I need to do?" Tian Meihui lowered her head and whispered.

"You don't have to do anything, just close your eyes and sit there." Chen Dong said with some embarrassment, thinking that Tian Meihui must have thought that he was going to do something to him.

"That's it?" Tian Meihui raised her head.

"Yes, once I heal your injury, you will fully recover." Chen Dong nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, Chen Dong." Tian Meihui showed a sweet smile to Chen Dong.

This smile made Chen Dong tremble all over. No wonder so many boys lined up to get dinner at her window, just to see Tian Meihui.Tian Meihui's beauty is that kind of natural but refined sweetness, which has a completely different feeling from Chinese girls.

"Don't say that, thanks to you testifying for me last time. And the reason why you were injured was because of me. These are what I should do."

"Then where are we going..." Tian Meihui asked.

"We need to find a quiet place, it's best just the two of us." Chen Dong said, if he was healing in a crowded place, if others saw Tian Meihui and didn't gossip, they would probably think that the two of them were out of their minds. I watch too many martial arts movies.

"A place where there are only the two of us... Where is that?" Tian Meihui lowered her head and whispered.

"This..." Chen Dong blushed, he didn't think about it, he couldn't just take Tian Meihui to the hotel or go home, it would definitely affect the girl's reputation.

"Or go to your dormitory or mine?" Chen Dong asked.

(End of this chapter)

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