Special masters on campus

Chapter 538 No Dog Available

Chapter 538 No Dog Available
"Do... do business?" Tian Meihui seemed to become very flustered when she heard what Chen Dong said.

"Ahem...that means healing." Chen Dong coughed twice in embarrassment.

"Oh, what do I need to do?" Tian Meihui said with her head lowered.

"You just need to sit on the chair and close your eyes." Chen Dong took a chair and placed it in front of Tian Meihui.

"Just...that's it?" Tian Meihui asked.

"Yes, if you take off your clothes, the healing effect and speed will be better." Chen Dong said, the reason why Chen Dong said this was because he didn't want to take advantage of Tian Meihui.He wanted to see if Tian Meihui had the Japanese killer's logo on her body, which was similar to the black snake tattoo of the Dragon Head Club.Most forces in the dark world will have this habit. Once you join this dark force, you will be marked with this mark, and you will never want to quit unless you die!
Although Tian Meihui's suspicion was very small, she was from Dongying after all, and she happened to be on leave on the day of the incident, so Chen Dong could not completely rule out her suspicion.

"Take off your clothes..." Tian Meihui backed away as if panicked.

"Her reaction seems reasonable?" Chen Dong narrowed his eyes slightly.

Tian Meihui's reaction seemed reasonable. A girl would panic when she heard a boy tell her to take off her clothes and was alone in a room with this boy.But there is another possibility that she is the Japanese killer lurking beside him that she was looking for!Because she really has a mark representing that Japanese killer force!

Chen Dong looked at Tian Meihui, last time he had passed her shoulders, there should be no marks, and it was very white and tender, but this did not mean that there were no marks on other parts of her body.But if Tian Meihui didn't want to take off her clothes, Chen Dong couldn't force it, after all, he was just guessing, and the possibility of this seemed very slim.

"I..." Tian Meihui's face was already red to the ears, and she tightly held the corners of her clothes with both hands, but Chen Dong couldn't see that she was flustered, it was a girl's shy reaction.

"It seems that I really overthink it?" Chen Dong thought, after all, Tian Meihui has helped him many times, and she has been wronged by him once. I can't doubt her again and again just because she is an exchange student from Dongpu. Even let people take off their clothes.

"It doesn't matter if you don't take it off, but the healing effect and speed are slightly worse." Chen Dong said.

"Thank you, thank you!" I didn't expect Tian Meihui to keep nodding her head after hearing what Chen Dong said, as if a panicked little girl finally felt relieved.

"Well, it seems that I really scared him..." Chen Dong blushed, thinking about it, he asked the little girl to take off his clothes as soon as he entered the room. With Tian Meihui's character, not only did she not call out, but she kept thanking herself.

"Okay, let's start." Chen Dong said with some embarrassment.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Tian Meihui politely bowed to Chen Dong again, and then sat on the chair with her back facing Chen Dong.

Chen Dong smiled. Sometimes he really felt that the etiquette preserved by Dongying really had the fine inheritance of China in it.

Chen Dong himself also pulled a chair over and sat behind Tian Meihui, raising his hands in front of him.The pure yang power in his body slowly circulated, and gathered in his palm along the meridians on his arms.

"Okay, close your eyes and let's start healing." Chen Dong said and put his hands on Tian Meihui's back.

"En." Tian Meihui nodded and closed her eyes, but what Chen Dong didn't see was a smile on the corner of Tian Meihuizi's mouth!
The healing process went smoothly, and Chen Dong sorted out Tian Meihui's hidden wounds with pure yang energy.Then Chen Dong also used pure yang internal energy to help her force out the stagnant qi accumulated in her body.

And just when the healing was in progress, there was a sudden knock on the door of the dormitory.

"Bang bang..."

"Chen Dong..." Tian Meihui opened her eyes, apparently she thought someone had come back, and this was her normal reaction.

"It's okay, keep closing your eyes, we'll heal the injury." Chen Dong said.

"Alright..." Tian Meihui would naturally obey Chen Dong's words, and she closed her eyes again.

"Bang bang..." And at this moment the knock on the door came again.

Chen Dong frowned. If it was Fatty Bai or Zhang Xing who knocked on the door, he would leave if he didn't open the door and wouldn't knock again.But the person who knocked on the door obviously didn't do this, which means that the person who knocked on the door was not Fatty and the others.

"Bang!" And almost at the next moment, with a loud bang, the bedroom door that was locked by Chen Dong was knocked open by life!

"Ah!" Tian Meihui screamed and wanted to stand up, but Chen Dong pressed her shoulders all the way.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Chen Dong whispered in Tian Meihui's ear.

"But Chen Dong, what happened?" Tian Meihui looked terrified, and stretched out her hand to grab Chen Dong's hand on her shoulder.

"It's nothing, just some biting dogs." Chen Dong said with a smile, "No matter what happens later, you will stand behind me and grab my clothes, do you hear me?"

"Okay!" Tian Meihui nodded quickly, then stood up and hid behind Chen Dong, while her hands were tightly grasping the corners of Chen Dong's clothes.

Chen Dong turned around and saw that a group of people had entered the dormitory from the outside, there were quite a few of them, around ten.And Chen Dong noticed that the person standing at the front was none other than the Dragon Head Killer whose cultivation had been abolished by him.Although he has put on new clothes and washed his face, his hair and eyebrows, which were burned off by the fire, will not change.

At the same time, Chen Dong felt a powerful murderous aura, which came from the people behind this killer!

"Early stage of Qi Sea! Late stage of Qi refining! 3 early stages of Qi Sea, 6 late stages of Qi refining!" Chen Dong narrowed his eyes, no need to think that these are the top killers of the Dragon Shouhui!
"Haha! Chen Dong didn't expect that we would meet again so soon!" The boy whose cultivation level had been abolished by Chen Dong sneered. At this moment, the hatred for Chen Dong in his heart was overwhelming, and he wished he could kill Chen Dong with his own hands. East!
"A dog that can't even bite is actually sent out by the master. It seems that your master really has no dogs to use!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched slightly.

"You!" The killer was rendered speechless by Chen Dong's words, "Chen Dong, do you think you're really strong? Do you think you're the only one who dares to fight against our Longshouhui? I The few behind them have a title in the killer world, I think you should have heard of it!"

"Oh?" Chen Dong looked at the people behind him.

"The Nine Dragon Sons of the Dragon Head Meeting!"

(End of this chapter)

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