Special masters on campus

Chapter 551 Didn't find it?

Chapter 551 Didn't find it?
A villa in the western suburbs of Donghai City.

Chen Dong still didn't know that at this moment, Long Tianxing, the vice president of the Dragon Head Association, and many masters were rapidly approaching.He just came to the garage at the reminder of Situ Xiadan and started to check the car.

Chen Dong himself had indeed overlooked this point. Now that he thought about it, if someone really installed a tracking system, the result might be fatal.Fortunately, Situ Xiadan is a policeman who is more sensitive to these things. Otherwise, if he died, he would blame others for killing the other two girls in the villa.

"How about Chen Dong? Pay attention to check your car seat, chassis and trunk." Situ Xiadan's anxious voice came from the phone. She was afraid that Chen Dong would be the same as the last few times. She was really scared. Scared.

"Sure enough!" Chen Dong reached out and touched a fingernail-sized black chip on the chassis of the car. At this moment, the chip was still flashing with a faint red light.If Situ Xiadan hadn't reminded himself, it would be impossible to notice!
"Is there really?" Situ Xiadan said hastily.

"Yes, if nothing else happens, it's the locator you mentioned, and the other party should know my location by now." Chen Dong nodded, and he could feel a strong murderous intent enveloping him.

"What! It really is! Then it seems that someone has already set their sights on you. I'll take someone there right away!" Situ Xiadan said in a panic.Obviously, she was just a guess based on professional habits before, but she didn't expect to be guessed by herself!
"No need! People who want to find me are not something the police can deal with. I will only be more worried when you come." Chen Dong said with serious eyes.

"But what to do! The other party is probably coming towards you now!" Situ Xiadan said anxiously. After several incidents, she realized that sometimes she really couldn't help Chen Dong.

Chen Dong looked serious. It had been nearly 10 minutes since he returned home, and the drive from Tunghai University to the Xijiao villa was only half an hour.That is to say, if the other party came from Tunghai University to the Xijiao villa after parking the car, the other party is likely to come within 10 minutes, or even faster!
"Chen Dong! Hurry up and talk! Think of a way! Or should I take someone over there and block your house in the name of the police?" Situ Xiadan said hastily.

"No, it's too late, the location of the villa must not be exposed, otherwise the other people in the villa will definitely be in danger!" Chen Dong opened the door and got into the car.

"Then what should we do? The opponent is an enemy stronger than Li Jianye!" Situ Xiadan was even more nervous than he was in danger at the moment.

"Don't worry, I have a way to make them never find me!" Chen Dong smiled, stepped on the accelerator, and the white Maserati drove out of the villa.

At the same time, in the western suburbs of Donghai City, on the road less than 5 minutes' drive from the villas in the western suburbs, three black Lincolns were rapidly driving towards the villas in the western suburbs.

"Haha! Chen Dong! You wouldn't even dream that today is the day of your death! What's even more unexpected is that you will die in my hands!" Inside the Lincoln car in the middle, Gao Shi stared coldly at his wrist Did the red cursor on the face show a cold smile? He was very good at hiding his emotions, but today he really couldn't restrain the ecstasy in his heart!When he thought that Chen Dong would die without a place to bury him, and Liu Yashu returned to his hands again, he couldn't help wanting to laugh!
Ever since he was tortured by Chen Dong last time, he has been waiting for this day to come!

"3 minutes! Chen Dong, it's impossible for you to know that you only have 3 minutes to live, haha!" As time went by, the bang cursor on the watch still didn't move, and Gao Shi could even hear the beating of his own heartbeat, while This kind of feeling shouldn't appear on a cultivator.

"Vice President Long, it seems that Chen Dong is currently in the western suburbs, and we can arrive there in 3 minutes! I think Chen Dong will be very surprised by your arrival!" Gao Shi looked at Long who was beside him. Tian Xing smiled.

"Are you so confident?" Long Tianxing said indifferently.

"Please rest assured, Vice President Long. I know the character of Chen Dong very well. He doesn't take anyone seriously. He never thought that someone would send this kind of tracking device on his car. Of course, in his No one dares to let go! And arrogance is his Achilles' heel!" Gao Shi's face darkened, revealing a disdainful smile.

"Arrogance is his Achilles' heel?" Long Tianxing raised his lips, "I hope it's not your weakness."

"Vice President Long, please don't worry!" Gao Shi bowed his head and said with a thrill in his heart.

"What I need to see is the result." The corner of Long Tianxing's mouth raised an indifferent smile. In his eyes, both Gao Shi and Chen Dong are weak. If it makes him feel uncomfortable, he doesn't mind killing it!

"Yes! Vice President Long, please look, the cursor on the tracker has stopped for 25 minutes, which means that Chen Dong has parked the car and didn't realize that he was being followed at all!" Gao Shi raised his watch.

Long Tianxing casually glanced at Gao Shi's watch, then snorted coldly, "Is this what you said he didn't notice?"

"Huh?" Gao Shi frowned and subconsciously looked at the watch on his wrist.

I saw that the cursor on the screen of the watch, which was originally stationary, moved rapidly, and the speed was obviously faster than their current moving speed!

"This! How is this possible! Could it be that Chen Dong found out!" Gao Shi's originally confident face suddenly turned pale!You must know that if Chen Dong can't be found today, Long Tianxing will never let him go!

"What do you think?" Long Tianxing still showed no expression of joy or anger.

"Vice President Long, we must speed up! We can't let Chen Dong run away, otherwise it will be difficult to find him again!" Gao Shi said with a pale face, now he obviously lacked the confidence he had just now.

"Hmph! It seems that there is not much difference between the disciples of the Taiyi Sect and those of mine. The sixth son told me to go forward at full speed!" Long Tianxing said coldly.

"Vice President, if you accelerate, you will be over the speed limit." The killer who drove the car was the sixth of the nine top killers of "Nine Dragon Sons".

"I don't think you want your brain anymore." Long Tianxing's voice turned cold.

"Yes! I understand the vice president!" But seeing Long Liu's body trembling, he quickly lowered his head and replied, and then said into the headset, "Accelerate with all your strength and catch up with Chen Dong!"


On the road in the western suburbs of Donghai City, three or two Lincoln sedans drove away quickly!

No one knows that on this ordinary day, a contest of life and death is taking place in the western suburbs of Donghai City.If Chen Dong is caught up, what awaits him is probably death!
(End of this chapter)

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