Special masters on campus

Chapter 561 Strange Act 1

Chapter 561 A Strange Scene

"Nine Suns Treasure" is the Dingtian Sect's suppressing cultivation method that has been passed down for thousands of years, even if you look at the entire cultivation world, it can be regarded as the top cultivation method.However, "Nine Suns Treasure" has extremely strict requirements for practitioners. To practice the "Nine Suns Treasure" technique not only needs to have the aptitude of a monster, but the most important thing is that the practitioner must have a pure Yang physique.

If a practitioner does not have a pure yang physique but tries to practice the exercises in the "Nine Suns Collection", then the end must be playing with fire and self-immolation, dying under the pure yang fire.

And this is why the incense of Dingtian Sect has been passed down for thousands of years, but only a few people can practice "Nine Suns Collection".However, everyone who practiced the "Nine Suns Treasure" has become a powerful power that shocked the era of cultivation in which they live!

However, for nearly a thousand years, no one in this world has cultivated the "Nine Suns Book", because a person with a pure Yang physique meets once in a thousand years!
And Chen Dong himself is the only person who has a pure yang physique and can practice the "Nine Suns Collection" in the thousands of years of the Dingtian School.

"The Book of Nine Suns?" Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong and asked. As time passed, the relationship between the two became closer, and the atmosphere was no longer so awkward.This kind of two people being alone in a small space can indeed make the relationship between two people heat up quickly. No wonder that in some novels or TV dramas, the male and female protagonists are in such a small space as in the cave or the dilemma of the secret room. determined relationship.

"The "Nine Suns Collection" is a kung fu practiced by me. According to the rank of the kung fu, it should belong to the heavenly kung fu!" Chen Dong explained.

"Heaven-level exercises! The exercises in the cultivation world are divided into four grades of heaven, earth, black and yellow according to the final realm that can be cultivated. The higher the final realm that can be cultivated, the higher the grade of the exercises. The "Cold Yin Miaofa" I practiced "It is the lowest level of the yellow-level kung fu. Even if it is cultivated to the top level, it is only the early stage of Qi Sea. This is what Long Tianlong deliberately did. Threat! I’ve only heard of heaven-level exercises. I thought this kind of exercises only existed in the ancient period of cultivating immortals, but I didn’t expect that they really existed!” Feng Bingbing said with bright eyes shining, obviously she was a little excited .

"Yes, but there are nine levels in the "Nine Suns Treasure", and I have only cultivated to the fourth level. I don't know what kind of state I can reach when I finally reach the ninth level. In short, the more difficult it is to practice later Also high." Chen Dong said, when he practiced to the late stage of Qi refining, he broke through the fourth level of the Nine Suns Treasure, but when he practiced to the early stage of Qi Sea, the realm of "Nine Suns Treasure" did not follow up, obviously At the early stage of Qihai, it was still far from reaching it.

"Jiuzhong..." As a cultivator, Feng Bingbing also understands this truth. Although the heaven-level exercises are powerful, they are also very difficult to cultivate. Without sufficient cultivation resources and excellent talents, it is impossible to practice.

"I once heard the old man say that the fourth level of the "Nine Suns Collection" is a powerful attack technique. I already know this. The Nine Suns God Fist is indeed an extremely powerful attack method, and it can even make me have the ability to leapfrog. Attack power. But in the face of more powerful fake alchemy powerhouses, this attack power is obviously not enough. And the fifth layer of "Nine Suns Book" is an absolute defense technique! Only with a strong enough defense ability Only in this way can I have a chance to fight against the fake alchemy powerhouse." Chen Dong said.

"Hmm! What do we need to do?" Feng Bingbing nodded.

"The cultivation method of the unity of yin and yang is that the dantians of the two of us need to be closely connected. I have a pure yang physique, and you have a yin-cold physique. My piece of Tianhuo Xuanbing has just been the first time we have united yin and yang. At that time, it was integrated into my dantian qi sea, and you also have a piece of Tianhuo Xuanbing in your body! The fusion of two pieces of Tianhuo Xuanbing can help me improve my cultivation!" Chen Dong said.

"Okay, let's start..." Feng Bingbing closed his eyes, his face flushed slightly.At this moment, her heart was beating faster and faster. Even if the two of them were not really going to have sex, but after all, the two had to be in touch with each other, and they were with the boy she liked. It was impossible for Feng Bingbing not to be shy.

"I will be gentle..." Chen Dong looked solemn, and slowly leaned down.

Soon the dantian parts of the two people were close together, and it was as if an electric current hit them at the same time.A tingling feeling spread all over the body.

At this time, a strange scene appeared in the Xuanbing coffin!
I saw a group of golden rays of light and a group of white cold lights entangled with Chen Dong and Feng Bingbing as the center, and then slowly rotated, and then the rotation speed became faster and faster, just like a Tai Chi!
And while Chen Dong and Feng Bingbing were practicing with all their strength in the Xuanbing coffin, Donghai University.

Outside the medical building.

Several boys stood at the gate of the medical building.

The leader was Gao Shi, his left arm was always in his pocket, so the others didn't notice anything unusual.

And behind him are two cadres of the school's student union.

A moment later, a tall, thin boy wearing glasses came out of the medical building.This person is Chen Dong's old acquaintance, Wang Hao!

"President Gao, you are looking for me." Since Wang Hao was abused by Chen Donglian several times, he has become decadent. He knows that he is a piece of shit in Liu Yashu's eyes.

"Vice President Gao, the student union of the school has decided to recruit you as the Minister of Study. I have already sent an application to the school leadership." Gao Shi looked at Gao Shi and said with a smile.

"Thank you, President Gao, for your cultivation." Wang Hao forced a smile on his face. Nothing is so important to him now, he is a complete loser.

"It seems that student Wang Hao is not in a good mood. Why did you encounter something unpleasant?" Gao Shi said with a smile.

"It's nothing, thank you President Gao for your concern." Gao Shi said.

"Oh? Really? I heard that classmate Liu Yashu is the girlfriend of junior Wang Hao?" Gao Shi said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"That's right, we also heard about this last semester. We heard that Liu Yashu almost agreed with Wang Hao's pursuit." The two student union officials behind Gao Shi also discussed.

"Ya Shu...Ya Shu will never return to my side! I am a failure! I am a piece of shit in her eyes now!" Wang Hao said with a decadent expression.

"Oh? Junior Wang Hao is so good, isn't Junior Yashu still satisfied with you?" Gao Shi said with a "perplexed" face.

"It's all because of him!" Wang Hao suddenly raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot!

"Chen Dong!" Wang Hao said through gritted teeth.

"Really? It turned out to be Vice President Chen. I heard that he asked for leave recently and seemed to be traveling with a girl." Gao Shi said.

"It seems that he and Liu Yashu went on a trip together. It's spread all over the medical school!" said the two student union cadres.

"What! Yashu and Chen Dong asked for leave to travel together! Damn it! Chen Dong, I wish I could kill you myself!" Wang Hao said through gritted teeth.

"I think I can help you." Gao Shi said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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