Special masters on campus

563 Dangerous Approaching

563 Dangerous Approaching
The urban area of ​​Donghai City.

The sun is setting, and the bustling city is lit up, and everywhere is brightly lit.

The three cars drove towards the most upscale residential area in Donghai City, Donghai Dijing Noble Residential Area.

And behind them, a black car followed them closely.

"Chu Shanshan, Su Hong, it should be these two girls. The relationship between these two girls and Chen Dong is very unusual!" Gao Shi in the car looked at the three cars in front and sneered. After Chu Shanshan, Gao Shi used all his connections to learn more about Su Hong and sister Chu Shanshan, which gave him some confidence!

"As long as you have these two girls in your hands, Chen Dong, can you still hide? Chen Dong, I can imagine your reaction when you hear the cry of these two girls with your own ears!"

Soon the three cars in front successfully passed the two security inspections of the community and entered the interior of the community.Gao Shi parked the car on the side of the road and watched them enter the community from a distance.With his strength in the mid-stage of Qi refining, it is very easy to force his way in, but he can't do it now. He knows that with his strength, even if he captures the pair of sisters, once Chen Dong comes, he has absolutely no chance of winning. Just need to find out where the two sisters live, and then stop Long Tianxing.As for those bodyguards, even if there were ten or eight more, he would not pay attention to them at all.

The window of the car opened slowly, Gao Shi looked into the community with cold eyes, the lights of a villa turned on, and he clearly saw that the villa that Su Hong sisters got out of the car and entered was this villa!

"Chen Dong, this time, let you taste the taste of failure!" Gao Shi smiled coldly, and took out his mobile phone.

Outside the west gate of Tunghai University, in the Crescent Bar.

Inside a VIP room.

On the left and right sides of Long Tianxing, there is a girl with a hot body in revealing clothes, who is constantly twisting her body on Long Tianxing's body.

"Haha! Good! You two are really nice!" Long Tianxing was obviously in a good mood, laughing and groping the two girls.

"Hey, I hate it, you can't touch it there..."

"Really? But I like to touch here! Haha!" Long Tianxing laughed.

And at this moment, the door of the private room opened and a long-haired man in black came out. It was Long Da from the top killer of the Dragon Head Club "Nine Sons of the Dragon".

"Vice President, the boy from Tai Yizong called and said that he has a way to find the person you are looking for." Long Da walked up to Long Tianxing and said respectfully with his head bowed.

"Oh? Is it? But this news came at a really bad time. It's so f*cking to disgrace me! If he can't do it for me this time, I will educate him for his elders." Long Tian Xing was clearly in high spirits, and took the phone with a displeased face.

"Hello! Vice President Long? I'm Gao Shi." Gao Shi's voice came from the phone.

"Fart off, you still have a day." Long Tianxing said in a dark voice while playing with this girl.

"This! I understand! I already have a way to find Chen Dong. I have mastered the residences of the two girls who are very close to Chen Dong, and they are in the house now. As long as these two girls call Chen Dong Call, Chen Dong has to come out!" Gao Shi said quickly, he knew that people like Long Tianxing were not joking.

"Are you sure? I don't want to see a repeat of the last time. My temper is not so good every time. If I make any mistakes this time, it won't be your arm!" Long Tianxing Said with a sneer.

"Vice President Long, don't worry! It's absolutely impossible to make any mistakes this time. I've been investigating for a long time! As soon as you arrive, Chen Dong will definitely die when he arrives!" Gao Shi said.

"Oh? Really?" Long Tianxing smiled.

"Yes! I can guarantee my life this time, but I hope Vice President Long can agree to the cooperation between our two companies before." Gao Shi said.

"Okay, I only want Chen Dong, and you can take the others away. These are all small problems." Long Tianxing smiled.

"Okay, when will you come over, Vice President Long, I'm afraid the night will be full of dreams!" Gao Shi said with joy in his heart.

"No, you can do it now, and let him pass in your name, understand?" Long Tianxing said with a smile on his face.

"In my name?" Gao Shi was obviously taken aback for a moment, and then seemed to understand Long Tianxing's intention suddenly, "I understand! If it was in your name, Chen Dong wouldn't dare to show up even if he was brave enough, but in the name of In my name, then Chen Dong must be unsuspecting and will definitely come to save people! At that time, Vice President Long, you will personally attack Chen Dong, even if you have three heads and six arms, you will not be able to escape from your palm! Vice President Long is really clever! The younger generation admires it !"

"You're not too stupid! But I hope you won't disappoint me too much this time!" Long Tianxing hung up the phone and threw it to Long Da.

"Get the address with him, and then set off! After getting that thing, the brothers will all be rewarded!" Long Tianxing said in a dark voice.


Outside the Donghai Dijing Community in Donghai City, Gao Shi hung up the phone and looked in the direction of Su Hong's sister's house.

"I will take back all the benefits of Chen Dong's broken arm this time!"

"Bang!" Gao Shi opened the car door and got out of the car, walking towards the entrance of the community.

At this time, in the guard booth at the gate of the community, four security guards in security uniforms were chatting with each other.These security guards all looked relatively strong, and each was equipped with an electric baton. Ordinary thieves and thieves were definitely not their opponents.

"Huh!" At this moment, the security guards only felt a blur in front of their eyes, like a black shadow passing by their eyes.

"Huh? Was there something just now?" A security guard touched his eyes and said.

"I also seemed to see a black shadow, but when I wanted to see it again, there was nothing there!" another security guard said.

"It can't be that you are blind?"

"I can't, I have the eyes of 1.2, besides, he can see it too!"

"I think you two are masturbating too much, and your eyes are dazzled due to kidney deficiency haha!"

"Haha! Did you two see that female president and her sister just now? Those two chicks are amazing!"

And under a villa in the community, Gao Shi smiled. With his strength in the mid-stage of Qi refining, although he was not Chen Dong's opponent, these few security guards would never be able to find him!

For a moment, Sister Su Hong's house was downstairs.

Since what happened to Li Jianye last time, in order to ensure the safety of him and Chu Shanshan, Su Hong proudly invited many experts as bodyguards.

At this time, eight bodyguards in black suits were standing around the villa, two in each direction.These bodyguards looked professional at first glance, each of them was equipped with a silencer pistol, and they were paying attention to any troubles around them at the moment.

At this moment, a bodyguard on the east side of the villa fell down without a sound!

Gao Shi's cold smile appeared behind him!

(End of this chapter)

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