Special masters on campus

Chapter 567 Two strong meet

Chapter 567 Two Powers Meet
In Su Hong's home, the living room on the first floor.

"Ah! Woohoo!" Chu Shanshan let out a scream, hugged Su Hong tightly in her arms and cried loudly.

"What kind of man are you!" Su Hong hugged Chu Shanshan and stared at Gao Shi.

"Hmph, man? I don't even want to be human, let alone men and women!" Gao Shi sneered, took out Su Hong's mobile phone, and snapped a photo of Su Hong and Sister Su Hong.

"I'm really curious, when Chen Dong sees the two of you like this, what kind of expression he will have!" Gao Shi sneered, and sent the photo to Chen Dong.

"Haha! Chen Dong, I don't believe you won't come! The Dragon Head Club has been waiting for you for a long time with fake alchemy masters and nine top killers!" Gao Shi smiled so happily, this time Chen Dong will definitely lose in the end, how could he not happy!
In the urban area of ​​Donghai City, a speeding Maserati.

Chen Dong put down the phone with cold eyes.

"Gao Shi! You are courting death!"

"Whoosh!" The speed of the car was close to exceeding the speed limit.

Ten minutes later, at the gate of Dijing Community in Donghai City.

The four security guards were still standing on both sides of the gate of the community and chatting first.


These security guards were chatting and suddenly felt a blur in front of their eyes, and a gust of wind blew past them.

"You... did you see it just now?" A security guard said tremblingly.

"Looks like a dark shadow?"

"Is this the second time today?"

"Didn't we encounter a ghost..."

But at this moment, these security guards didn't even notice that a figure was already standing outside the door of a villa, it was Su Hong's sister's house!

At this time, in the living room of the villa.

Gao Shi walked up to Sister Su Hong again, "I'm sorry, it's been another 10 minutes, but unfortunately your elder brother Chen still hasn't arrived! Then I have to keep my promise. Tsk tsk! You two beauties, one big and one small , I should start with that one, it will definitely look better if I take it off again! Haha!"

"Sister!" Chu Shanshan was obviously terrified by Gao Shi's distorted expression, her face was pale and bloodless, and she hid tightly in Su Hong's arms trembling.

"You! Don't come over!" Su Hong hurriedly stood behind Chu Shanshan.

"Don't come here? Haha! What if I want to?" Gao Shi Yin smiled, and took another step closer to Su Hong.

"Then you are looking for death!" And almost at the same time Gao Shi's feet fell down, a cold figure sounded behind him!
"Chen! Ah!" Gao Shi's first reaction was to turn around when his face changed, but before he could turn around, he had already flown out.

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, Gao Shi's body hit the wall heavily, and then slid down weakly.


"Brother Chen!"

Su Hong and Chu Shanshan were stunned for a moment and didn't react at all. When they saw this familiar figure, they all shed tears excitedly.

"Brother Chen! Huh!" Chu Shanshan threw herself into Chen Dong's arms and started crying. She was really frightened by Gao Shi just now.

"Girl don't cry, with Brother Chen around, no one would dare to hurt you." Chen Dong looked at Chu Shanshan's crying face and smiled slightly.

"Yeah! Brother Chen is the best!" With Chen Dong in Chu Shanshan, she would feel that she could rely on her.

"Xiao Dong, it's our fault." Su Hong wiped away her tears and looked at Chen Dong and said.

"Sister Hong, this incident happened because of me, and I should apologize. Are you all okay?" Chen Dong said with concern.

"We're all fine. Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise..." Su Hong blushed slightly.

I saw that the two sisters were only wearing suspender pajamas at the moment.Su Hong was wearing a purple silk suspender pajamas, while Chu Shanshan was wearing a white tulle pajamas.If Chen Dong came a little later, I really can't believe what Gao Shi would do.

"Haha! Haha!" At this moment, Gao Shi, who was sitting slumped in the corner, suddenly laughed. "What a touching scene, it's really affectionate and righteous, haha!"

"Brother Chen, is he President Gao? Why is he a bad guy!" Chu Shanshan was so frightened that she hugged Chen Dong tightly.

"He's just a dog, not even a human!" Chen Dong's voice was cold.

"Haha! That's right! You can say whatever you want! But Chen Dong, if you come today, you will never get out of this house again! You must die!" Gao Shi said with a grim face.

"Do you think you alone have the strength to say this?" Although Chen Dong was talking to Gao Shi, he was sensing the situation this week.

"Chen Dong! It is said that you have strong limbs and a simple mind. Do you think I would be so stupid, knowing that my strength is not as good as you, but still dare to do this?" Gao Shi sneered.

"It seems that there are other people behind you?" Chen Dong smiled.

"Haha! It seems that you are not too stupid! I can give you one last chance, hand over Liu Yashu, maybe you can survive! Otherwise, the three of you will die here today!" Gao Shi said with a sneer.

"If you hand me over, I can live? I really don't know if you are really stupid or fake?" Chen Dong smiled.

"You!" Gao Shi was taken aback, obviously he didn't expect Chen Dong to say that.

"Gao Shi, who do you think you are? You are just a dog, a chess piece? Do you think that the person behind you will give up the thing he wants in my hand for you?" Chen Dong snorted coldly .

"You! Haha Chen Dong, I see you don't cry when you don't see the coffin! The two of us have reached a cooperation, who do you think you are? If you don't hand over Liu Yashu, the three of you will surely die!" Gao Shi's face changed slightly, but he didn't panic .

"Really?" Chen Dong smiled, "The friend upstairs, I, Chen Dong, have already arrived, I think it's time for us to meet." Chen Dong looked at the stairs on the second floor.

"Papa!" At this moment, there were several clapping sounds from the stairs on the second floor.

I saw a man in a white suit and black sunglasses coming down the stairs, and behind him were several men in black suits. Chen Dong recognized these men as the top leader of the Dragon Head Club. A member of the killer team "Nine Sons of the Dragon".

"Dragon Head Meeting! It really is like this." Chen Dong's eyes were cold, and he had already thought of this before coming here again.

Watching the man in the white suit walk to the first floor, Gao Shi, who had been punched flying by Chen Dong and was sitting paralyzed in the corner, quickly gritted his teeth and stood up, walking to the man's side.

"Vice President Long! Chen Dong has arrived! I said that based on what I know about this person, he will definitely come!" Gao Shi said with a smile on his face.

"Very good!" Long Tianxing said a few words with a smile, not paying attention to Gao Shi but looking at Chen Dong through the sunglasses.

"You are Chen Dong?"

"You are Long Tianxing?" Chen Dong also looked at this person.

(End of this chapter)

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