Special masters on campus

Chapter 583 Devour

Chapter 583 Devour
The white flames at Chen Dong's fingertips were insignificant compared to the fire dragon composed of red flames, just like ants facing a big tree.

But the moment the small white flame touched the long flame dragon, the huge fire dragon suddenly struggled crazily, screaming in terror like a spirit stone!

"Aw!" The howls like wailing continued to come, and the fire dragon struggled more and more intensely, as if it had already sensed the approach of death!If it is still refined by Chen Dong, then it will become part of Chen Dong's true energy, which means death!

"No!" At the same time, Long Tianxing on the ground also screamed and spurted out a mouthful of blood!Before the blood hit the ground, it vaporized and disappeared without a trace!
I saw that Long Tianxing's eyes were also full of panic this time!If his natal fire is in danger, he will also suffer backlash!But at this time, Long Tianxing only felt that the connection between himself and his true fire was constantly weakening!How could he not know what this means!
This means that his natal fire will be taken away by Chen Dong!

If a cultivator's natal object is taken away by others, not only will this person suffer extremely severe backlash, his cultivation base will immediately drop, and even his foundation will be severely damaged!It can be said that it will be difficult for Long Tianxing's cultivation to return to its original level in the future, let alone become stronger!

"No! Absolutely don't let him take it away! Hold on!" Long Tianxing screamed with a ferocious face.

"Persevere? Hmph! It's just a needless struggle!" Chen Dong raised his mouth.

"Aw!" But the fire dragon screamed again, this time the red flame on the head of the fire dragon started to go out!
"No! Pfft!" Long Tianxing only felt a piercing pain spread all over his body as if he had been hit in the center, and he could clearly feel that the connection between himself and his natal fire had weakened again. share!
"Aww!" As the fire dragon in Chen Dong's left hand kept wailing, the white flames from the dragon's head were constantly devouring the fire dragon!
First, the red flames from the dragon's head slowly disappeared, followed by the dragon's body. In the end, the flame dragon, which was about the size of a giant python, had only one tail left!
And as his natal fire was continuously refined and devoured by Chen Dong with the pure yang true fire, Long Tianxing also slowly withered down, but his eyes were still full of madness!

Because there is still the dragon tail, as long as there is a trace of natal fire that has not been refined by Chen Dong, then he still has a chance to fight back!
"No! No! That's part of my real fire, Long Tianxing's life! That's my fire, and it's impossible for others to take it away! It should be me who snatches it from others!" Long Tianxing's face was sluggish, but the two His eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness!
"I'm sorry to disappoint you! Your sister has a chance to come back! I'll take your fire!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and he pointed his right sword finger at the white flame again!
"No!" Long Tianxing let out a desperate roar.

"Huh!" In an instant, the last remaining red flame disappeared instantly, and the white flame became obviously bigger than before.From the size of a soybean grain at the beginning, it became the size of a fingernail after devouring this fire dragon!
And after completely devouring the flame dragon, the white flame flew to the center of Chen Dong's eyebrows and disappeared into Chen Dong's body.

And when the white flame returned to Chen Dong's body, the white light that originally enveloped a thousand meters disappeared instantly.The top of the mountain, which was originally as white as day, became pitch black again, and it seemed to be even darker than before.

"Boom!" Chen Dong fell back to the ground and walked in front of Yang Tianding and Long Tianxing.

"That's not bad, you brat. You actually realized the true fire of Chunyang. I didn't embarrass you, Master." The old man looked at Chen Dong and smiled gratifiedly.

"What kind of master produces what kind of apprentice!" Chen Dong chuckled.

"That's right! How troublesome it is to practice by yourself, and in the future, you will encounter such crooked ways and steal his true energy!" The old man smiled rascally.

"Ah!" Long Tianxing, whose face was as sluggish as an eggplant beaten by frost, uttered an unwilling cry again when he heard the old man's words.

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!" Long Tianxing stared at the old man and Chen Dong, the master and apprentice with bloodshot eyes. He originally thought he was not a good person, but today he met this pair of master and apprentice Only after I became a disciple did I realize that I was still far behind!The really ruthless people are these two people in front of them!
"My natal fire! Half of it has disappeared! My cultivation base! I have fallen to the late stage of Qi Sea!" Long Tianxing cried out like crazy, he is not reconciled!Today, he designed everything he wanted to snatch from Chen Dong, and then got rid of this junior who made him feel uncomfortable!But in the end, it turned out that half of his own natal fire was robbed, and his cultivation dropped to a lower level!
How much cultivation resources he spent, it took him decades to cultivate to the false alchemy stage, even if he didn't get the sky fire and black ice this time, he was very sure to hit the golden alchemy stage.The reason why he wants to seize Tianhuo Xuanbing is that he obeyed his elder brother's order on the one hand, and more importantly, to ensure that he has full confidence in hitting the golden core stage!As a result, not only did Tianhuo Xuanbing not get it, but his cultivation base dropped!Moreover, this kind of fall is fatal. A cultivator's natal fire is damaged, and it is almost as difficult as climbing to the sky to restore his cultivation!

This is the only failure in his life, and the most important thing is that he lost for no reason, and he lost so uselessly!
"How did this happen! Who can tell me how this happened! I refuse to accept it! I'm not reconciled!" Long Tianxing yelled frantically.

"Don't you want to leave half of your natal fire back? Or else you'll use the other half, and I'll refine it while the iron is hot?" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"The other... the other half!" Long Tianxing was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that if the remaining natal fire in his body was also taken away, even if he didn't die, he would only be a waste in this life!

"Chen Dong, you bully people too much! Ah!" Long Tianxing stared at Chen Dong like a mad dog and shouted.

"It seems that we have ignored other people's feelings." The old man on the side said emphatically.

"If I don't want the big gift that came to my door, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing to others?" Chen Dong raised his mouth.


"It makes sense, it makes sense, the purpose of our sect is to give for nothing!"

"Pfft!" Long Tianxing spat out a mouthful of blood again, this time he was obviously angry by the pair of master and apprentice!
"Hmph, this person drove me to a desperate situation just now, master, what are you going to do with him?" Chen Dong looked at his master.

The old man's originally relaxed expression suddenly became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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