Special masters on campus

Chapter 589 1 Will Make You Fall In Love With Me

Chapter 589 Will Make You Fall In Love With Me

"Ah? No! How is it possible! Her clothes are not as good as yours...Look..." Chen Dong quickly reacted and explained, but when he saw the pink dress that Liu Yashu was wearing, there were all kinds of clothes on it. Even he stuttered when wearing cartoon-patterned pajamas.One is white lace and the other is girlish cartoon style, anyone can tell which one looks good.

"Hmph! The man really has every good thing! Seeing the sexy girls wearing less clothes, my eyes are straightened!" Liu Yashu looked in disbelief.

"My pajamas are really too rustic! No way! I can't let that Japanese girl compare! Isn't it just a little bit seductive? I can do it too!" Liu Yashu looked down at the pajamas on her body, thinking secretly.

"Oops! I was discovered! But I really don't want to, a man's eyes can be crooked if a lace suspender is tightly covered!" Chen Dong was full of bitterness.

"It's actually a misunderstanding..." Chen Dong explained palely.

"Okay! I'll know if you don't tell me! Don't worry! I will never lose to her!" Liu Yashu pouted.

"I will definitely not lose to her...you...what do you want to do...let's calm down..." Chen Dong had a bad premonition in his heart.

"I won't tell you now, but you will know later!" Liu Yashu said with a slightly red face. Of course, she would not tell Chen Dong that she also wanted to buy sexy pajamas.

"Okay." Chen Dong naturally didn't dare to say more after he had done something wrong.

"By the way, where have you been all day? It made me worry all night." Liu Yashu also took the initiative to change the subject, looking at Chen Dong with some wet eyes.

"I went out to do some things, didn't I come back now?" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched slightly.

"Is it the opponent you mentioned?" Liu Yashu asked with a panicked expression.

"En." Chen Dong nodded.

"Then are you injured?" Liu Yashu saw Chen Dong nodding his head, his face turned pale with fright, and he looked at Chen Dong quickly.

"Ya Shu, I may not be able to stay by your side in the future, you must take care of yourself..." Chen Dong said in a "weak" voice, covering his only son.

"No! I want you to stay by my side! Chen Dong, don't scare me! We'll go to the hospital right away, right now!" Liu Yashu burst into tears, and with a pale face, he dragged Chen Dong to the hospital.Now she is not some female school bully president, she is just a panicked little girl.She was too afraid of losing Chen Dong. These days, she had already regarded Chen Dong as her most important person.If she loses Chen Dong, she really doesn't know how to face her future life.

"Pfft!" But just when Liu Yashu was crying into tears, Chen Dong couldn't help laughing. "I didn't expect our beautiful president to be so flustered."

"You..." Liu Yashu was taken aback, and looked at Chen Dong with red eyes, "You scum, are you lying to me? You are not injured, right?"

"Do you want me to get hurt or not?" Chen Dong smiled softly.

"Damn scum, you lied to me! Let you lie to me again, let you lie to me again!" Liu Yashu immediately realized that Chen Dong teased her just now, and Chen Dong was not injured.She was so angry that she cried and patted Chen Dong's chest.

"Ah! Hit me again and I'll be really hurt." Chen Dongfan shouted.

"I'll hit you! Let you lie to me again! Let me worry again!" How could Liu Yashu let Chen Dong go so easily, he threw himself into Chen Dong's arms and slapped his hands non-stop.

Chen Dong smiled. Liu Yashu's slapping was not enough for him, but it warmed his heart and made him more determined to become stronger.

"Chen Dong! You must become stronger! There are too many people around you who need you to protect!" Chen Dong allowed Liu Yashu to slap continuously, and a firm gaze flashed in his eyes.

"Yashu, I'm sorry, I've made you worry and fear together these days." Chen Dong stretched out his strong arms and hugged Liu Yashu in his arms.

"You..." Liu Yashu felt as if he had been electrocuted all over, from the soles of his feet to his scalp numbness.At this moment, she was like a frightened deer, her eyes were wide open, her cheeks were flushed, just letting Chen Dong hold her tightly in his arms, motionless, even breathing Be careful.

"I promise, as long as I live in the future, I will love and protect you by your side." Chen Dong smiled softly.

Liu Yashu leaned against Chen Dong's arms, with his face on Chen Dong's chest.At this moment, she felt that this was the happiest and most reliable moment in her life.

"Really?" Liu Yashu asked in a low voice, feeling Chen Dong's beating heart.

"My heartbeat can prove it. As long as it is still beating, what I said will always count." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Then I want you to live forever! Never die!" Liu Yashu felt a little ashamed after saying this, and leaned his face tightly on Chen Dong's chest.Even she herself didn't believe that she could say such embarrassing words with her original personality.

"Always alive? Then I won't be an old monster? I've become an old monster and you still like me?" Chen Dong smiled.

"Then I'm an old weirdo, so I'll make do with you." Liu Yashu covered his mouth and smiled.

"Ya Shu, you know, some people have things that I can't do to hurt them, so..." Chen Dong was halfway through speaking, but Liu Yashu covered his mouth with his hand.

"I don't care how many girls like you, that's their right, I have no right to control it. This also shows that the boys I like are good enough. I don't know who your final decision is to choose. I will use my own Take action to compete fairly with them. But except for that Dongying woman, I always think she has a problem." Liu Yashu said while covering Chen Dong's mouth.

Chen Dong originally thought that Liu Yashu would have a fit and call himself a scumbag, but he didn't expect Liu Yashu to say that.

Chen Dong looked at Liu Yashu and nodded.Before he can make the final decision, he will keep the final boundary with these girls, which is the responsibility of those who are most worthy of his protection.

"Chen Dong wants to hug me like this again, I'm a little tired." Liu Yashu leaned into Chen Dong's arms again.

"Okay." Chen Dong nodded and hugged Liu Yashu.

In the dead of night.Neither of them spoke but hugged each other like this, feeling each other's breathing and heartbeat.Perhaps this moment is the moment they really deserve to cherish and what they most hope to protect.

It's just that neither of them noticed that a pair of eyes full of resentment and viciousness were looking at them on the second floor of the villa.

"Chen Dong, I will definitely make you fall in love with me..." Mieko Ozawa's fascinating eyes flashed coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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