Special masters on campus

Chapter 595 Let him go

Chapter 595 Let him go
"This!" Gao Shi stared, "That's right! If someone else wants to take away the target, they will implement the final jade broken plan to forcibly take the contents of the target's body."

"That is to say, it doesn't matter whether doing so will lead to the destruction of Tianhuo Xuanbing, and it doesn't care whether Liu Yashu is alive or not?" Chen Dong said in a cold voice.

"Rather than letting Tianhuo Xuanbing fall into the hands of others, it is better to give it a go. As for Liu Yashu, she is just an ordinary girl. In the eyes of cultivators, she is just a weak life. Her life or death is not important. "Gao Shi said.

When Liu Yashu outside the door heard these words, he felt his scalp shudder. It turned out that the male god senior whom he had always admired and admired was such a person.

"Her life or death doesn't matter?" Chen Dong's mouth curled up, and the glass in his hand melted instantly. At the same time, his body moved suddenly, and he came to Gao Shi's side in an instant.

"That alone is enough for me to kill you ten times!" But seeing Chen Dong's eyes were cold, he lifted Gao Shi, who was slumped on the ground, and slammed him against the wall!


"Pfft!" This Gao Shi himself was seriously injured by Chen Dong's abolished cultivation base, this time the impact almost made him pass out.But seeing him suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and his eyes were filled with incomparable horror.

"This... this is an order from the sect, I just follow it, please don't kill me! Yes! Don't kill me, no just... what I said just now, as long as I answer truthfully and satisfy you, you won't kill me Mine!" Gao Shi screamed in horror.

"It seems that you have indeed answered truthfully." Chen Dong smiled.

"Yes! I told everything I know, and I answered truthfully, without a single lie!" Gao Shi nodded frantically like a chicken eating rice. Now as long as he can survive, he doesn't care about his demeanor and dignity?

"It's a pity that your answer doesn't satisfy me!" Chen Dong raised the corner of his mouth, and a powerful force of pure yang gushed out from the right hand grabbing Gao Shi's neck!

"No! You can't kill me! I don't want to die!" Gao Shi has already felt that death is waving to him at this moment, and the huge fear in his heart has completely broken his whole spirit. At this moment, he is like a prey that is about to die Generally miserable screams.

"Chen Dong!" At this moment, a voice came from behind Chen Dong.

I saw the door of the villa opened and several figures walked into the villa. It was the four daughters of Liu Yashu who had been outside the door.Liu Yashu walked in the front with an extremely ugly expression.

"Ya Shu! Ya Shu! Help me! I am your senior Gao Shi! I don't want to die yet, please help me!" When he saw Liu Yashu walking in, Gao Shi seemed to have caught a life-saving tree Like straw, he screamed desperately.

But in Liu Yashu's eyes, this Gao Shi is no longer the nearly perfect male god senior, but more like a clown.

"Chen Dong let him go." Liu Yashu sighed and looked at Chen Dong and said.

"Are you sure? Haven't you seen this person clearly?" Chen Dong turned to look at Liu Yashu. In fact, Liu Yashu was completely kept in the dark about the recent events.Cultivators, Tianhuo Xuanbing, etc. had nothing to do with her, but now she has been involved in this vortex.

"Sister Yashu! Please! Please!" Gao Shi looked at Liu Yashu with a pitiful face, for fear that Liu Yashu would change his mind. Liu Yashu was his only hope to survive.

"I'm sure, let him go, I don't want to see him again." After all, Liu Yashu is just an ordinary girl. Even though she knew how hateful this Gao Shi was, she let her see him die in front of her eyes. She can't do it yet.

"Thank you! Thank you Yashu junior!" Gao Shi was so excited that he almost cried when he heard Liu Yashu say that, and he didn't know whether it was because he was happy or frightened.

"You don't have to thank me, please don't call me junior again in the future, and I don't want to see you again!" Liu Yashu turned sideways and stopped looking at Gao Shi.

"Understood! I will get out of Donghai City immediately and will never appear in front of your eyes again!" Gao Shi said hastily.

"Your luck is really good, get out!" Chen Dong let go of his hand with a smile, but saw Gao Shi sitting on the ground with a bang.

"You...you really don't want to kill me?" Gao Shi looked at Chen Dong tremblingly and said, as if he couldn't believe that Chen Dong could really let him go.

"If you want to die, of course I can give you a ride." Chen Dong looked at Gao Shi with cold eyes. In fact, this person is already a useless person. Without cultivation, he is just an ordinary person and does not pose any threat at all.As for Tai Yizong, even if Chen Dong kills Gao Shi, Tai Yizong will soon learn about it. In short, as long as he protects Liu Yashu, then he and Tai Yizong's Liangzi will be considered as knots.

"I'm going! I'm going to go!" But seeing Gao Shi scrambling and running towards the door of the villa in fright, he was afraid that if Chen Dong changed his mind, he would surely die!

"Sister Yashu, are you okay? I didn't expect senior Gao Shi to be such a person." Chu Shanshan quickly comforted Liu Yashu.

"I'm fine. At least after this incident, I let me know that my parents are still alive, and I will definitely find them." Liu Yashu clenched her fists and said, now she has too many doubts in her heart, which is a lot like Chen Dong similarities.

"Okay, the matter is over. At least for a period of time, it is safe." Chen Dong looked at the four girls and said.

"Chen Dong, what are we going to do next?" Situ Xiadan, who had been silent for a while, looked at Chen Dong and said.

"Xia Dan, take someone to deal with the scene first. After all, so many bodyguards died, you must go through the process. Sister Hong and Shanshan will not be in any danger for the time being, but everything still needs to be more careful. If there is any situation, let me know immediately." Chen Dong said.

"it is good!"


Sisters Situ Xiadan and Su Hong nodded and said.

The night was getting dark, and the lights in the Donghai Dijing Community were gradually extinguished, as if everything had never happened.

The entrance of Donghai Dijing Community.

The few security guards who were lying on the ground stood up one after another holding their heads.

"My head hurts!"

"In the end what happened?"

"I don't know, I feel like I don't know anything when my eyes are dark."

"We didn't run into ghosts, did we..."

Soon a siren sound broke the silence of the community, and a few police cars were seen driving into the community from a distance.

At the same time, on the top of a building not far from the community.

A distraught figure stood on the roof.

I saw that this person's clothes were covered in blood, and his hair and eyebrows seemed to have been burned.

"Aw!" But at this moment, a cry was heard, and a huge black shadow flew from the distant sky and landed on his arm.

"Chen Dong! I will let you know that if you don't kill me today, it will be the worst decision! I, Gao Shi, swear that I will take back everything I lost!"

"Oh!" But seeing Gao Shi raised his arm, the huge black shadow on his arm flew into the sky, and the direction of flying was exactly the direction of Tai Yizong.

(End of this chapter)

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