Chapter 602
"What! It's a cultivator again!" Situ Xiadan couldn't help but exclaimed. After the experiences she had with Chen Dong these few times, she already knew that there are actually some powerful cultivators in this world. .These cultivators are not something ordinary people can contend with. Once the missing serial girl case is related to cultivators, the case will be even more difficult to handle.

"Very likely. Could it be that there were no clues at the scene, no witnesses, and even the video surveillance footage couldn't find the murderer?" Chen Dong continued.

"That's right! So now the case has reached an impasse, and we don't have any clues now." Situ Xiadan replied.

"That's right. You've seen the strength of cultivators before. You can't stop them from taking ordinary people away." Chen Dong said.

"But why do these cultivators attack some ordinary girls? These girls are useless to them even if they don't threaten them." Situ Xiadan frowned.

"Do you think all cultivators are as handsome as me and full of positive energy? There are quite a few evil cultivators who can do anything for their cultivation. It's very common to write exercises like harvesting yin and replenishing yang." Chen Dong said with a sigh.

"What! Harvesting yin to nourish yang! Is there really such an evil technique?" Situ Xiadan obviously couldn't believe it. She had heard of the term "harvesting yin and nourishing yang" before, but most of them were in martial arts novels or TV dramas. She never thought that there would really be such evil skills in this world.

"Collecting yin and supplementing yang is very simple, in fact, I can do it too. Otherwise, let's try it, so you will believe it." Chen Dong said seriously.

"Let's try..." Situ Xiadan was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses, "Try you big-headed ghost! Even if you try, it's my sister who took your yang energy."

"It's okay, I don't have anything else, but my yang energy is useless." Outside the Donghai City Police Station, Chen Dong sat in the car with a phone in his hand and smiled slightly.

"Stop talking nonsense with my sister, can you solve the case after talking so much?" Situ Xiadan blushed, but his mouth was unyielding.

"Not yet, but if this kind of case happens, maybe I can find some clues." Chen Dong said, he knew that now was not the time to joke.

"It just happened that there was another case of a missing girl just now. It should be agreed with the murderer." Situ Xiadan said hastily. Now she has complete trust in Chen Dong. Chen Dong said that if he has a way, he must have a way.If she had no such ability, she would not have taken a fancy to this boy.

"Okay, then let's go to the place where the incident happened right away." Chen Dong said hastily.

"Where are you now?" Situ Xiadan asked.

"Didi!" The next moment, a car horn sounded from outside the police station compound.

"Okay, wait a moment and I'll get out with Captain Zhao to understand the situation." Situ Xiadan naturally understood that Chen Dong was outside the police compound at the moment.

"Bang!" At this moment, the criminal police brigade's office was originally quiet. Everyone was helpless because of these serial cases, and the sound of the door opening broke the silence of the office.

It was Situ Xiadan who pushed the door in.

"Captain Zhao, what was the time and place of the case that happened just now?" Situ Xiadan walked up to Captain Zhao and asked.

"At 8 o'clock in the evening, the location is near Tunghai University." Captain Zhao said.

"Okay! I'll go there right away." After saying that, Situ Xiadan turned around and was about to leave.

"Comrade Situ Xiadan, I just took a team of brothers over there, do you want to bring some people?" Captain Zhao asked quickly.

"No need, I have help." Situ Xiadan stopped and said.

"Helper? Comrade Situ Xiadan, do you have any clues?" Captain Zhao frowned and looked at Situ Xiadan.

And hearing what Situ Xiadan said, the other police officers in the office also looked at Situ Xiadan, wondering if Situ's deputy team had any clues?

"Not yet." Situ Xiadan replied.

"Then who is the helper you're talking about?" Captain Zhao continued to ask.

"It's Chen Dong." Situ Xiadan answered truthfully.

"Chen Dong?" Many police officers, including Captain Zhao, frowned.These police officers basically knew about Chen Dong and even more about the relationship between Chen Dong and Situ Xiadan.At such a critical moment, Situ Xiadan didn't devote his energy to solving the case, but went on a date with his boyfriend, which made people feel a little misunderstood.

"Chen Dong is indeed very strong, I admit it. But this time it's a serial kidnapping case, no matter how strong a student is, it's impossible for a student to understand criminal investigation and solve cases, right?"

"Wouldn't Deputy Situ just go to the scene as an excuse to date his boyfriend?"

"Can't you?"

For a while, there were all kinds of discussions in the already tense office.

"Ahem... Comrade Situ, I know that Mr. Chen Dong is indeed very powerful, and he has provided us with a lot of help in solving cases in the past. But he is still a college student after all. These thousands of cases But for the clueless serial kidnapping case, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to help. And you have to consider some impact, you see..." Captain Zhao kindly reminded.

"I know Captain Zhao, I understand what you mean, but please believe me, I went to see Chen Dong absolutely not for anything else, but to solve the case. I also believe that Chen Dong has this ability." Situ Xiadan turned He turned around and looked at Captain Zhao, then at the other police officers in the office and said.

"This..." The whole office fell silent for a while.

"Squeak!" At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open again, and a figure walked in.

"Deputy Director Cao." Captain Zhao saluted quickly when he saw this person.This person is a bit bloated and bald, and it is none other than Huang Yousheng's uncle, Deputy Director Cao.

"Hmm! Captain Zhao, I'm here to check on your investigation of the recent serial kidnappings in Donghai City. Do you have any clues? I'm under a lot of pressure from the higher ups now!" Deputy Cao said the chief.

"There is no clue yet." Captain Zhao replied truthfully, and the other police officers in the office also lowered their heads.

"No clues? But I heard from outside the door just now that Comrade Situ Xiadan said that he has clues?" At this time, Deputy Director Cao looked at Situ Xiadan with a smile on his face.

"Deputy director, I don't have any clues yet." Situ Xiadan said, she knew that since she rejected his nephew Huang Yousheng's courtship in front of the deputy director last time, he has been displeased with her.

"No clues? Then why are you going out in such a hurry? Now is the most critical time for our police station. You won't go on a date at this time, right?" Deputy Chief Cao looked at Situ Xiadan with a very serious expression.

It turned out that when Situ Xiadan said that he was going out to see Chen Dong just now, he happened to hear it outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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