Special masters on campus

Chapter 610 Meeting Ceremony

Chapter 610 Meeting Ceremony

All the policemen present were dumbfounded. They first looked at Situ Xiadan and then at Chen Dong.Although they didn't believe that Chen Dong, a college student, could solve the case, no one dared to question Situ Xiadan's words.

"Hey..." At this moment, there was a sound of sudden braking, and several police cars stopped.

A middle-aged man in a police uniform got out of one of the cars, followed by several policemen, including Deputy Chief Cao.

"Director Xiao is here!" This person is Xiao Deming, Director of the Donghai City Police Department.

Director Xiao came over with a serious face, looked at the crowd and asked, "What's going on?"

"Director Xiao, Deputy Team Situ said that this student is in charge of this case so that I can go back to the police station." The policemen present said quickly.

"Yes, Director Xiao, what is going on?"

Director Xiao looked at Situ Xiadan, "Comrade Situ Xiadan, is this the student Chen Dong?" Director Xiao looked at Chen Dong.

"Yes, Director Xiao." Situ Xiadan suddenly felt very embarrassed, a blush flashed across her face, she knew that Deputy Director Cao would definitely tell Uncle Xiao about her relationship with Chen Dong.

"Hi, classmate Chen Dong, my name is Xiao Deming." Director Xiao looked at Chen Dong and extended his hand.


Seeing Director Xiao's behavior, the faces of the policemen around him showed incredible expressions, and his own director even took the initiative to shake hands with a student.

"Could it be that what Vice Captain Situ said is still true?"

The surrounding policemen looked at each other in blank dismay, this sounds a bit too unbelievable.

"Hello, Director Xiao, I'm Chen Dong. I didn't expect us to meet so soon." Chen Dong stretched out his hand with a smile.

The two held hands together.This scene looks awkward no matter how you look at it. A director shakes hands with a student, but it seems that the director is more active.

"Hello, student Chen Dong!" Director Xiao smiled, but his hands were strong. It turned out that Director Xiao was born in the army in his early years and was a member of the special forces.He did this because he wanted to test Chen Dong's strength, and secondly, he wanted to give Chen Dong a blow. If Chen Dong didn't even have the ability to fight against him, he would naturally retreat.

"Hello, Director Xiao!" Unexpectedly, Chen Dong seemed to be more calmly smiled by Director Xiao. Of course, he felt the strength in Director Xiao's hands, and he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.An ordinary person with foreign skills, although he has some strength, is really too weak in front of a cultivator in the late stage of Qihai.

Not to mention that Chen Dong's use of zhenqi alone would not be able to withstand a hundred director Xiao, but he still had to convince this director Xiao.

But seeing Chen Dong stretch out his left hand to grab the ground with a smile, he grabbed a stone in his hand without anyone seeing it.

When Director Xiao saw that Chen Dong didn't cry out for pain or resisted, he smiled inwardly, and the strength in his hands increased again.

And the others seemed to have noticed something strange, and they all looked at Chen Dong with a disdainful smile.Despite the fact that Director Xiao is over 50 years old, all the police officers in the Donghai City Police Department know the strength in his hands. No one in the Donghai City Police Department dares to say that he surpasses Director Xiao.

"You said that a college student doesn't study well in school, what can he do to solve the case?"

"It is estimated that the child's hands will be swollen after being pinched!"

"Haha, it's good that no matter what kind of relationship he has, he can let his superiors give such instructions, and he should quit after a while."

The policemen began to discuss in low voices. In their eyes, Chen Dong was indeed a brat. From their point of view, even if the superior really issued such an order, it must be because of Chen Dong's special relationship.

But Chen Dong smiled, "Director Xiao, it's our first meeting, let me give you a present."

"Send a gift?" Director Xiao was obviously taken aback, and the policemen around him were also taken aback.

I saw Chen Dong stretching out his left hand, and in his left hand was the stone he just picked up from the ground.

"You gave me a stone?" Director Xiao frowned and looked at Chen Dong.

"That's right! I just picked it up from the ground, didn't you see it?" Chen Dong raised his mouth.

"Isn't this kid frightened by Director Xiao's majesty? He even picked up a stone as a gift for Director Xiao!"

"You still have the guts to solve the case, haha!"

"Ha ha!"

The surrounding policemen burst into laughter when they saw that Chen Dong had actually picked up a stone as a gift to Director Xiao.

"Damn scum! What kind of medicine did you buy? Why did you pick up a broken stone and give it to Uncle Xiao?" Situ Xiadan's face was flushed, and she hurriedly asked Chen Dong.

"This is a good gift. I believe Director Xiao will gain a lot after receiving it." Chen Dong still handed his hand to Director Xiao with a smile on his face.

"Hehe! Good! Since Chen Dong's kindness, I will accept it. I think it is not a breach of discipline to accept a stone as a gift." Director Xiao chuckled, and stretched out his left hand to take the stone from Chen Dong's hand.So far, Director Xiao basically believes that this college student named Chen Dong has no real skills, and he is getting more and more puzzled why his superiors let such a student take charge of such an important case.

"Hmph! Is he just an ordinary student? I really don't know what the higher-ups are thinking and entrusting such an important case to a student! It's ridiculous!" Deputy Director Cao also said with a look of disdain .

"Absurd? Are you talking about me?" Just then a deep voice came from the fast food restaurant behind.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw a group of people walking out of the fast food restaurant where the incident was isolated and sealed off.The leader was a middle-aged man in a gray tunic, and behind him were four special forces in camouflage uniforms, and behind him were four or five middle-aged men in suits.Obviously, the middle-aged man in the Chinese tunic suit headed by him has a high status, and the people behind him are all his subordinates.And the sentence just now was said by this middle-aged man.

"Mayor Shen!" At this moment, someone with sharp eyes saw that one of the people following the middle-aged man was the mayor of Donghai City, Mayor Shen!The others are also the main leaders of Donghai City.In other words, the leadership team of Donghai City is basically all here!

"It's really Mayor Shen!"

"Mayor Shen is following this person, so what is the identity of this person!"

For a while, the surroundings suddenly became quiet. If a leader at the level of the mayor of Donghai City can follow behind, then this middle-aged man is at least a provincial leader!
"Xiao Dong, you're here." At this moment, the middle-aged man in a tunic suit walked up to Chen Dong and said to Chen Dong kindly.

(End of this chapter)

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