Special masters on campus

Chapter 613 Do You Believe Now

Chapter 613 Do You Believe Now

"Chen Dong!" Situ Xiadan who was standing in the distance suddenly exclaimed, because she clearly saw the ground around Chen Dong start to crack!
"Crack! Crack!" Xu Jicheng is a body refiner whose strength is comparable to that of Qi Hai's late stage. Before this punch hit Chen Dong, the explosive force had already shaken him and Chen Dong to see cracks in the concrete floor!

"Relying on the power of the physical body alone can have such power, it seems that body refiners can't be underestimated!" Chen Dong still stood at the same place. If he fights for strength alone, he is definitely not Xu Chengcheng's opponent, but Chen Dong is a cultivator. He is still a Qi Sea late stage cultivator with three Qi Seas!
"Uncle Xu, be careful!" But when Xu Chengcheng's fist came to Chen Dong with explosive force, Chen Dong moved!

But seeing Chen Dong suddenly raised his left hand, a dazzling golden light erupted from his palm, and this golden light quickly formed five protective qi in Chen Dong's body!
"Nine Suns Protector!"

"Boom!" Almost at the same time, Xu Chenggong's fist hit Chen Dong's protective qi!

"Hum!" The first body shield zhenqi lasted for three seconds and then shattered!

But even these three seconds have already caused a huge wave in Xu Jicheng's heart!You must know that I used almost all my strength for this punch!And when a cultivator of the same realm is fighting a body refiner, if the body refiner gets close, it will be difficult to defend against the body refiner's melee attack!But Chen Dong didn't move and blocked him for three seconds with just a burst of protective qi.These three seconds are enough for a cultivator to launch a counterattack!


But before he had time to think about it, Xu Chengji's fist had already hit the second layer of protective qi outside Chen Dong's body, and was still ten centimeters away from Chen Dong's body.

"This!" At this moment, Xu Chengcheng's face changed suddenly, he felt that his punch was directly on King Kong, and the power on the fist was basically taken away!
"Om!" Chen Dong's second protective qi shattered like a transparent mirror, but Xu Chenggong's fist couldn't stay outside the third protective zhenqi in the first few steps!
"Crack, click!" The concrete floor under Xu Jicheng's feet was completely cracked, this is because the power of the punch just now was completely blocked by Chen Dongsheng!

"Uncle Xu, do you believe it now?" Chen Dong looked at Xu Chengcheng and smiled.

At this time, Xu Chengji was still completely in shock. He knew before that Chen Dong was a talented junior, but he never expected that Chen Dong would have such a breakthrough in such a short period of time!He used nine points of strength for that punch just now, and he is confident that even if he faces Li Jianye, Li Jianye will never dare to resist his punch.But now the facts were in front of him, Chen Dong blocked his attack with his body protection and true energy without moving!
"Chief!" At this moment, the four guards who walked away hurriedly came to Xu Chengcheng.

"I'm fine." Xu Jicheng waved back.

"Chen Dong! Chen Dong, are you alright!" Situ Xiadan also ran over, the terrifying scene of the ground cracking just now made her heart beat in her throat.

"Don't worry about it." Chen Dong nodded to Situ Xiadan.

"Uncle Xu, please don't worry, I have to face this matter, this Li Jianye must get rid of, otherwise this time it is your daughter, next time it will be other innocent ordinary people." Chen Dong looked at Xu Jiji and said arrive.

"Okay! Chen Dong, you really are not someone in the pool! Your strength already speaks for itself, and Jiaying will leave it to you." Xu Chengji nodded. The punch just now made him understand that the strength of the young man in front of him was already gone. surpassed himself.

"Uncle Xu, don't worry." Chen Dong nodded.

"Xia Dan, you just stay and wait for my news with Uncle Xu." Chen Dong said to Situ Xia Dan.

"But Li Jianye..." Situ Xiadan was still worried about Li Jianye's strength.

"Don't worry, I still don't want to die. The previous request was not substantive. This time my request is more direct." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Order directly?" Situ Xiadan was taken aback.

"That's right, you have to be mentally prepared." Chen Dong turned around and got into the car with a twitch of his mouth.

"Buzz!" The white Maserati disappeared into the night in Donghai City.

Situ Xiadan looked at the direction Chen Dong was leaving with a complicated look on her face. Now she was worried about Chen Dong and had some small expectations about what kind of direct requests Chen Dong would make to herself when he came back.

"Girl, do you like Chen Dong?" Xu Chengji said with a smile.

"Like... what? He's kind of good enough to make me like him?" Situ Xiadan replied subconsciously, and then reacted abruptly and stretched out his hand to cover his mouth.

"Hehe... I'm someone who has experienced it. Chen Dong is indeed a very good kid, and it's normal for girls to like him. It's just that you may not know that Chen Dong's future achievements will be very high. He is different from ordinary people." Xu Jicheng Speaking meaningfully.

"Different from ordinary people, Minister Xu, are you saying that he is a cultivator?" Situ Xiadan said.

"It's not just a cultivator. There are many cultivators in this world, but Chen Dong is obviously different from them. I have a feeling that he will do something earth-shattering in the future." Xu Chengji said.

"As long as he's not dead, it doesn't matter what he does?" Situ Xiadan smiled.

"It's not that there are people who can kill Chen Dong now, but even if there is, we won't know." Xu Chengji nodded. He knew that it is absolutely impossible for Li Jianye to kill Chen Dong unless there is a golden core in Donghai City. However, even if a strong person in the golden core stage appeared in Donghai City, he would not be able to find it with his strength.

And at the same time that Chen Dong went to Tenglong Building alone.

In the urban area of ​​Donghai City, on the road leading to the Donghai City Police Station, more than a dozen police cars formed a convoy. It is rare for the entire Donghai City Police Station to be mobilized.

In the middle of a police car, the Donghai Police Chief Xiao Deming sat in the back seat.

At this moment, I saw that Xiao De's face was ugly and he didn't say a word. It was really embarrassing for him today.It's fine if they don't let the Donghai City Police Department hand over such a big case to a college student, but they even asked them to evacuate all the policemen, saying it was for their own good.

He couldn't figure it out, he really couldn't figure out why Minister Xu would trust a college student so firmly?Could it be that the capabilities of their Donghai City Police Department are so poor?

At this time Xiao Deming seemed to think of something, and raised his left hand.I saw that his left hand was still tightly clenched. He felt extremely aggrieved just now, but in front of Minister Xu and several main leaders of the city, he could only hold his hands tightly and swallow his breath.

"You even gave me a stone as a gift, it's as ridiculous as Deputy Director Cao said!" Xiao Deming shook his head, the more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, and even felt a little funny.

And just when he let go of his left hand and was about to throw away the "meeting gift" that Chen Dong gave him, his expression suddenly changed!
"What! This! This!"

(End of this chapter)

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