Special masters on campus

Chapter 624 Media Focus

Chapter 624 Media Focus
With the appearance of these girls, the crowd of onlookers suddenly became a sensation, because these girls were the girls who disappeared in Donghai City these days.



Several girls who had been missing for several days were finally reunited with their parents.

"Thank you to the police comrades for saving our daughter!" These parents said to the police officers who escorted the girls out.

"Yes! Thank you, Comrade Police!"


"Comrade police, please tell us about your process of rescuing the hostages."

The flashing lights kept flashing, and all the surrounding media reporters rushed over. The law and order in Donghai City these years has been pretty good, and such a big case rarely happened.In addition, what happened tonight caused such a big commotion, and most of Donghai City were paying attention to this incident, so no media wanted to miss such a big sensational news.

"Everyone misunderstood, we didn't rescue them, we were just responsible for escorting them out." A policeman said hastily.

"Isn't it the hostage rescued by your police?" The originally noisy scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone was taken aback.

"Xiao Wang, what's going on?" Situ Xiadan hurriedly asked the policeman.

"Deputy team, the whole building is blocked. Even Director Xiao and Deputy Director Cao cannot enter. We are only responsible for escorting the hostages out. We don't know who rescued them." The policeman told Situ Xia Dan said.

"It was a boy who saved us!"

"Yes, and they should be students like us!"

At this time, the girls who were rescued quickly said that they naturally didn't know Chen Dong, they only knew that Chen Dong looked about the same age as them.

"Hey!" At this moment, two police cars drove over from the direction of Tenglong Building.

The police car stopped and two middle-aged men stepped out from the first car. They were Director Xiao and Deputy Director Cao of the police station.

"Hi, Director Xiao, I'm a reporter from Donghai City TV Station. The kidnapped hostages have been rescued, but we learned that it was not the police but someone else who rescued the hostages. Can you explain the specific situation?"

"Director Xiao, please explain the specific situation..."

As soon as Xiao Deming appeared, he was immediately surrounded by a large group of media reporters. Now this news is too sensational.Such a serious case is very important in itself, and now that the hostages have been rescued, and the rescuer is a student, the news is even more valuable.

"Okay, now I will explain the situation to friends from the media." Xiao Deming, as the chief of the Donghai City Police Department, is naturally very skilled in dealing with the media.

"I announce that the large serial kidnapping case in Donghai City has been solved, and all the kidnapped hostages have been rescued safely. We are currently doing our best to track down the whereabouts of the murderer. It is true that it was not our Donghai City Police Department who rescued the hostages. It was a Donghai University student who rescued the hostages." College Students."

At the same time, this scene was broadcast on the wall-mounted TVs in various cafeterias of Tunghai University.

"It was our Tunghai University students who rescued these hostages!"

"I'll go! Who is so awesome!"

"It's too fierce, only one person can rescue so many hostages!"

"The police station failed to solve the case for so many days before, but I didn't expect it to be solved by the students of our school!"

Soon the entire Tunghai University was sensationalized by this news, and even the leaders of the school knew about it.

At this moment, not only Donghai University, but the entire Donghai City are paying attention to this sensational event.

"Excuse me, Director Xiao, can you reveal the identity of this college student?"

"I'm sorry, this is personal privacy. It's inconvenient for me to disclose it without the permission of this classmate." Director Xiao said, knowing that he is still in shock now, he never thought that Chen Dong could do it on his own. The hostages were rescued with all their strength, and everyone was unharmed!

Looking at the deputy director Cao who kept his head down, he was frightened. Today's incident is too big, and he has never experienced it before.The whole building was shaking, and the ground was shaking. Even if he was killed, he would not go in to save others. The murderer was indeed too vicious.But what he didn't expect was that Chen Dong actually rescued him. Now what he said to humiliate Situ Xiadan and ridicule Chen Dong before were all slaps in his face. How could he have the face to speak.

"How is Director Xiao, Chen Dong?" Situ Xiadan quickly pulled Xiao Deming aside and asked.

"Minister Xu said that after Chen Dong sent the hostages out, he entered the building again, and he hasn't come out until now." Xiao Deming said.

"What entered the building again and hasn't come out yet!" Liu Yashu's face suddenly turned pale.

At this moment, the door of another police car also opened, and Xu Jiaying came out with the support of two members of the Dragon Slaying Squad. Leng Feng and others got out of the car with her.

"Xu Jiaying!" Seeing that Xu Jiaying suddenly became nervous, Liu Yashu ran over.

"Student Xu Jiaying, where is Chen Dong? Why didn't Chen Dong come out with you?" Liu Yashu asked quickly, and Situ Xiadan hurriedly followed behind.

"Chen Dong hasn't come out yet, so I don't know if something will happen." Xu Jiaying said with red eyes.

"This..." Situ Xiadan and Liu Yashu's faces turned ugly when they heard Xu Jiaying say that.

"Don't worry, Chen Dong won't die." Leng Feng, who had been silent all this time, said indifferently, "If he's not sure, he won't do this thing."

"The murderer is Li Jianye, you should know how terrible Li Jianye is!" Situ Xiadan said.

"Li Jianye is indeed very strong, but since Chen Dong dares to come, he will be 100% sure that I will connect with my buddy." Leng Feng smiled.

"Now broadcast the latest news that this station has received. The college student who heroically rescued several hostages is still in the Tenglong Building. So far, his life and death are unknown..."

"A person who did not want to be named revealed that the college student who saved the life was named Chen Dong..."

At this time, the news about Chen Dong had spread overwhelmingly. There was no impenetrable wall. The news about a Donghai University student named Chen Dong bravely rescued the hostages and cracked this important case spread like wildfire.

"Buzz!" At this moment, there was another sound of an engine coming from the direction of Tenglong Building, and a white car was driving towards the crowd.

Everyone around became quiet for a while, because the vicinity of the Tenglong Building had been blocked and all personnel had been evacuated. Even if there was a car driving out of it, it should be a police car, but these two white cars are obviously not police cars.

"Hey!" The white Maserati, who was staring at everyone, stopped slowly.

"Crack!" The car window opened, revealing a smiling face.

(End of this chapter)

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