Chapter 627
"Chen Dong!" Seeing Chen Dong vomit blood suddenly, Liu Yashu yelled and ran over to support Chen Dong.

"How are you, Chen Dong! Don't scare me!" Liu Yashu's face was full of panic. Originally, she had been thinking about the mysterious agreement between Chen Dong and Situ Xiadan along the way, but how could she still have that thought now?
"It's okay, I got a little injury." Chen Dong looked at Liu Yashu with a pale face and smiled. The golden core that had just condensed in his dantian was cracked by the palm of the mysterious man in black before. What kind of injury is this?If he can't suppress his injuries, Chen Dongxiu's fall is a trivial matter, and he may die!

Chen Dong had been suppressing his injuries before so as not to cause panic, but the strength of the black-robed man was far greater than Chen Dong's, and now he was finally out of control!

At this moment, the cracks on Chen Dong's golden core are getting bigger and bigger, and the cracks are opening faster and faster, to the point where there is no way to control it!If Chen Dong's golden core is broken, the result of waiting for Chen Dong is to explode and die!

"Chen Dong lied to me! What's wrong with you!" Liu Yashu was not stupid but rather smart. At this moment, Chen Dong's face was pale and the blood on his mouth could not be a minor injury.And if it was really a minor injury, based on Liu Yashu's understanding of Chen Dong, it is absolutely impossible for him to vomit blood in front of her. The only possibility is that Chen Dong's injury has reached an extremely serious level!
"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you...cough cough!" Chen Dong smiled, but coughed violently again.

"Chen Dong, what's wrong with you..." Liu Yashu's face was lost at this moment, seeing Chen Dong vomiting blood felt as painful as her own heart was bleeding, this feeling was something she had never felt before.

"Maybe this time I'm really going to die, you have to take good care of yourself." Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"Chen Dong, don't scare me, okay, let's go to the hospital now!" Liu Yashu's tears fell down, and he was pulling Chen Dong to go to the hospital.

"It's useless, my injury can't be cured by the hospital." Chen Dong held Liu Yashu, his golden core was broken, if the hospital could see the golden core in Chen Dong's body, then he wouldn't be a cultivator.

"Then what to do! Then what to do, tell me what I'm going to do!" Liu Yashu looked at Chen Dong tearfully, she was afraid that Chen Dong would really leave her forever, even if Chen Dong didn't want her and didn't like her. I don't want Chen Dong to die either!She just wanted Chen Dong to live well.

"Help me up to the third floor. I want to heal my injuries. It's not so easy for me to die!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold. How could he be willing to die like this?Even if he died, he still had to figure out who the man in black robe who killed him was, and what purpose he had!
"Okay!" Liu Yashu wiped away tears and quickly supported Chen Dong's shoulders. At this moment, his thin body exploded with great strength and helped Chen Dong up.

Since Chen Dong had to suppress the injury with all his strength at the moment, he didn't even have the strength to walk, so the weight of his whole body was almost completely on Liu Yashu's weak body.But Liu Yashu gritted his teeth and didn't say a word, he insisted on helping Chen Dong to the second floor.

"Chen Dong, you guys are back, Yashu." At this moment, Zhang Yaxi's door opened, and Zhang Yaxi came out of the room wearing a white silk pajamas.

"Chen Dong, what's wrong with you!" Zhang Yaxi's face changed suddenly when she saw Chen Dong's current state, and she hurried over to help.

"It's nothing serious, just spit out a few mouthfuls of blood." Chen Dong chuckled, as a man, he didn't want everyone to worry about him.

"Ya Shu, what's going on with Chen Dong? Talk to me!" Zhang Yaxi looked at Liu Yashu quickly.

"He...he was hurt..." Liu Yashu couldn't control his tears again.

"Injured!" Zhang Yaxi's face also turned pale.

"Ahem...if you two beauties don't help me up the stairs, I'm really going to die..." Chen Dong said with a weak face, but unlike before, he didn't pretend this time.It can be said that the mysterious man in black robe is the most powerful opponent he has encountered so far, bar none!

"Come up quickly!" The two girls didn't dare to delay. They were really frightened by Chen Dong's appearance. The two girls who usually looked weak actually helped Chen Dong, a strong man, up to the third floor.

"Squeak!" Chen Dong pushed open the door on the third floor, and the second daughter beside him was about to help Chen Dong in.

"You can't go in." Chen Dong said.

"Why? How did you get in when you were so injured?" Liu Yashu and Zhang Yaxi said hastily.

"You are not cultivators who will die if you go in hastily. I will never make fun of this kind of thing." Although Chen Dong's face was pale, his expression was extremely serious.

"Husband...Chen Dong!" At this moment, a voice came from the room. It turned out that Feng Bingbing felt that something was wrong when he heard the voice outside, and hurried out of the room.

"Feng Bingbing!"

"Why are you in there!"

The two girls, Liu Yashu and Zhang Yaxi, saw Feng Bingbing coming out of the room and exclaimed almost at the same time. The two of them stayed in the villa for so long and never knew that there was another person in the room on the third floor, and it was Feng Bingbing!
"Now is not the time to talk about this. How are you, Chen Dong?" After all, Feng Bingbing was born as a female killer, and at this time she was obviously calmer than Liu Yashu and Zhang Yaxi.

"You..." Liu Yashu gulped down the words, she knew Feng Bingbing was right, and what was important now was Chen Dong.

"I will explain this matter to you in the future, and Bingbing helped me go in to heal my injuries." Chen Dong had thought about how Feng Bingbing met several other girls countless times, but he did not expect to meet like this. It is also difficult to explain clearly if you are not dead.

"Okay!" Feng Bingbing quickly helped Chen Dong into the room.

Liu Yashu and Zhang Yaxi followed closely behind and were about to enter the room.

"If you don't want to die, wait outside." Feng Bingbing said in a cold voice, closing the door behind him.

"You! Why can you go in! Why can't I go in!" Liu Yashu pouted. She was really anxious, but she pushed the door a few times and found that she couldn't push it at all.

"Feng Bingbing should be a cultivator!" Zhang Yaxi said hastily as if she had thought of something.

"What! Feng Bingbing is a cultivator!" Liu Yashu's eyes were wide open, with a look of surprise on his face.

"You think that Feng Bingbing has been missing before, and now he appears in the room on the third floor. And what Chen Dong said just now, if he is not a cultivator, he will die if he enters, so I think Feng Bingbing is very likely to be a cultivator." Zhang Ya Xi said.

"Hmph! Who knows if Chen Dong is lying to us." Liu Yashu pouted.

"Okay, now we can only wait here, everything will be clear when Chen Dong's injury heals, I hope Chen Dong will be fine."

"As long as he can survive, even if he is really a treasure, I..." Although Liu Yashu said this, she still felt uncomfortable.

And at this time in the room.Feng Bingbing helped Chen Dong to come to Xuanbing's coffin.

"Pfft!" Chen Dong finally couldn't control his mouthful of blood again. At this moment, he only felt that his dantian was about to explode, and the cracks on the golden core were densely packed, and the golden core might shatter and explode at any time!

(End of this chapter)

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