Special masters on campus

Chapter 640 Please give me a hug

Chapter 640 Give me a hug
"Hum!" The police car brushed past a van in front and nearly rear-ended it.

It turned out that Situ Xiadan was so dazed just now that he didn't see the van in front of him was about to turn and almost ran into it.If this hit directly, the car and people would probably be useless.

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous!" Situ Xiadan let out a long breath, and his whole body was still in the state of shock just now.It was only a little bit short just now, if it wasn't for Chen Dong, even if he turned around, he would have bumped into it directly.

"I'm going! I'm going to be scared to death by you." Chen Dong also heaved a sigh of relief, even if he was not afraid of crashing, it would definitely be dangerous if he bumped into Situ Xiadan, and he would blame himself for the rest of his life.

However, neither of them noticed their posture at this time.

I saw that Chen Dong's two hands completely grasped Situ Xiadan's hands on the steering wheel.And Situ Xiadan leaned against Chen Dong because of being too nervous just now.

The protagonist Situ Xiadan's own hands are tightly held by Chen Dong's two powerful big hands. She can feel the strength and warmth in Chen Dong's hands. With such a pair of big hands, everything becomes very safe.It made her feel like a little girl was being protected by a boy.

"Are you feeling unwell, or should we just drive to the police station and I'll heal you?" Chen Dong looked at Situ Xiadan and said, these days because of Li Jianye's serial kidnapping case, Situ Xiadan did work overtime continuously for a long time.No matter how tough she is, she is still a girl after all, especially in the past few days when her relatives are even more uncomfortable.It's just that Situ Xiadan is a strong girl and she didn't tell anyone about these things.

"You...how did you know?" Situ Xiadan blushed slightly, and his ears were burning hot.

"You forgot that I know medicine." Chen Dong smiled.

"Healing? Don't you want to take advantage of your sister again?" Situ Xiadan finally came back to his senses after a short period of panic.

"Hey! Why did you turn your back on you woman so quickly? I saved you just now!" Chen Dong blushed when his true thoughts were revealed.

"It's all because of you! Take your claws away now!" Situ Xiadan gave Chen Dong a white look.

"Ahem... I'm not tired if you don't need it, let me drive it. You are not in good shape now, and it will be bad if there is another accident." Chen Dongfei didn't take his hand away but clenched it even tighter. Situ Xiadan wanted to hold it. I can't even pull my hand out.

"Chen Dong, you are a hooligan!" Situ Xiadan was holding both hands by Chen Dong and wanted to hit Chen Dong, but he couldn't do it, and he couldn't get out, so his face turned red all of a sudden.

"Haven't you heard of it? All love starts with hooliganism." Chen Dong smiled and turned a corner while holding Situ Xiadan's hand.

"You!" Situ Xiadan was rendered speechless by Chen Dong's shameless words.

"Hey!" At that moment, the car stopped at the gate of the compound of Donghai City Police Station.

"Okay, let's get to the place. You have a lot of acquaintances here, so don't mess around with me. It doesn't matter if people see me, you will be gossiped." Chen Dong said while shaking Situ Xiadan's hand.

"Hmph! Do you think there are not enough gossips now!" Situ Xiadan gave Chen Dong a white look.

"Who! Who dares to gossip! So sensible! So down-to-earth?" Chen Dong said with a serious face.

"You! Damn scum, let me go quickly, if someone sees you, I can't spare you!" At this time, the electric gate at the door has slowly opened. If two people drive into the compound in such a posture, the guards will definitely see the car two people inside.That's why Situ Xiadan was in a hurry.

"It's okay to let go, but you promise not to retaliate against me!" Chen Dong said.

"Okay, I promise you!" At this time, Situ Xiadan saw that the floodgate had been fully opened and said quickly.

"The people's police mean what they say!" Chen Dong twitched his lips and let go.

At this moment, the guard outside saluted the car and said, "Hello, Deputy Captain Situ."

"Okay, okay..." Situ Xiadan started the car with a sullen face, and the car slowly drove into the courtyard.

"Huh..." Situ Xiadan let out a mouthful, and patted his chest with his hands, "Fortunately I didn't see it."

"Didn't see anything?" Chen Dongrao said with interest.

"Look at you big-headed ghost, get out of the car quickly! Director Xiao wants to see you!" Situ Xia Dan rolled his eyes at Chen Dong and got out of the car first.

Chen Dong got out of the car with a smile.

"Director Xiao wanted to see me, but he had to ask you to invite me in person. It seems that he also knows about our relationship." Chen Dong looked at Situ Xiadan and said.

"What's the relationship between us? Chen Dong, let me tell you that if you dare to say nonsense in front of Uncle Xiao, I will definitely not spare you!" Situ Xiadan stared at Chen Dong.

"Understood, I'm sure I'm not talking nonsense, I'll answer truthfully!" Chen Dong smiled.

"Hmph! It's not too bad. Come in with me!" Situ Xiadan pouted and walked towards the main entrance of the police station building.

"Hello, Deputy Captain Situ!" As soon as he entered the gate, two young policemen came out of the building and stopped to say hello to Situ Xiadan.

"Hello." Situ Xiadan nodded.

"Hello, brother-in-law!" However, the two little policemen did not continue to move forward, but also greeted Chen Dong who was following behind Situ Xiadan.

"This!" Situ Xiadan, who was walking in front, stopped suddenly after his expression changed.

"Okay! Hello!" Chen Dong replied immediately.

"What brother-in-law! Let me hear you talk nonsense and punish you for half a year of overtime work!" Situ Xiadan suddenly turned around and stared at the two little policemen.

"Ah! That's right!" The two little policemen were so frightened that they didn't dare to stand still and run away quickly.

"Look at you, why are you so fierce? You are so sensible!" Chen Dong said with a face of complaint.

"You're talking nonsense, don't say that I'm not polite to you!" Situ Xiadan clasped his hands in front of him, and Ao Ran in front of him also heaved and fell because of anger.

"Okay! I won't say it, I won't say it. In fact, your angry lion's roar skill is quite beautiful." Chen Dong swallowed unconsciously with his eyes straightened.

"You still say!" Situ Xiadan stretched out his hand and was about to hit Chen Dong.

"Hello, Lieutenant Situ, hello brother-in-law." At this moment, a few more policemen came down the stairs. Chen Dong had the impression that they were all members of the criminal police team. These policemen knew Chen Dong after going through these few cases. , the relationship between Chen Dong and Situ Xiadan is also very clear.

"Hey! Hello!" Chen Dong agreed almost reflexively.

"What's so good! They're all going on missions!" Situ Xiadan roared.

"Let's go! Don't let the quarrel between the couple spread to us, it's not good if you splash blood!"

"Let's go!"

These police officers from the criminal police brigade hurried away in fright.

"Slow down, slow down!" Chen Dong waved to them very politely.

Situ Xiadan on the side stared at Chen Dong with squinted eyes, heaving violently in front of him.

"No, after the last serial kidnapping case, the whole police station spread the word. Everyone thinks that I am with this scum... No, we have to find a way, otherwise everyone will misunderstand me when they see me walking with him. of!"

"Ahem, I just found out today that your policemen are so sensible! Hey, why are you staring at me like this?" Chen Dong's smile froze, because he found that Situ Xiadan was looking at you with a murderous look. look at yourself.

"What are you doing, I want you to give me a hug." Situ Xiadan suddenly smiled charmingly at Chen Dong, the smile was so coquettish.

(End of this chapter)

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