Special masters on campus

Chapter 642 Special Counsel

Chapter 642 Special Counsel
Donghai City Police Department.

Chen Dong and Situ Xiadan, a pair of enemies, came to the third floor of the police station under the strange eyes of everyone.

"Stop!" Situ Xiadan called Chen Dong to stop at the door of a room.

This time, Chen Dong was cooperative and stopped.

"This is about to meet the rightful owner, so untie me in advance?" Chen Dong smiled.

"Huh! Even if you are a little smart, I tell you that if you dare to talk nonsense when you meet Uncle Xiao, I will turn against you!" Situ Xiadan pointed at Chen Dong and then untied Chen Dong's injured handcuffs.

"Don't worry!" Chen Dong smiled.

"Hmph! I'm sorry you don't dare!" Situ Xiadan pouted, then walked to the door.

In the room at the moment.

What is going on is the backbone meeting of the Donghai City Police Department, and the backbone of the Donghai City Police Department are all sitting in the conference room at this time.And a meeting like this was just held a few days ago, but compared with the tense atmosphere of the last meeting, the atmosphere this time is obviously much more relaxed.

Although the Donghai City Police Department did not receive any special awards after the last case was solved, they did not receive any punishment at all.And the reason for this is all because of Chen Dong.Without Chen Dong's sudden appearance, the chances of the Donghai City Police Department cracking the case would be almost zero. If so, many people would be punished.

So although everyone was not happy, they were all relieved.Of course, not everyone is like this. The only person in the conference room who is frowning and looks sad is Deputy Director Cao.

It turned out that Deputy Director Cao criticized Situ Xiadan for dating privately during the major case, but Chen Dong and Situ Xiadan teamed up to solve this major case.Because of this incident, the little prestige he had in the police station disappeared.And now Director Xiao actually wants to invite Chen Dong to come to the police station. Do you think he can be happy?
"Bang bang!" At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

"Please come in." Xiao Deming, who was sitting at the head seat of the conference table, said.

"Squeak!" The door opened, and Situ Xiadan walked in.

"Director Xiao, I have already brought Chen Dong." Situ Xiadan looked at Xiao Deming and said.

"Then please invite classmate Chen Dong in." Director Xiao stood up and said.

"Oh." Situ Xiadan snorted. Xiao Deming's attitude towards Chen Dong had taken a 180-degree turn since the last case was over.

"Come in, I invite you." Situ Xiadan said to the door.

At this time, Chen Dong walked into the conference room from the outside.

"Wow, wow!" At this time, all the backbone of the police station in the conference room stood up and applauded.

"Uh...thank you, thank you!" Chen Dong was taken aback for a moment and then nodded naturally.

Xiao Deming waved his hands and applauded everyone before stopping.

A group of key police officers from the police station stood up and applauded a college student. This would be big news if it got out.

"Welcome, classmate Chen Dong, please sit down." Xiao Deming looked at Chen Dong and pointed to the empty seat on his left.Ask Chen Dong to sit on his left, which is the same position as Deputy Director Cao.Then look at Deputy Director Cao who kept his face black and didn't say a word. Now that he is on an equal footing with a student like Chen Dong, what face does he have to speak?

"Director Xiao is being polite." Chen Dong said very modestly.

"Student Chen Dong, thank you for your help to our Donghai Police Department in many major cases, especially in this serial kidnapping case thanks to your help. On behalf of the Donghai Police Department, I would like to express my gratitude to you." Director Xiao A salute came to Chen Dong.

"This is what I should do." Chen Dong smiled.

"Student Chen Dong invited you here today for several reasons. One is to express my gratitude to you, and the other is to fulfill my previous promise." Director Xiao took out a bank card.

"This is the 50 yuan bonus I promised you earlier, please accept it." The famous Xiao De passed the bank statement in his hand to Chen Dong.

"Director Xiao, you know that I don't do these things for money. But I will indeed use the money where it should be used." Chen Dong smiled and took the bank card instead of refusing.

"Hehe, that's that." Xiao Deming smiled and nodded.

"Hmph! Hypocrisy. You took it not for the money." Situ Xiadan, who was sitting at the side of the conference table, had a look of contempt.

"The third thing is a request from me." Xiao Deming looked at Chen Dong and said.

"Director Xiao, you are really out of touch. Not to mention that I am a friend of Police Officer Situ Xiadan, but also that it is my duty as a citizen to help the people's police solve the case. If there is anything I, Chen Dong, can help, please just tell us. They are all our own people." Chen Dong said with a smile.


"It's our own!"

Many of the policemen present here knew about the relationship between Chen Dong and Situ Xiadan, and when they heard what Chen Dong said, they began to discuss in a low voice.Many people looked at Situ Xiadan, and Situ Xiadan's face turned red and blue.

"Chen Dong, you dead scum, are you looking for death?" Situ Xiadan's eyes lit up and she just waited for Chen Dong, but she couldn't say anything in front of so many people, especially in front of Xiao Deming, she just stared at him. Chen Dong was laughing.

"Hey..." Seeing Situ Xiadan smiling and staring at him, Chen Dong also smiled at Situ Xiadan.

"Damn scum, what are you laughing at! Don't you know what I mean by glaring at you?" Seeing that Chen Dong was also laughing at him, Situ Xiadan almost flipped the table.

"Hehe, since that's the case, I'll just say it straight." Xiao Deming looked at Chen Dong and Situ Xiadan who were laughing at each other and nodded with a smile.

"Student Chen Dong, on behalf of the Donghai Police Department, I hired you as the special advisor of the Donghai Police Department." Xiao Deming stood up again and said solemnly to Chen Dong.


"Hire Chen Dong as a special advisor!"

There was a burst of exclamation in the entire meeting room.

It's not that the Donghai City Police Department has hired special consultants, but such special consultants are generally experts in various fields, and some are amazed at rich and respected retired veteran police officers.It is the first time in the history of the Donghai Police Department that a 20-year-old college student is hired as a special adviser to the Municipal Police Department.

"Director Xiao, are you joking?" Situ Xiadan also looked shocked, she didn't know about this at all beforehand.

"Of course I'm serious. This matter was decided after our police leadership team held a meeting. Chen Dong's ability is obvious to all of us in these major cases!" Xiao Deming looked serious. Said.

"Ahem, Director Xiao, it's not impossible for me to be this consultant, but I have a request." Chen Dong said.

"For the salary issue, please rest assured that I will try my best to arrange it to your satisfaction." Director Xiao said.

"It's not about money, I don't need money." Chen Dong smiled.

"Why don't you want money? Then what is your request?" Xiao Deming was taken aback.

The other key police officers present in the meeting room also looked at Chen Dong.

"Officer Situ Xiadan, I can just contact the one-way line." Chen Dong looked at Situ Xiadan and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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