Special masters on campus

Chapter 665 Something Happened!

Chapter 665 Something Happened!
Haiyang District, Donghai City, a high-end residential area.

A car was parked downstairs by the mobile resident.

Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang got out of the car one after another.

"I hope nothing will happen!" Chen Dong looked solemnly at the building where Feng Bingbing lived.

"Go ahead." Chen Dong glanced at Feng Shuangshuang.

"Oh." Feng Shuangshuang pouted, she didn't dare to fight against Chen Dong now, she twisted her body and walked in front.

Chen Dong didn't dare to delay and hurriedly followed.

Soon the two walked to No. 103, which is in front of Feng Bingbing's house.The door was closed, so I don't know what's going on inside.

"Knock on the door." Chen Dong said.

"Oh!" Feng Shuangshuang knocked on the door with her small fair hand.

"Bangbang..." Feng Shuangshuang knocked on the door several times, but there was no response from inside.

"Not good!" Chen Dong's expression changed and he kicked the door!
"Boom!" The anti-theft door made of aluminum alloy was kicked out of shape by Chen Dong and completely kicked open.If Feng Bingbing was hit by Huan Shen San and she was still in the room, she would still be able to reply, but now that Feng Bingbing didn't respond, something must have happened!

But seeing Chen Dong's solemn gaze and figure, he grabbed Feng Shuangshuang and entered the room.

"Ah!" Feng Shuangshuang cried out in surprise, she was dragged into the room by Chen Dong without realizing it.

At this time, the room was clean and there was no sign of a fight, but Chen Dong searched all the rooms and found no trace of Feng Bingbing!

"Damn it! It must have been taken away by the people of the Dragon Head Association, or it was a step late!" Chen Dong clenched his fists tightly. Chen Dong didn't need to think about it to know that Feng Bingbing's fate was more than luck!

"Do you know, where did your sister go?" Chen Dong looked at Feng Shuangshuang and asked.

"How could this be? I clearly remember that I left my sister at her home!" Feng Shuangshuang seemed completely unaware.

"Who else from the Dragon Head Club has come to Donghai City, do you know?" Chen Dong lifted Feng Shuangshuang all at once.

"I...cough cough...I really don't know...I just want my sister to stay here for a while, I didn't intend to harm her, she is my only family member...cough cough!" Feng Shuangshuang was mentioned by Chen Dong In the middle of the air, the whole person was out of breath all of a sudden.

"I can't breathe...ahem..."

"Hmph!" Chen Dong let go with a cold snort.

"Ahem!" Feng Shuangshuang slumped on the ground, covering her chest with both hands, and coughed violently.

"My sister once came to kill you, just like me. Why do you attach so much importance to her safety? Could it be that she is so important to you?" Feng Shuangshuang said while sitting on the ground and looking at Chen Dong.

"That's right! Of course her safety is important, because she is my woman!" Chen Dong said while looking at Feng Shuangshuang.Although Feng Bingbing used to come to kill him, and even almost killed himself.But how could Chen Dong forget the scene where Feng Bingbing almost sacrificed himself for himself?And in the days after she woke up, she not only gave Chen Dong a lot of help, but also thought of herself everywhere, such a girl deserves to be loved and protected by herself!
"Okay, I understand!" Feng Shuangshuang was stunned for a moment when she heard Chen Dong's words, and then nodded. She has lived for 20 years and never believed in men, and she hated every man.Because the man had brought her indelible pain and humiliation.She hated men and killed many men. In her eyes, men are a virtue.But this is the first time in her life that she heard a man say that a girl is important because that girl is her own woman!
"Sister, I finally understand why you follow this man so desperately. Maybe you are right." Feng Shuangshuang murmured.

"Tell me, what else do you know?" Chen Dong looked at Feng Shuangshuang and said, if the other party was a girl or Feng Bingbing's sister, he would never be so polite.

"I really don't know if there are still people from the Dragon Head Association coming here. If there are people from the Dragon Head Association coming to Donghai City, it must be Long Tianxing." Feng Shuangshuang said.

"Long Tianxing? Wasn't he seriously injured?" Chen Dong said hastily. Long Tianxing was clearly very sinister and vicious. If Feng Bingbing fell into his hands, it would be dangerous.

"It's true that he was seriously injured, but I heard that he hated you so much that he would definitely not let it go. Even if he didn't come to Donghai City in person, he would send someone to come. My sister was probably killed by those dragons who followed me. Tianxing's men brought them back to the headquarters of the Dragon Head Club," Feng Shuangshuang said.

"Long Tianxing, you are courting death!" A cold light flashed in Chen Dong's eyes, even if Long Tianxing's injuries recovered, Chen Dong was sure to kill Long Tianxing!
"Where is the headquarters of the Dragon Head Meeting?" Chen Dong looked at Feng Shuangshuang and asked.

"What do you want to do?" Feng Shuangshuang asked quickly with a nervous face.

"It's very simple! Enter the Dragon Headquarters headquarters, level the snake's den, and save people!" Chen Dong said in a cold voice.

"Break into the Dragon Headquarters headquarters to save people? Just rely on your own strength?" Feng Shuangshuang said with an expression of disbelief.

"It's just me!" Chen Dong nodded. The Dragon Head Club has been operating for so many years with many minions, and the Long Tianlong who has never shown up must be very powerful.But his woman is trapped in a snake's nest, and as a man, he must save others, otherwise it would not be him, Chen Dong!

"Don't you know how dangerous the headquarters of the Dragon Head Club is? Let's not say that there are countless killers in the headquarters, and there are defensive formations. It is an ancient remnant formation. If you don't have the cultivation base of the Jindan stage, there is no way to break it. .Even if you break it, you are no match for that villain Long Tianlong. If you go, you will die in vain. Not only will you not be able to save your sister, but you will also risk your own life.

"I know." Chen Dong nodded, of course he knew what Feng Shuangshuang said.

"I know you still want to go?" Feng Shuangshuang frowned, what Chen Dong did was not what she imagined a man would do.

"I have to go!" Chen Dong said in a low voice.

"I must go..." Feng Shuangshuang lowered her head and repeated Chen Dong's words to herself, "Sister, you should be happy..."

"If my guess is correct, according to the rules of the Dragon Head Conference, if you fail your mission, you won't be able to explain it even if you go back?" Chen Dong said.

"Yes, the people in the Longshouhui have no humanity. I will kill Long Tianlong and Long Tianxing sooner or later!" Feng Shuangshuang said while clenching her fists and gnashing her teeth.

"Tell me where the Dragon Headquarters headquarters is, and you can go." Chen Dong said.

"You want to let me go?" Feng Shuangshuang suddenly raised her head and looked at Chen Dong.

"You are Bingbing's own sister, I know how much she loves you, you go, I won't kill you, but don't let me see you hurting people again." Chen Dong said.

Feng Shuangshuang was completely taken aback. She originally thought that she would fall into Chen Dong's hands, and even if she survived, she would be seriously injured, but she never expected that Chen Dong would let her go.

"The headquarters of the Dragon Head Conference is at..."

"Not good! Let's go!" Just as Feng Shuangshuang was about to reveal the address of the Dragon Headquarters headquarters, Chen Dong's expression suddenly changed and he pulled Feng Shuangshuang out of the door!
(End of this chapter)

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