Special masters on campus

Chapter 668 You Are Really Noisy!

Chapter 668 You Are Really Noisy!
The eastern suburbs of Donghai City, on the edge of the East China Sea.

A red flame suddenly lit up out of nowhere on the originally pitch-black coast!

"Huhu!" The blazing fire snake roared towards Chen Dong who was sitting cross-legged on the embankment. The Chisong old man was completely annoyed and didn't even think about his decent face.

And as the burning fire snake appeared, the temperature within a hundred meters around it suddenly increased, and there were bursts of air bursting in the air, which showed how powerful Chisongzi's blow was.

"Chen Dong, you are too arrogant..." Feng Shuangshuang shook her head helplessly watching this scene, she thought that even if she had not lost her realm, she would never be able to withstand this move.Chen Dong's cultivation was also fake, and he would be burned to ashes with one move.

And Chen Dong was still sitting on the ground as if he didn't care about Chisongzi's attack at all.

"You're going to die and you're still playing handsome, don't tell me the man you're looking at is really interesting." Feng Shuangshuang seemed to have accepted the ending that she would die with Chen Dong, so she smiled at this moment.

"Junior, you are arrogant!" But Chisongzi couldn't help but look even more ugly when he saw that Chen Dong didn't even blink his eyes. In his opinion, Chen Dong's behavior was simply disdain for him, and he didn't take him seriously at all!

"Huh!" Chi Songzi looked gloomy and raised his left hand again to slap Chen Dong with the same palm, and the second long flaming snake came out of thin air and rushed towards Chen Dong.

"Roar!" All of this happened almost in an instant, and two fire snakes with the thickness of arms had already arrived in front of Chen Dong!
"Don't be so handsome, okay, you should hide for a while, I don't want to die yet!" Feng Shuangshuang almost cried out anxiously.

But at this moment, Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, "You are really noisy!"

"You! Too bad you're about to lose your hearing! Go to hell!"

"Boom!" In an instant, Chen Dong's whole body was entangled by two fire snakes and he couldn't see it at all.

"Hey..." Feng Shuangshuang's last bit of luck was completely extinguished.

"Haha! Chen Dong? I can only blame you for being an enemy of my Taiyi sect, but not me!" Chi Songzi sneered and was about to turn around and leave. He was extremely confident in the power of his move. Absolutely irresistible.

And just when the Chisong old man turned around, a cold voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Your fire is quite warm."

"What!" The Chisong old man's expression suddenly changed and he turned around.

In the car, Feng Shuangshuang, who had closed her eyes in despair, opened them suddenly and looked in Chen Dong's direction.

But seeing that the raging fire that had completely engulfed Chen Dong began to shrink continuously, faster and faster, and then shrunk sharply. The two fire snakes with the thickness of arms turned into loaches as thick as two chopsticks!

And Chen Dong's figure was revealed again, not only was he uninjured, but also he was smiling with a smile on his face.

"Aw! Aw!" The two little fire snakes kept struggling and howling, but to no avail, they were caught by Chen Dong with one hand!
"This!" Chi Songzi's face suddenly turned cold, completely different from the previous disdainful expression.Being able to rely on his two consecutive attacks just now, he knew that he still underestimated Chen Dong before!
"Chen...Chen Dong?" Feng Shuangshuang, who was sitting in the car, also looked at Chen Dong with wide eyes in disbelief.She originally thought that Chen Dong would die for sure, and when his death was imminent, she didn't even know how to escape, and she was still playing handsome.But now she realized that Chen Dong was not playing handsome, it was because he didn't even bother to run away!
"Chen Dong, how much strength are you hiding, that you can block the two consecutive attacks of the mid-stage Jindan powerhouse!" Feng Shuangshuang once again found that he couldn't see through this enigmatic man at all.

"Hmph! It seems that the old man still underestimated you. It seems that you have some strength to be able to block the blow just now. If you are a disciple of my Taiyi sect, the future will be limitless." The old Chisong quickly recovered his calm. It seems that even though Chen Dong is not as weak as he imagined, he is still a junior in the false alchemy after all. He can block himself once but not twice, three times!

"Taiyi Sect? You think too much. Your Taiyi Sect is only worthy of a true disciple like Gao Shi, who has been abolished twice and whose dantian has been broken." Chen Dong sneered.

"You!" The Chisong old man was rendered speechless by Chen Dong's words. Originally, the headmaster promoted Gao Shi as a true disciple to find an excuse for himself to solve Chen Dong, but now Chen Dong has abolished his cultivation again. And basically there is no way to recover it!Moreover, Gao Shi is his disciple, so this is slapping him in the face. When this matter gets out, he and the entire Taiyi Sect will be disgraced!
"Chen Dong, why are you so straight? Can't you give in?" Feng Shuangshuang was anxious in the car but it was of no avail.

Feng Shuangshuang knew that her life was now tied to Chen Dong. Once Chen Dong was killed by Chisongzi, she would probably be silenced too!In her opinion, although Chen Dong blocked an attack from Chisong Laodao, the difference in strength between the two was too great before, and Chen Dong's chances of winning in a real fight were still almost zero!

"Since you are looking for death, you can't blame the old man for bullying the young!" Chen Dong's words made Chi Songzi completely angry, and he wished he could turn Chen Dong into ashes now, so as to relieve the hatred in his heart!
"If you want to die yourself, I don't mind helping you!" Chen Dong still sat firmly like a mountain and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Haha! Junior, I really don't know who gave you the confidence. Today, I will show you what is the mid-stage Golden Core! The sea of ​​fire is burning!" But seeing the Chisong old man laugh wildly, he rushed into the sky with a wave of his big sleeve.

And just as Chisong Laodao rushed into the air, almost all the fire-attribute aura within a radius of tens of miles boiled instantly!Like an invisible vortex of flames, it rushed towards the old Chisong Road in the sky!

"Is this the strength of the mid-term golden core? It seems that even if I get the Tianhuo Xuanbing, I will not be Long Tianlong's opponent!" Feng Shuangshuang, who was sitting in the car, looked up at the sky blankly. She could feel the temperature around her rising constantly!

"Golden core middle stage! It's really strong! Only at the golden core stage can I know more!" Chen Dong also looked up at the sky, and he had to admit that Chisongzi Golden Core's mid-stage cultivation was indeed very strong.

"With my current strength, if I fight head-on with him, I definitely have no chance of winning!" Chen Dong stared at the Chisongzi wrapped in a ball of flames above the sky.

"But I don't intend to fight recklessly!"

"Junior, die!"

(End of this chapter)

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