Special masters on campus

Chapter 677 What If You Died

Chapter 677 What If You Died
Chisong Laodao has fallen into a state of madness, and now that one of his hands has been crippled, he doesn't care about any talismans anymore.As long as he could kill Chen Dong, he would rather explode his talisman, even if his cultivation base fell, he would be ashamed!
"Explode this old man! Haha!"

At this time, Chen Dong was holding the Chisong Sword, a high-grade spiritual weapon, and if it was directly detonated, even if an ordinary Jindan stage practitioner did not die, he would be seriously injured!But the owner of the natal magic weapon will also be backlashed by the self-detonation of the magic weapon, and the serious injury will also drop the cultivation base, but obviously the old Chisong in this crazy state doesn't care about this at all!
"Haha! Let the old man die! No!" After laughing wildly for a while, the Chisong old man realized that something was wrong.

"Where is the Pure Yang True Fire?" The Chisong old man looked down and saw that the Pure Yang True Fire on his left arm had disappeared, leaving only a dead arm that had been burned black, like a forehead that had been burned by a fire. Branches in general.He originally thought that this pure yang true fire might burn him completely, so he recklessly detonated his natal magic weapon, the Chisong Sword.

"No! Why didn't the Chisong Sword explode!" Thinking of this, the Chisong old man's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly realized that the Chisong Sword did not explode!
"Impossible!" But seeing the Chisong old man suddenly raised his head and looked into the sky!

"Is this what you're looking for?" In the sky, Chen Dong's left hand was on his back, and what he was holding in his right hand was Chisong Laodao's natal magic weapon, the Chisong Spirit Sword!It's just that the Chisong Spirit Sword was not detonated by Chisong Lao Daoist, but it was completely burning with white pure Yang fire!
"How is this possible! I can no longer perceive the connection with the Chisong sword! I have already detonated it!" The old Chisong was horrified to find that he could no longer perceive the Chisong sword!But he had clearly detonated it through his blood connection with Chisongjian just now!
"You didn't want this sword just now. Since senior gave it to me so generously, if I didn't accept it, wouldn't it be a shame for you, senior?" Chen Dong held the Chisong sword burning with white flames in front of him. .

"Impossible! Chisong Sword, I'll chop it off!" Until now, the old Taoist Chisong couldn't believe that all this was true, and he quickly pinched his sword fingers, feeling very lucky.But no matter how hard he tried, the Chisong sword still stopped in Chen Dong's hand without moving!
"I've already said that this sword is no longer yours, so naturally you can't control it!" Chen Dong snorted coldly.

"No! Even if I can't control the Chisong Sword, it's because I just wanted to detonate it and cut off the connection between us! You, a junior at the early stage of Golden Core, can't even refine my Chisong Sword!" His own arm that was burnt into a dead branch kept shaking his head.He couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it, it was Chen Dong who refined the Chisong Sword.

"Do you believe it makes sense? I know this sword is in my hand!" Chen Dong sneered.

"Haha! Junior Chen Dong, do you think the old man is so easy to fool? You are just bluffing to get the old man to give up the Chisong sword! And you have no strength to refine the Chisong sword! Because the old man has not been backlashed! So as long as the old man regains it Chisong sword is still old man's re-refined Chisong sword!" said Chisong old man with a grim expression.

"Really? It seems that you really want to be backlashed! Then, as a junior, I will grant your wish!" Chen Dong raised his mouth.

"You..." Chi Songzi stared, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he had a very bad premonition in his heart.

"Pure Yang True Fire! Completely refine it for me!" Chen Dong said calmly with a smile on his face.

"Huh!" And before Chen Dong finished speaking, he saw a dazzling white light shoot up into the sky from the Chisong sword in his hand!

"Ah! No!" The old Chisong screamed without any precautions, blood was all over his body.And his whole body shook violently, and fell into the sea all of a sudden.

His natal magic weapon was completely refined by Chen Dong, even if he did not die, he would be seriously injured, and his cultivation would fall to a level, and it would be difficult to recover in this lifetime.Of course, it is impossible for Chen Dong to give him any chance to recover!

"Now it's my turn to kill you!" Chen Dong held the Chisong Sword flashing white light and looked coldly at the sea below.If this person does not get rid of endless troubles!Chen Dong will face Tai Yizong's all-out pursuit.And once Chen Dong kills the Chisongzi here, without anyone noticing, even if Tai Yizong can guess that Chen Dong killed him, there is nothing he can do!A casual cultivator at the early stage of Golden Core killed one of the nine elders of the Taiyi Sect, a strong man in the middle stage of Golden Core, but there is no evidence and it is just speculation. It is rumored that Taiyi Sect has no face in the cultivation world?
And Chen Dong also narrowly won this battle, if he hadn't possessed a ray of pure yang real fire to suppress Chisong Laodao, it would be hard to say the consequences of this battle.Just at the moment Chisong Laodao was about to detonate the Chisong Sword, Chen Dong withdrew the Pure Yang True Fire and cut off the connection between Chisong Laodao and Chisong Sword, thus avoiding the consequences of Chisong Sword exploding and seriously injuring himself.

And if Chen Dong slowed down for a moment just now or the detonation speed of Chisong Laodao was a little faster, the result would be that Chen Dongfei would be killed or injured!

"Speaking of which, I would like to thank you. If you hadn't jumped over the wall in a hurry and gave up the control of Chisong Sword, even if I had Pure Yang True Fire, I would not be able to refine this spirit sword in such a short period of time!" Chen Dong's mouth twitched Yang, the old Chisong master's failure to detonate the Chisong sword is equivalent to abandoning the sword. When Chen Dong refined it, it was equivalent to refining a treasure without an owner, and the difficulty of refining was greatly reduced!
"Plop! Plop!" At this moment, the sea below was tumbling, and the figure of the Chisong old man floated up from the sea.At this moment, the old Chisong Taoist was soaked in seawater and looked in a mess, how could he look like the nine elders of the Taiyi Sect?
"He actually refined the old man's Chisong sword!" Chisong old man covered his withered arm and looked at Chen Dong viciously. Although the same, the combat power is far from the same level.

"Wrong, from today the owner of this sword is me, Chen Dong. So it will no longer be called the Chisong Sword." Chen Dong held the Chisong Sword burning with white flames in his hand.

"Chen Dong, don't even think about it! As long as the old man doesn't die, don't you want to take away the old man's talisman!" The old Chisong shouted with a ferocious face. The sword was named after his Dao name. Being dead makes no difference!
"Really? What if you die!" Chen Dong raised the corner of his mouth, and pointed his sword at Chisong Old Daoist.

(End of this chapter)

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