Special masters on campus

Chapter 689 Gold and Silver 2 Saints!

Chapter 689 Gold and Silver Saints!

Inside the five-story underground hall of the Dragon Headquarters "Dragon Cave".

The originally noisy hall suddenly became quiet.

"Fraud? Deacon Bai, what do you mean by that?" A tall, thin killer with two children on his back said in a cold voice.

"Haha! I think Deacon Bai was scared out of his wits by that kid surnamed Chen?"

"Don't forget that you're just some bullshit nine masters on the surface of the Dragon Shouhui! Your strength is the worst among all of us here! To be able to defeat you is not necessarily our opponent!"

"That's right! Even if that kid is really deceitful, so what? We have twenty strong men in the sea of ​​energy here, and the vice president is in charge, so that kid will never come back!"

The other masters present said sarcastically that they had never really competed with Chen Dong.Although Chen Dong killed several so-called masters of the Dragon Shouhui in a row, those masters were nothing in their eyes.So naturally no one would put a 20-year-old nameless junior in their eyes.

From their point of view, Deacon Bai should have been scared out of his wits by Chen Dong. Not only was he seriously injured and his cultivation was damaged, but even his younger brother, Deacon Hei, was also killed by Chen Dong.

At this time, I saw that Deacon Bai Wutong's face was extremely ugly, since he returned from a serious injury, he could no longer hold his head up in the Dragon Head Meeting.But no one knows Chen Dong's horror better than him!
"Deacon Bai, please speak clearly." Long Tianxing also looked at Deacon Bai.

"Yes, vice-chairman. Except for the vice-chairman, I was the only one who had fought against this Chen Dong. This person is not only extremely strong, but also mentally like a ghost. Just relying on the strength of the group of killers on the plane It won't be so easy to successfully capture Chen Dong. And everyone, don't forget that there is a red-trained enchantress by Chen Dong's side!" Deacon Bai said in a low voice.

"Scarlet training enchantress..." The masters of the Dragon Head Club all muttered when these four words were mentioned.

Chilian Yaoji has not only reached the stage of false alchemy, she is also the No. 3 master of the Dragon Head Association, except for the president Long Tianlong and the vice president Long Tianxing, better than everyone present.All of them are clear on this day.

The most important thing is that Chilian Yaoji is a woman who is charming and lovable on the surface, but in fact she is cruel, especially towards men. Apart from Chen Dong, there is no other man who can escape her assassination!
Chen Dong is already difficult to deal with, and adding a Chilian Yaoji will make it even more difficult to deal with.An ordinary killer team, the strongest is only in the late stage of Qi refining, and it is indeed somewhat impossible to successfully capture Chen Dong and Feng Shuangshuang.

"Hmph! I think you are a frightened bird, right? Then Chen Dong and Chi Lian are indeed very strong, but no matter how strong they are, they have not reached the golden core stage! Don't forget that the killer team is equipped with a lot of phantom powder Without any precautions, they must have no cultivation bases in the phantom gods. Without cultivation bases, they are just two ordinary people. Even the strength of a small group of killers is usually enough to subdue the two of them. According to the plan Every once in a while, they will be forcibly given Huan Shen San until they arrive at the headquarters!" At this time, the tall, thin and wretched man sneered.

"This..." Deacon Bai Wutongzi wanted to say something else.

"Okay!" At this moment, Long Tianxing waved his hand.

The two quickly bowed their heads and dared not say anything.

"Deacon Bai's worry is not unreasonable. I have fought against this Chen Dong. Although his strength is generally not my opponent, this person is indeed very cunning." Long Tianxing said with cold eyes. The scene that happened in Xishan, Donghai City.Originally, he already had the chance to win, but Yang Tianding suddenly appeared and caused him to return home with a serious injury!

"Chen Dong will not avenge this revenge, and I, Long Tianxing, swear not to be a human being!" Long Tianxing clenched his fists and said viciously in his heart, but naturally he would not tell his subordinates about this matter, he couldn't afford to lose it that person.

"This person's strength is mediocre, but he has a very strong master. To find helpers for him, I also invited two helpers! Even if their master and apprentice come together, they will never come back!" Long Tianxing said gloomyly. Said.

"Vice President, do you have any other preparations?" Many masters of the Dragon Head Association in the hall looked at Long Tianxing one after another.

"Hmph, am I not sure that I will lure wolves into the house? Gentlemen, please." Long Tianxing sneered.

"Crack!" At this moment, the elevator door opened again and two people came out of the elevator.

One of these two men was wearing a silver gown, and the other was wearing a golden robe.Among them, the man in the golden robe was short and fat, his eyes were as small as a winter melon, while the other one was handsome and burly.

"Who are these two?" All the masters were puzzled when they saw these two people walking out. Obviously, no one knew them.Moreover, there was not even a trace of aura fluctuations on these two people, and there was nothing special about them.But to be able to make the vice president Long Tianxing respect so much, it is obvious that these two people are definitely not idle people.

"It's strange that there is no spiritual energy fluctuation. One possibility is that they are ordinary people, but these two were invited by Vice President Long. They definitely can't be ordinary people. Or they have magic weapons that can hide their cultivation, but there is no need for this. Unless... …Unless the cultivation of these two people has already reached the Jindan stage or above, those of us who are at the Qi Sea stage cannot see through his cultivation!" At this moment, a killer's face changed.

"Golden Core stage powerhouse!" All the Dragon Head Assembly masters present in the entire hall exclaimed almost at the same time.

You must know that a strong man in the Jindan stage means a top-level strong man in the cultivation world.For a comprehension force like the Dragon Head Association, even a strong Jindan stage like Long Tianlong is enough to overwhelm one side.And now, if the vice president, Long Tianxing, really invited two strong men in the golden core stage, then Chen Dong and Chi Lian, no matter how strong they were and how strong their helpers were, would surely die!
"Haha! It seems that the Dragon Head Club is really a place full of talents. Before the two of us even spoke, they had already guessed it right." At this moment, the short and fat man laughed.

"Hmph, can this group of trash be regarded as masters? It seems that the Dragon Head Meeting is all about that." The handsome and strong man sneered with disdain on his face.


"Dare to bully me that there will be no one in the dragon head?"

"Hmph! This is the Dragon Head Meeting. As long as we are willing, you will have to pay enough to get out of here!"

When had these masters of the Dragon Head Meeting been so looked down upon by others, only to see twenty masters of the sea of ​​fame surrounded the two of them in just an instant.

"Haha! You can try to see if you have the ability to make me pay some price!" The two were not moved at all, and they still stood there calmly.

"Retire for me!" At this moment, Long Tianxing shouted loudly.

"Yes! Vice President!" As soon as Long Tianxing spoke, the masters of the Dragon Leaders retreated one after another.

I saw Long Tianxing, who had always been arrogant, walked up to the two of them with a smile on his face at this moment, "You two seniors, these bastards have blind eyes, so please don't take it to heart."

"Senior?" When did these masters of the Dragon Head Association ever see their vice president speak to others in such a humble manner.

"That's right, these two seniors are the famous gold and silver saints in the cultivation world!" Long Tianxing said with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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