Special masters on campus

Chapter 692 The plan is disrupted

Chapter 692 The plan is disrupted
"You! You are not poisoned!" The little leader's expression changed.

Chen Dong didn't want to hurt the lives of these people, he wanted to find Feng Bingbing immediately or directly fight Long Tianlong.But in that situation just now, as a man, Chen Dong had no choice but to act early.

"You want to touch Miss Ben?" Feng Shuangshuang sneered at this time.

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound, but the special handcuffs on Feng Shuangshuang's hands were also easily broken.

"You...you too..." The little boss was still as arrogant as before, but now his legs were trembling with fright!He didn't know Chen Dong, but he knew Feng Shuangshuang's reputation. If he fell into Feng Shuangshuang's hands, he would die in an ugly way!

"Tell me, do you want to die or live?" Feng Shuangshuang looked at the many scared pale killers with a charming smile.

"I want to live... I want to live..." Who among the killers of the Dragon Head Club doesn't know the name Chilian Yaoji?They were all so frightened that they quickly agreed.

"Very good, as long as one of the questions I ask next is not true, I will make you die ecstasy if you know it!" Feng Shuangshuang's voice turned cold.

"Ah!" All the killers unconsciously tightened their chrysanthemums.

"We don't dare! We don't dare!" These people are the most common killers of the Dragon Shouhui, and they can only look up at this female devil from a distance. They all know that this woman looks like a goddess, but she is actually a demon!

"It seems that your image among them is not very good." Chen Dong said beside Feng Shuangshuang.

Feng Shuangshuang looked at Chen Dong with a charming smile, and said, "This sentence came from your mouth. If it were someone else, I would have tore his mouth to pieces."

"Then it seems that I still have some weight in your heart." Chen Dong smiled.

"Stop talking nonsense, we will settle our accounts after we rescue our sister!" Feng Shuangshuang gave Chen Dong a blank look.

I saw Feng Shuangshuang walking in front of the little boss with a smile.The little boss retreated involuntarily as if he had encountered something terrifying.

"Take a step back, I will make you a eunuch before you die." Feng Shuangshuang said with a smile.

"Yes! Yes! I won't retreat!" The little boss stood up in a panic in his heart.

"And you, if I find out who dares to mess around, I won't kill you, but you will have to become eunuchs for the rest of your life." Feng Shuangshuang said to the killers who kept retreating around.

"We don't want to be eunuchs!"

"No! I won't retreat! Don't dare!"

After Feng Shuangshuang's words came out, no one dared to make a fuss.

"Tsk tsk... how vicious it usually takes to scare these people like this!" Chen Dong shook his head, but that's fine too, if he can get the location of Feng Bingbing's detention from these killers as soon as possible, that would be great .

"That's right, so the first question, is the Bingfeng Yaoji brought back to the headquarters?" Feng Shuangshuang asked.

"This..." These killers muttered one after another. They thought that they were lucky enough to receive this task of escorting the Scarlet Training Demon Girl, so they could have a good time, but now they fell into a dead end.If they speak out, they will be chased and killed by the Longshouhui, but it will be even uglier if they don't say they are dead, they are all dead anyway!

"Why didn't you say it?" Feng Shuangshuang's eyes turned cold.

"We don't know, I really don't know! You know that every time our Dragon Head Association performs missions, there are not a group of people. The order we got is to escort you two to the headquarters. We really don't know about the others! "The little boss had a bitter expression on his face.

"Really?" Feng Shuangshuang looked at him and smiled.

"Yes! That's true!" the little boss nodded quickly.

"Did you use this hand just now?" Feng Shuangshuang pointed to the little boss' left hand.

"Ah?" The little boss was taken aback for a moment, completely unaware of what Feng Shuangshuang meant.

"Phew!" And just as the little boss was stunned, he saw a stream of blood spurting from his left shoulder, and his entire left arm flew far away in an instant, and landed on the ground with a bang.

"Ah!" The little boss stared and turned to look at his left arm. When he saw that his arm was gone, he let out a scream like a pig, and the whole person fell to the ground suddenly. He stopped rolling, and soon the ground was covered with blood.

"This!" The other killers were so frightened that some of them wanted to run away.

"I see who dares to run?" Feng Shuangshuang said coldly.

"Plop!" Before Feng Shuangshuang finished speaking, the killer who was the first to run away was already clutching his crotch and rolling all over the floor screaming.

Everyone who watched was shivering all over, who would dare to run?They all stood still and did not dare to move.

"Tsk tsk!" Chen Dong also stared at the chrysanthemum, thinking that this girl hates her more than her sister, and he must be careful of his revenge in the future.

"That's right." Feng Shuangshuang smiled, squatted down and looked at the little leader who was still screaming with interest.

"If you don't say anything, I'll cut off your other arm. If you don't say anything, it will be your two legs and then your third leg."

"Say! I said! Bingfeng was indeed brought back by someone sent by the vice president, but as soon as he came back, he was escorted to several underground floors. I really don't know where he is locked up. I beg you to torture me! "The little boss said crying and screaming, he was really scared out of his wits, this woman is too scary.

Feng Shuangshuang stood up and looked at Chen Dong, "Sure enough, as I guessed, my sister was brought down by them. It seems that they expected you to come to save her."

"Do you know where your sister might be detained?" Chen Dong said.

"There are detention rooms on each floor from the first basement to the fifth basement, but it's hard to say where my sister is locked up. And each floor will be guarded by many experts," Feng Shuangshuang said.

"I didn't want to be so troublesome at first, but it seems that I really can't do without trouble." Chen Dong raised his mouth.

"Chen Dong, what do you want to do?" Feng Shuangshuang looked at Chen Dong.

"Search layer by layer until you find it. If you can't find me, you won't have him!" Chen Dong said.

"Okay!" Feng Shuangshuang nodded. This is the only way things can go now.

"I think that Long Tianxing already knows that we are not poisoned." Chen Dong said, just now Chen Dong was forced to take action, and Feng Shuangshuang made such a big commotion, it is impossible for the people below not to know.

"Then what should we do? It's useless to keep these people and kill them all." Feng Shuangshuang looked at the trembling Dragon Shouhui killers.

"No! Please don't kill me!"

"I don't want to die!"

When these killers heard Feng Shuangshuang's plan to kill them, they all knelt down and cried out with snot and tears.

"It doesn't matter whether these people are killed or not, they will only get their hands dirty. We must hurry up to save people." Chen Dong said.

"Haha! We meet again, old friend!" At this moment, all the electronic screens on the walls around the hall lit up.

I saw that the person in the picture was none other than the vice president of the Dragon Head Association, Long Tianxing!And beside him is Feng Bingbing!
(End of this chapter)

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