Special masters on campus

Chapter 695: Underground Floor 5

Chapter 695
Inside the lobby on the first floor of the Dragon Headquarters headquarters.

Mess all over the place.

The bald-headed, one-eyed man knelt in front of Chen Dong dumbfounded, trembling violently.And the killers of the other Dragon Heads around were all backing away with terrified expressions on their faces. Where did they still have the arrogant look before?
A person who can smash a one-meter-thick steel plate with one punch and instantly reduce it to ashes, is this person human?

And it wasn't until he saw Chen Dong turning the huge iron gate into ashes so lightly just now, that the one-eyed man deeply understood that he and this terrifying young man were not equal opponents at all!

"Where is Long Tianxing? Tell me!" Chen Dong said with cold eyes.Now that Feng Bingbing is in a dangerous situation, he has no way to find each floor, and the fastest and most effective way is to find Long Tianxing!Capture the thief first and capture the king!
The bald man couldn't help shivering, as if he was in a ten thousand year ice cave.

"No! I can't say that if I say it, I will die!" The bald man kept shaking his head, and now his fear of Long Tianxing was deep in his bones.

"Do you know that sometimes it's more terrifying to be alive and die!" Chen Dong's voice froze.

"Living is scarier than dying! You... ah!" And just before the bald man finished speaking, a scream like killing a pig came from his mouth.

"Huh!" But seeing a layer of flames ignite on the body of this bald man!The white flame burned not only his body but also his soul!

"Ah!" The bald man desperately wanted to struggle, but Chen Dong pressed him firmly to the ground and couldn't move at all!

"too frightening!"

"We can't be his opponent!"

Seeing such a terrifying scene, the bald-headed men around were all so frightened that they almost cried.I was burned all over my body and I wanted to die for a while, but I couldn't die, and I couldn't move even if I wanted to run. It hurts to look at it!
"Who dares to try!" Feng Shuangshuang said in a cold voice at this moment.

"Scarlet training enchantress!"

"They're in the same group! Chi Lian betrayed the Dragon Shouhui!"

Everyone was startled, there was already a devil like Chen Dong, and now there was a murderous female devil behind him, these killers really wanted to commit suicide.Suicide can be a pleasure, but if it falls into the hands of these two people, life will be worse than death!
"Brother, you still have three seconds. If you don't say anything in three seconds, I'll turn you into a puppet!" Chen Dong knelt down and said to the bald man who was still screaming.

"Ah! I said! I said please... Please stop!" The defense line of the bald man had completely collapsed. Obviously, he was more afraid of Chen Dong than Long Tianxing now.

"Say!" Chen Dong waved his hand, and the flames on the bald man disappeared instantly.

"The vice...the vice president is... on the fifth floor of the basement!" The bald man lay on the ground and said lifelessly.In fact, his body was not burned, but just now his soul was refined by the pure yang true fire. This pain is far more terrifying than the physical pain.

"Five underground floors!" Chen Dong's eyes lit up, knowing where Long Tianxing was, everything became much easier.

But Chen Dong stood up and walked towards the stairs leading to the next floor.

None of the killers who were blocking the stairwell dared to step forward when they saw Chen Dong, the god of killing, approaching them. The fate of the bald man just now was too miserable.

But I saw Chen Dong walking towards the stairs alone.

"Ah!" And a large group of killers kept retreating in darkness.

When they reached the stairs, the large group of killers all spread out to both sides, revealing the way in the middle.

Seeing that Chen Dong was about to walk up the stairs leading to the next floor, Feng Shuangshuang hurriedly followed.

"Chen Dong! Wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?" Chen Dong stopped and turned his head slightly.

"You can't just go on like this. I don't think it's right. There must be something wrong here." Feng Shuangshuang came to Chen Dong and said with a very serious expression while looking at Chen Dong.As an experienced top killer, Feng Shuangshuang felt that something was wrong from the moment they entered the Dragon Headquarters headquarters. This was due to a professional sensitivity.

Feng Shuangshuang finally understood what was wrong when the bald man told Long Tianxing's location just now.

Everything was so easy and so smooth!If a place like the Dragon Head Club can enter and exit so easily and smoothly, there is only one possibility that there is a problem.

"Is that all? I see." Chen Dong didn't seem to care, just nodded lightly, and prepared to go downstairs after speaking.

"Chen Dong! You can't go down!" Feng Shuangshuang panicked and rushed forward to grab Chen Dong's arm.

"Chen Dong, can't you feel it? Don't you think that everything has been so simple and smooth since we first came in? This is obviously Long Tianxing leading us to the fifth underground floor! If we go down like this, we will hit the right spot His trap!" Feng Shuangshuang said with a serious expression.

"I know." Chen Dong smiled, as the former killer king, how could Chen Dong not feel the problem?And that Long Tianxing deliberately let himself see Feng Bingbing in his hands, the purpose was nothing more than to ensure that he would go down.

"I know you're still going? Although Long Tianxing is not your opponent, don't forget that there is Long Tianlong, and they probably invited other helpers, otherwise they wouldn't be so confident!" Feng Shuangshuang said hastily.

"The purpose of my coming here is to save people. I will do it no matter who stops me!" Chen Dong smiled slightly and stepped up the stairs, heading for the next floor.

"People must be saved, but you will die if you push so hard! I don't know how you survived!" Feng Shuangshuang stomped his feet angrily. In his opinion, Chen Dong's actions were irrational and unprofessional .

"There are many people who wanted to kill me, but in the end they all died..." At this time, Chen Dong's figure had completely disappeared.

"You!" Feng Shuangshuang was momentarily at a loss for words, so she had to follow.

At this moment, the headquarters of the Dragon Headquarters is on the second basement floor.

On the stairs, a group of killers in black kept retreating down the stairs.

On the stairs, Chen Dong walked down with a calm face.The purpose of his coming here is to save people, not to kill.So if these people don't stop Chen Dong, they don't even bother to do it, but if they want to kill themselves, Chen Dong doesn't mind fulfilling them.

And just when Chen Dong's feet landed on the second basement floor, the surrounding killers spread out to both sides, revealing a burly killer.Presumably it should be the leader of the Dragon Head Club.

"Vice President Long has ordered that no one should obstruct Mr. Chen Dong and Miss Chi Lian." The leader said with a smile on his face.

"Yes!" The killers around replied in unison.

"You two, please!" The leader made a gesture of invitation to Chen Dong.

(End of this chapter)

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