Chapter 701

"Huh!" The white flame on the wooden sword instantly ignited.

"Crack! Crack!" And at the moment when the white flame appeared, a crack suddenly appeared on the originally extremely strong ice shield.

"What!" The Yin Shengzi opened his eyes wide open, staring at the ice shield in front of him in disbelief.This is the absolute defense that he relies on to save his life across the world of comprehension. He was once proud of it, thinking that even a strong person in the late stage of Jindan could not break it!

However, such an incomparably strong ice shield is now constantly cracking in front of his eyes!

"No! It's impossible! My ice shield! My ice shield can't be broken! Unless!" At this moment, the Silver Son's face changed again, as if he suddenly thought of something that he couldn't believe.

"There is only one possibility to break through the ice shield, except for the late Jindan strongman! Pure Yang True Fire!" Silver Shengzi's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Could it be that this flame is the real fire of pure yang!" Until now, the Yin Shengzi couldn't believe it was real!Why did the pure Yang True Fire, which even the strong in the late stage of Jindan could not comprehend, appear in the hands of a cultivator in the early stage of Jindan!
And just at this time when the silver saint son and the golden saint son were stunned, they saw that there was a huge spider web on the huge ice shield, and the cracks had spread all over the ice shield!

"Crash! Boom!" But after hearing a roar, the ice shield that Silver Son was proud of was shattered, and countless white ice slags fell all over the ground!
"No!" Yin Shengzi screamed in heartache.

"Then it's your turn now!" And almost at the moment when the ice shield shattered, Chen Dong's figure had come to less than two meters in front of Yin Shengzi!He wants to deal with Yin Shengzi first so that he doesn't have to face the situation where the two opponents join forces.

"Huh!" The white flame on the wooden sword in Chen Dong's hand was so dazzling that the piercing Silver Son could barely open his eyes.

"Not good!" Although Shengzi Yin was extremely astonished that his ice shield was smashed by Chen Dong's sword, he was after all a master who had been famous for hundreds of years in the cultivation world.But seeing his figure retreating rapidly, he clapped his hands in front of him at the same time.

"Ice Wall Technique!"

"Hoohoo!" The three ice walls appeared out of thin air in an instant from Yin Shengzi and Chen Dong. This Yin Shengzi is indeed a strong man in the middle stage of Jindan who has reached the level of proficiency in the use of ice true energy.



And these three ice walls may be difficult for other cultivators to break through, but in front of Chen Dong, they are like three pieces of paper that have no effect.

But seeing Chen Dong holding a wooden sword, he chopped three thick ice walls into pieces like chopping melons and mustard greens!

The extremely cold ice of the Silver Son has no resistance in the face of this white flame!

At this moment, this white flame is like a nightmare in the eyes of Yin Shengzi.

"Pure Yang True Fire! This must be Pure Yang True Fire! Brother, save me!" The Silver Son uttered a terrified cry, and hurriedly retreated backwards!In terms of strength, he is not afraid of Chen Dong, but Chunyang Zhenhuo is the nemesis of his cold and true energy!In front of Pure Yang True Fire, his icy true energy has neither any attack power nor the slightest defensive ability!He knew that if he was hit by Chen Dong's sword, even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured!
But this Silver Son still underestimated Chen Dong's speed, he never thought that Chen Dong's speed was even faster than him!

"Buzz!" Chen Dong's sword was already approaching Yin Shengzi's body in a blink of an eye.

"Boy, you are presumptuous!" At this moment, the Golden Son finally moved, but seeing a flash of golden light all over his body, he appeared behind Chen Dong almost at the same time that Chen Dong's sword was stabbing in front of the Silver Son!

In this case, if Chen Dong continued to pursue Yin Shengzi, the fine wood sword burning with pure yang fire would definitely ignore Yin Shengzi's defense and seriously injure him, and even kill Yin Shengzi.But he would also be hit by Jin Shengzi's full blow, so Chen Dong would either die or be injured.

Ordinary people would naturally not choose this way. It would be too unwise to exchange one's own life for the opponent's life unless it was the last moment.

"Haha! Boy! Do you still dare not hide? Brother, this blow can beat you to a pulp!" Yin Shengzi sneered as he retreated sharply. In his opinion, Chen Dong must be as mentally strong as possible in the early stage of Jindan. He is a ghost and extremely careful, so in this case, Chen Dong will definitely give up attacking him.

"Hmph! Boy! As soon as you stop attacking, that little girl will belong to me! I want you to see this little girl die in front of my own eyes!" Yin Shengzi had already noticed Feng Shuangshuang who had been squatting in the corner.

And Jin Shengzi behind Chen Dong also had a look of contempt on his face. In his opinion, even if Chen Dong possessed a high-grade spiritual weapon burning pure yang real fire, facing the two brothers and two mid-stage golden core masters, he would undoubtedly lose.As long as Chen Dong is killed, the Pure Yang True Fire on Chen Dong's body will belong to the two of them.

"It seems that this kid should have accidentally obtained an incomplete wooden sword left by a powerful monk in the ancient cultivation period. However, even though this ancient magic weapon is incomplete, it is still a high-grade spiritual weapon and the most important thing is There is also a trace of pure yang real fire on it! Maybe this is why this kid can reach the early stage of Jindan at such a young age." The Jin Shengzi squinted his eyes and guessed, he could only guess like this because he wouldn't believe it at all, let alone It would have occurred to Chen Dong to comprehend this pure yang true fire by himself!

"Hmph! The boy is still not hiding? I want to see if you want to die!" Jin Shengzi's face turned cold. He likes to do things like killing people and seizing treasures!

"Phew!" At this time, Chen Dong seemed to not feel the danger behind him, but he still rushed towards Yin Shengzi.

"What! You didn't hide!" Yin Shengzi's face became more and more ugly, Chen Dong's pure yang true fire was the nemesis of his cold true qi, if Chen Dong tried his best to attack him, he would have no way to resist it!
"Ice wall! Ice wall! Block it!" As Chen Dong got closer and closer to him, Yin Shengzi could only frantically use the ice technique in an attempt to weaken Chen Dong's attack.

"Crack! Crack!" But the same as before, the ice wall of Yin Shengzi was like paper paste in front of Chen Dong's Pure Yang True Fire, and it would instantly shatter when it came into contact with the wooden sword!
At this time, Chen Dong's sword had already reached the neck of Yin Shengzi!
"Boy! Go to hell!" But at the same time, the left fist of the golden saint behind Chen Dong seemed to turn into a golden fist, and he punched Chen Dong's back of the head!

This punch is a full-strength blow from a mid-stage Jindan expert. If he is hit, Chen Dong will undoubtedly die!

"Chen Dong, be careful behind you!" Feng Shuangshuang screamed with a pale face.

(End of this chapter)

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