Special masters on campus

Chapter 706 Why am I afraid?

Chapter 706 Why am I afraid?
"Ah!" The Golden Son was able to pull out this ancient broken sword with his physical strength, it was a breeze.And just as he expected, his hands were already firmly on the hilt of the sword.

But just when he was about to pull out the wooden sword to infuse his junior brother Yin Shengzi with true energy, the pure yang fire burned on the wooden sword again!
Although this Pure Yang True Fire would not kill him, it made him have to retreat!At that moment just now, he felt as if his hands were grasping a small sun.It's just that the golden hand that touched him just now showed signs of melting!

And at the moment when Jin Shengzi was forced back by Chunyang True Fire, this Jin Shengzi's face changed again, because he suddenly felt a strong murderous intent!
"Not good! It's a hit!"

At this time, Chen Dong's figure had appeared behind him!

Just when Jin Shengzi realized something was wrong, he saw a golden light surge like a little sun between Chen Dong's palms!
"Boom!" At the next moment, a dazzling golden light group lit up from Jin Shengzi's back!
On the other side of the hall, Feng Shuangshuang's eyes were so painful that he didn't dare to look directly at the light, and subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands!
"Pfft!" And almost at the same time, a figure suddenly flew out of the golden light!It is none other than the Golden Son!
"Thump!" Jin Shengzi fell heavily on the ground after being knocked into the air for a few meters, and his body backed up several steps in a row before half-squatting on the ground to stabilize his body.

"You! How could you be so strong! You're just a middle-stage Jindan cultivator!" Jin Shengzi looked at Chen Dong coldly while clutching his chest.

"That's right, my realm is indeed at the early stage of Golden Core." Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"You!" The Jin Shengzi's face darkened, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"No! Could it be that this kid is hiding his cultivation? Otherwise, the blow just now couldn't have been so powerful that it could hurt me!" Jin Shengzi rolled his eyes back and forth, and the power of Chen Dong's blow just now It is stronger than Jindan mid-term!Even he felt the crisis, and his physical body was extremely strong. If it was an ordinary Jindan middle-stage cultivator who was hit by this move just now, it would not be the consequence of taking a few steps back.

In fact, all of this was Chen Dong's plan from the very beginning.The reason why he agreed not to attack the two saints of gold and silver just now was to find an opportunity to launch a fatal blow to them.Because he knew that these two people would never let him go easily, once he let them finish healing, he would lose the best chance to defeat them!
Just now, Chen Dong also retreated on purpose, in order to take advantage of Jin Shengzi's eagerness to heal his junior brother, and attack Jin Shengzi again, and he really hurt Jin Shengzi.Although this blow was not fatal, it was enough to affect Jin Shengzi's combat power and mentality!
The reason why Chen Dong was able to injure Jin Shengzi with that blow just now was because it was another big killer move he comprehended after breaking through the sixth level of "Nine Suns Collection"!Six Yang Xuantian!

When Chen Dong condensed a trace of pure yang true fire, he understood the nature of fire more and more deeply.And all the fire in this world comes from the sun, the closer a practitioner is to the essence of fire, the closer he is to comprehending the sun.After Chen Dong broke through the sixth level of "Nine Suns Collection", he realized this formula "Six Suns Xuantian" is to condense the "little sun!" through the understanding of the essence of fire, which is called Xuanyang.

Although the condensed fireball is not the real sun, it far surpasses all the flames in this world in terms of temperature and power.

And with Chen Dong's current strength, he could only condense a Xuanyang in a short period of time.If Chen Dong can break through to the ninth level of "Nine Suns Treasure", he can instantly condense six mysterious yangs!That is the terrifying power equivalent to instantly casting six small suns!
This style was comprehended from the time he had just broken through the golden core stage until he fully comprehended it on the plane to the Dragon Headquarters headquarters.Before that, Chen Dong hadn't used it, just to make Jin Shengzi think that he didn't have the strength to hurt him at the critical moment.

But at this moment, Chen Dong's figure moved again, and he rushed towards Jin Shengzi who was half squatting on the ground!It is Chen Dong's habit to take advantage of your illness to kill you.There is no kindness and fairness in the world of comprehension, especially for this kind of person!
And this time seeing Chen Dong attacking him again, the Golden Son didn't dare to neglect him anymore.Although Chen Dong's consecutive attacks just now were won by tricks, they did severely injure his two brothers.At this moment, in the eyes of the golden saint, Chen Dong was far from being a simple early-stage Golden Core cultivator, but placed him as an enemy at the same level as himself.

But seeing that Jin Shengzi quickly stood up, the true energy in his body was full of luck, and he was ready to resist Chen Dong's blow with all his strength.He knew that if Chen Dong could still unleash the power of the blow just now, he would have to resist it with all his strength and never underestimate the enemy again.

"Huh!" At this moment, Chen Dong suddenly changed direction, and instead of attacking Jin Shengzi as he imagined, he came again behind the dying Yin Shengzi.

"Junior brother! No!" Jin Shengzi immediately realized that Chen Dong's purpose was not to attack himself, the person he wanted to take advantage of was his junior brother!

"Um..." But at this moment, the silver saint didn't feel the danger behind him at all.When he heard his senior brother calling him again, he thought that his senior brother would not forget him, and he still kept his last hope.

"I won't die! I'm a strong mid-stage golden core! I'll survive! I'll tear Chen Dong into pieces..." Yin Shengzi had a ferocious expression on his face, and the hatred for Chen Dong in his heart was overwhelming!
"It's over..." And at this moment, a cold voice came from his ear.

But seeing the Yin Shengzi's eyes wide open, all the expressions on his face froze all of a sudden.As if hearing the death sentence, a bone-piercing chill instantly spread from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

At this time, Chen Dong's hand was already on the hilt of the wooden sword!
"Don't! I don't want to die! I don't want to die yet!" The Silver Son frantically shook his head with the last of his strength. He was now overwhelmed by fear. He was scared, really scared.In his eyes, Chen Dong is no longer a junior, but a god of killing and a god of death!He began to regret why he took this task?
"Chen Dong junior! How dare you!" At this moment, Jin Shengzi also started to charge towards Chen Dong with all his strength, with a ferocious expression on his face!

But Chen Dong raised his mouth, "Why wouldn't I dare?"

"噗!" Chen Dong's right hand holding the wooden sword hilt twitched backwards!

(End of this chapter)

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