Special masters on campus

Chapter 724 Whose fire is stronger!

Chapter 724 Whose fire is stronger!

Chen Dong only felt a black shadow flicker in front of him, and when he saw it clearly, Long Tianlong had already come in front of him!One must know that Chen Dong is in the early stage of Jindan, and even he can't see clearly, so how fast is the opponent's speed!
And all this happened so fast that Chen Dongduo couldn't help thinking that the murderous opportunity had arrived.

"Let the flames of hell burn your soul!" Long Tianlong had no expression on his face, and a section of black flames devoured towards Chen Dong like a beast's mouth!

Chen Dong felt a life-and-death crisis almost instinctively!
"Om!" At the moment when the black flames were about to devour Chen Dong, a golden light flashed outside Chen Dong's body, and the body-protecting true energy of six paths and nine suns formed.

"The power of pure yang? Not bad..." Long Tianlong smiled, but the smile matched his scarred face was so weird.

"It's a pity that there are fewer."

And just before he could finish his sentence, he saw that the protective qi outside Chen Dong's body was rapidly bursting layer by layer like bubbles!

"Boom! Boom!" In an instant, the six protective qi equivalent to the initial defense of Jindan burst!

"It's so strong!" Chen Dong's eyes were like stars, and he retreated sharply when his protective qi shattered!

"The consciousness is good, but the speed is a bit slow..." And just before Chen Dong backed up and had no time to stop his figure, a voice without any emotion came from behind him.

"Not good!" Chen Dong's pupils suddenly shrank!

A black flame flickered out in mid-air!

But seeing that Chen Dong didn't have time to react at all, this time he was blasted firmly on the back by this black flame!
"Boom!" Chen Dong's whole body was directly blasted to the ground like a cannonball, and the huge impact force stirred up a wave of yellow sand and earth.

If it was an ordinary person, I am afraid that this blow would be enough to be blasted into a pulp.

"Squeak... squeak..." Long Tianlong landed on the desert expressionlessly, and the yellow sand under his feet creaked and creaked.

Obviously the result was not what he expected, Chen Dong was so vulnerable, too slow, too weak.He doesn't have any sense of accomplishment beating an opponent of this level.

"My little brother, if you die in the hands of such a bastard, it only means that you are weaker, and your death is not wronged..." Long Tianlong looked blankly at the place where Chen Dong fell.

At this time, the yellow sand dispersed.

"It's true that he died unjustly..." A figure gradually became clear.

"Huh?" Long Tianlong's face finally showed a little change. Obviously, not only did Chen Dong not die, but he was able to stand up and talk, which was beyond his expectation.According to his expectation, his blow just now was enough to severely damage any cultivator at the early stage of Golden Core.

"Huh! Huh!" A gust of wind blew away the yellow sand, revealing Chen Dong's figure.

But seeing that Chen Dong was on the ground with him as the center, a big pit with a diameter of seven or eight meters was directly blown out, which was two meters deep!
Just an understatement of the power of a palm has such a terrifying attack power, it is indeed one of the most powerful enemies Chen Dong has ever encountered.But now Chen Dong can be sure that Long Tianlong is not the same person as that mysterious man in black robe, or he is slightly weaker than that man in black robe.

"It means that I don't have any chances..." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up slightly, and he walked out of the pit.

"Huhu!" The howling wind on the desert kept blowing mixed with yellow sand.

But if there are other people present at this time, you will find a strange phenomenon, the wind of yellow sand all over the sky seems to be afraid of these two people, and will take the initiative to avoid them when it blows in front of these two people!

Of course, if you are a cultivator, you will understand that this is due to the coercion of these two Jindan stage powerhouses.This is the horror of Jindan stage powerhouses, even if they are naturally affected by them.

But at this moment, the two Jindan stage powerhouses were standing face to face, the distance between them was less than five meters.

"It seems that I still underestimated you. Not only did you not die after being hit by me, but it seems that you are not injured now." Long Tianlong still said that expressionlessly.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you." Chen Dong reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth and said lightly.

At this moment, the qi and blood in Chen Dong's body were violently tumbling, and the meridians all over his body felt a sharp pain of being torn apart.The speed of Long Tianlong just now was indeed beyond Chen Dong's expectations, so he didn't have time to fight back.

In the battle between comprehension powerhouses, even the slightest mistake is fatal!If Chen Dong was an ordinary Jindan early-stage cultivator, Long Tianlong's blow just now was indeed enough to kill him or injure him.But Long Tianlong didn't know that although Chen Dong appeared to be at the early stage of Golden Core, his defensive power and attack power were comparable to those of mid-stage Golden Core cultivators.

And the most important thing is that Chen Dong possesses two rare things in the cultivation world, Pure Yang True Fire and Sky Fire Black Ice!One is the treasure of comprehension from the ancient era of comprehension left to him by his parents.One is the Pure Yang Real Fire that he has comprehended through practicing the Nine Suns Book!
And at the most critical moment just now, he barely caught Long Tianlong's palm just now by relying on the powerful aura in the Tianhuo Xuanbing and the restraint of the pure Yang True Fire on the black flame.

But even so, Chen Dong still suffered some internal injuries.

It can be seen that the strength of this dragon and Tianlong is far from comparable to that of Chisong Laodao and the gold and silver saints!
"But for me, it doesn't matter if I kill you with one palm or with two palms." Long Tianlong's scarred face was expressionless.

And almost at the same time as he spoke, Long Tianlong's figure disappeared again, like a ghost!
"Here we come!" This time, Chen Dong was ready to retreat in advance.

But just as Chen Dong took a step back, his eyes suddenly flashed, and Long Tianlong's disgusting scar suddenly appeared in front of Chen Dong!

Obviously, although Chen Dong made preparations and predictions in advance this time, compared with Long Tianlong's absolute speed, Chen Dong was still half a beat slower!

Among masters, this half beat is enough to kill!

"Disappear..." Long Tianlong said with a blank expression, and waved his left hand lightly.


In an instant, a black flame devoured towards Chen Dong like a giant black python!

The fire of hell, like an evil dragon, devours all opponents and turns them into ashes in an instant!

This is the origin of the name of the Dragon Head Club!It's all because of the terrifying black flame cultivated by Long Tianlong!

"Aww!" The black flame seemed to have life, and opened its huge black mouth towards Chen Dong!
In front of Long Tianlong, Chen Dong is just a stronger ant!

"Black fire? Then I would like to see which one of us has the stronger fire!" Chen Dong thought as he retreated sharply!
"Huh!" But at the moment when the black fire dragon was about to swallow Chen Dong, a small but commanding white flame appeared between Chen Dong's eyebrows!
(End of this chapter)

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