Special masters on campus

Chapter 727 Fatal Error

Chapter 727 Fatal Error

"Huh!" Long Tianlong's figure appeared in front of Chen Dong like a ghost.

But he raised his left hand expressionlessly, and looked at Chen Dong with a look of disdain for ordinary people.

"You will see what is right and what is evil, the strong is right, the weak is evil..."

But just as he was about to place a palm on top of Chen Dong's head, Chen Dong suddenly smiled.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Wait for me? Wait for me to burn you?" Long Tianlong smiled coldly.

"Six Yang Xuantian!"

And almost at this moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly flashed between Chen Dong and Long Tianlong!But a golden ball of light the size of a watermelon appeared in the air!Just like a little sun appearing in the sky, it hurts people's eyes so much that they can't even open them!

At the same time, Chen Dong's body suddenly went backwards, and fell directly into the deep pit behind him!
It turned out that Chen Dong had been preparing for his strongest blow just now, just waiting for Long Tianxing to think that he could kill himself without any effort. This time was when he was most defenseless.At this time, Liuyang Xuantian launched a sudden attack on him!

Long Tianlong stood there motionless as if he didn't react at all, but there was a weird smile on his face.

"Liuyang Xuantian?" But seeing that Long Tianlong stretched out his right hand to grab the golden ball of light in front of him!

That's right, use your hands directly!

"Boom!" All this happened too fast!Moments later, a violent roar came from the desert.A small mushroom cloud visible to the naked eye soared into the sky.

Ten kilometers away, a black off-road vehicle drove towards the east at high speed, pulling out a trail of yellow sand and smoke in the desert.

"Boom!" And at this moment, a boom came from behind the car.

"It's Chen Dong! It must be Chen Dong!" Feng Bingbing's expression changed, and he looked back quickly.

"It's too strong. We've driven so far and yet we can still hear such a loud noise!" Feng Shuangshuang, who was driving, also had an ugly expression on his face.If he and his sister hadn't left just now, even this attack would be enough to kill them both.

"I hate myself! If it weren't for me, Chen Dong would be in danger! I also hate myself for being too weak to help Chen Dong!" Feng Bingbing looked at the direction behind the car, tears kept streaming, she would rather be in danger now The one in the picture is her, not Chen Dong.

"Sister, don't blame yourself. If you want to blame this matter, you should blame me. It's my obsession..." Feng Shuangshuang said with a face full of self-blame.

"I can't blame you entirely, Shuangshuang, don't think too much." Feng Bingbing touched his tears.

"Well! My sister's matter has come to this point, all we can do is to trust Chen Dong! I think this man Chen Dong will definitely not die so easily, he is the most special boy." Feng Shuangshuang said.

"The most special boy..." Feng Bingbing muttered to herself, perhaps in her eyes, Chen Dong was not only the most special but also the most important man to her.

At this moment, in the depths of the desert where a huge roaring sound was heard just now.

There is a piece of roasted black sand everywhere on the ground, and black smoke is constantly emerging from the black scorched earth.All this doesn't look like a world at all, but a scene like hell.

And no one noticed at the moment, in the middle of the black scorched earth, in a dark pit.

Chen Dong squatted halfway in the deep pit, propped up on the ground with one hand, panting violently.

"Huh! Huh!" Just now he used Liuyang Xuantian once again, and he did his best no matter the timing or timing.

Liuyang Xuantian condensed and compressed the pure yang power in Chen Dong's body into a golden ball of pure sunlight, which then exploded suddenly.This is the strongest attack power that Chen Dong can use now, and the power that erupts is enough to threaten the mid-stage Jindan strongman, and the distance just now is so close that Long Tianlong has no way to dodge at all.

"At least it can hurt him, right?" Chen Dong panted violently.This is the second time since he stepped into the world of comprehension that he has no power to fight back against the enemy. The last time he faced the mysterious black-robed man, he felt that the opponent was like a mountain in front of him.If the other party wanted to kill him at that time, he would not have the slightest ability to resist.

And today, this is the second time, it made Chen Dong feel as if Mount Tai was overwhelmed.

Before coming to the headquarters of the Dragon Head Association, Chen Dong had already imagined the difficulties he would encounter, especially the president of the Dragon Head Association, Long Tianlong, who had never shown his face.Before encountering Long Tianlong in this trip, although Chen Dong met a mid-stage Jindan strongman like Jinyinersheng, the kung fu practiced by one of the opponents happened to be restrained by his own pure yang true fire.Therefore, the two sages of gold and silver did not cause much trouble to Chen Dong. Instead, they were beaten by Chen Dong and fled in embarrassment.

But after encountering Long Tianlong, although Long Tianlong's cultivation had not yet reached the late stage of Jindan, Chen Dong felt that compared with the two gold and silver saints, the pressure he faced had increased by more than ten times!
I have no power to fight back at all, and even passive defense is very difficult!

"As long as the blow just now can injure him, I still have a chance to turn the situation around!" But Chen Dong was able to survive until now in the extremely dangerous world of self-cultivation, and he is still alive well, not only because of brute force but also because of his strength. mind.

The attack plan just now, both in terms of planning and final implementation, was done flawlessly.

"Crack! Crack!" But at this moment, there were several clapping sounds from above the pit.

"What!" Chen Dong suddenly raised his head, but saw a figure walking down from above.

It's none other than Long Tianlong!
But at this moment, Long Tianlong looked the same as before, and there was no injury except his right hand was a little black!
"Could it be that even Liuyang Xuantian couldn't hurt him, even in the slightest?" Chen Dong stood up slowly with serious eyes.An unprecedented life and death crisis spread in his heart. This Long Tianlong is definitely not his previous opponents but a truly dangerous enemy.

"That's right. I didn't resist before, just showing weakness, which made me feel that I have no patience and interest in playing. Of course, I also want to let me relax my vigilance, and then burst out my strongest one in the shortest time at the closest distance." If it were an ordinary mid-stage Golden Core cultivator, they might not have a chance to dodge at all, and the blow just now was powerful enough to injure a mid-stage Golden Core cultivator. Perfect, perfect to a seamless plan. I have to admit that you want Smarter than I imagined." Long Tianlong said with a blank expression while continuing to walk towards Chen Dong who was in a deep pit.

"And then?" Chen Dong's eyes were serious and his brain was running fast.

"It's a pity that you made a fatal mistake, so that no matter how perfect your plan is, you can't achieve your goal." Long Tianlong said.

"What?" Chen Dong narrowed his eyes, his gaze was serious.

(End of this chapter)

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