Chapter 741 Died
"Hoo hoo!" In the northwest desert, gusts of wind mixed with gravel and dust whizzed past.

Chen Dong and Long Tianlong looked at each other at a distance of ten meters.The ground under their feet was in a mess and even a meter or two lower than the surrounding ground, all caused by the terrifying shock wave just now.

"Chen Dong, do you really think that you are a god? Although I don't know how you have been promoted to the late stage of Jindan in such a short period of time. But if you say that you can still break through, that is the biggest joke in the entire cultivation world! "Long Tianlong looked at Chen Dong with a gloomy face. At this moment, his body was full of energy and blood. Although the blow just now didn't kill him, it still caused him some injuries.

"Joke? Huh!" Chen Dong sneered, "Then have you ever seen someone who has been promoted from the early stage of Golden Core to the late stage of Golden Core before?"

"This!" Long Tianlong's eyes widened, and his mind also thumped.

That's right!Chen Dong can continuously break through in such a short period of time, it is impossible to advance from the early stage of Golden Core to the late stage of Golden Core!
"Could it be!" Long Tianlong looked at Chen Dong fiercely, and he was really shaken by what Chen Dong said.

"No! This is absolutely impossible! In the whole world of comprehension, there are no cultivators above the late Golden Core Stage! Since the end of the ancient era of cultivation, it is impossible to have any cultivators above the late Golden Core Stage! Above the Golden Core is the Nascent Soul Stage ! And the Nascent Soul stage only exists in the ancient legends of cultivation!" Long Tianlong shook his head and screamed loudly, he did not believe that Chen Dong could really break through the Golden Core Stage and become a legendary existence.

Since the end of the ancient era of comprehension, a large number of strong comprehensions have died or disappeared.All cultivators beyond the Nascent Soul stage have never appeared again, and no one knows whether they died in battle or hid.In short, the highest realm in the cultivation world for thousands of years is the peak of the late golden core, and there are very few peerless powerhouses who can reach the peak of the late golden core.I have never heard of anyone in the cultivation world who can break through and become a strong person in the Nascent Soul stage for so many years.

So this Long Tianlong would not believe what Chen Dong said at all. Becoming the Nascent Soul Stage is the long-cherished wish of many cultivators in the cultivation world for thousands of years, but no one has ever achieved it!

"Junior Chen Dong! I know why you say that! You just want to scare me and make my psychological defense completely collapse! Then attack me when I show my weakness! Haha! You treat me like a dragon and a dragon. Is it a one-hundred-year order? Returning to the Nascent Soul stage! It’s ridiculous!" Long Tianlong laughed wildly, and at the same time he was trying his best to convince himself that Chen Dong would never really break through again.

"Then it seems that I really want to be No.1..." Chen Dong's eyes were serious. The reason why he said this was not because he was scaring Long Tianlong, but because he clearly felt that the true energy in his body was still going on. become stronger!
"Damn it! The accidental fusion of the Heavenly Fire Profound Ice and the Pure Yang True Fire has stimulated the power of these two great treasures of cultivation, and condensed a golden core that is stronger than the previous three golden cores combined. But this power I can't control it anymore!" Chen Dong's face was solemn, it is a good thing to obtain extremely powerful power, but if he can't control this power, it will be counterproductive and even worse!

"Haha! No.1? An ignorant junior, an idiot talking about dreams..." But the smile on Long Tianlong's face froze immediately before he finished speaking.

"This!" Long Tianlong's eyes widened, he was looking up at Chen Dong not with surprise but with horror!
That's right, looking up!Because he could clearly feel that the spiritual pressure on Chen Dong's body had risen sharply again!It's already the late stage of Jindan, and it's still getting stronger!
"Are you at the peak of Jindan in the late stage?" Soon Long Tianlong began to feel that the blood in his body began to churn, and even his breathing was a little difficult!

"Who the hell are you! Who the hell are you!" Long Tianlong screamed with red eyes and trembling voice, he couldn't believe what happened before his eyes!Chen Dong is already in the late stage of Jindan, but the spiritual pressure on his body can continue to be strengthened. Could it be that he really wants to hit the legendary Nascent Soul realm!
All this is beyond what Long Tianlong can understand!Because for tens of thousands of years, there has never been a strong person in the Nascent Soul Stage in the cultivation world!
But what Long Tianlong didn't know at this moment was that Chen Dong's mood was also not much better.

Because Chen Dong himself can't control the aura in his body now!

At this moment, in Chen Dong's dantian, the golden elixir formed by the condensed skyfire black ice and pure yang real fire started to grow bigger again, and the light emitted from it became more and more dazzling!It was as if a huge sun appeared in the sea of ​​qi in the dantian, completely illuminating the entire dantian!

"Buzz! Buzz!" At the same time, dazzling golden lights emanated from Chen Dong's body and continued to spread around!This time, the golden light is far beyond the previous ones in terms of range and brightness, and has almost reached the level of substance!
At the same time, the coercion on Chen Dong's body continued to rise at a terrifying speed, in the late stage of Jindan, the peak of the late Jindan stage!Still growing!

"Deng Deng!" At this time, Long Tianlong could not stand still, and the huge spiritual pressure pushed him back non-stop!
"Hold it!" Long Tianlong let out a wild cry, the true energy in his body circulated to the limit, desperately resisting Gu's terrifying spiritual pressure.

But soon Long Tianlong found that even though he tried his best to resist, he couldn't resist at all!

"Pfft!" At this moment, seeing Long Tianlong spitting out a mouthful of blood, he knelt down on the ground at once!
"Crack, click!" The ground was smashed into cracks again by his kneeling!

"I can't die! I don't want to die!" Long Tianlong knelt on the ground and tried his best to stand up, but the terrifying coercion emanating from Chen Dong was really powerful!Even if he tried his best, he couldn't stand up at all!

"Ah!" In the end, Long Tianlong screamed and was crushed to the ground and couldn't even raise his head!
"No!" Now there is only one expression on Long Tianlong's face!panic!He was really scared from the bottom of his heart!

"Kaka! Kaka!" With the continuous increase of the spiritual pressure on his body, even the bones of Chen Dong's whole body began to be unable to bear this terrifying spiritual pressure and began to crackle!

"Damn! There is no way to control it!" Chen Dong was also resisting with all his strength, and now his body tempered by the pure yang fire can still support him in front of him.But if the realm continues to improve and break through the shackles of the late Jindan stage, then he can't imagine what the consequences will be!
It is very likely that Chen Dong burst like a balloon that has reached its limit!
(End of this chapter)

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