Special masters on campus

Chapter 759 Four Heavenly Tribulations!

Chapter 759 Four Heavenly Tribulations!

In the sky, waves of blood are surging!
It was completely unheard of that four huge blood cloud vortexes appeared at the same time!
At this moment, in the sky tens of miles away from Chen Dong, the man in black robe was staring at the four swirls of blood clouds in the sky.

"Damn it! It actually appeared in the Four Heavenly Tribulations at the same time! It's really shameless!" The man in black snorted coldly.

"Boy, you can only resist this catastrophe by yourself. It is useless for others to help you. Whether you live or die today depends on your own fortune..."

And at this moment, the man in black robe seemed to sense something, he suddenly turned his head to look towards the south sky, and then disappeared into the sky as if he had never appeared before.

At this time, it is on the south side of a hundred miles away from the second place.

The four figures in the sky are rapidly heading towards the blood cloud in the north.

Two of these four people, Chen Dong, knew each other. They were the practitioners surnamed Qin and those surnamed Gao who were about to report back to the main altar of the Cultivation Alliance after they were released by Chen Dong.At this moment, the two of them looked nervous, staring fixedly at the blood cloud in front of them. Obviously, if they could choose to kill them, they didn't want to come back and face that "old monster" again.

After the horrible experience just now, they didn't want to go through it again, but they came back anyway, more like leading the way.Because they are more afraid of these two behind them than that strange old monster of comprehension!
But seeing the two people following behind the two of them, one of them was wearing a red robe like a blazing fire, but his face was blurred and couldn't be seen clearly.Also beside the man in the red robe was a man in an orange robe, and his face could not be seen clearly either.

These two people are exactly two of the nine people sitting on the main hall of the Cultivation Alliance headquarters!Not to mention the cultivator surnamed Gao who has just joined the Cultivation Alliance not long ago, this person with the surname Qin who has been in the Cultivation Alliance for a hundred years is also the second time in 100 years to see these two!
These two are the Red-clothed Venerable and the Orange-clothed Venerable among the Nine Great Venerables of the Cultivation Alliance, although these two are only the last two among the Nine Great Venerables.But for these ordinary members of the Cultivation Alliance in the later stage of Jindan, these two people still exist like nothing.

According to legend, although these nine great lords are not in the realm of the Nascent Soul Stage, their strength has already reached the Nascent Soul Stage, and some of them are even stronger than the Nascent Soul Stage.Possessing the strength of the Nascent Soul stage without triggering a catastrophe can also prolong the lifespan of the Nascent Soul.This is also an important reason why so many Jindan stage powerhouses choose to join the Cultivation Alliance!
"The two venerables are at the front!" The man surnamed Qin who was flying in the front said with a trembling voice.

"The two of you said that when you arrived, there was a young man who arrived one step ahead of you?" At this time, the Venerable in Orange Clothes said hoarsely.

"Exactly! Moreover, this person's cultivation base is extremely strong, and neither of us can match him together! We suspect that this person should be a cultivator!" The person surnamed Qin quickly replied.

"Yes, yes!" The short and fat cultivator surnamed Gao quickly responded.

"So the two of you were released by him to report?" At this moment, the man in the red robe said disdainfully.

"Subordinates are incompetent!"

"Subordinates are incompetent!"

"It's not to blame the two of them. This person's ability to trigger the catastrophe shows that his strength has entered the Nascent Soul stage. At that time, we sent the two of them here to collect the corpses, but we didn't expect that this boy could survive the catastrophe. No." The man in orange clothes said in a cold voice during the rapid flight.


"The person who caused the catastrophe!"

When they heard this sentence, the two surnamed Qin and Gao who were leading the way in front of Fei exclaimed almost at the same time.

"My lord, in your consciousness, the person we met was the one who caused the catastrophe, and he successfully resisted the catastrophe!" The expression of the person surnamed Qin changed. At this moment, he was extremely afraid, If this is true, didn't I just fight a peerless strong man in the Nascent Soul Stage?And he still took the initiative to attack the other party!

"This! This is not impossible! Then he is a strong man in the Nascent Soul stage!" The short and fat cultivator on the side was already there, and his body almost fell down.

"Hmph! Two really useless dogs who don't even know who each other is." The man in red snorted coldly and ignored the two of them. Apparently Jin Dan was strong in the eyes of others in the later stage, but in the He doesn't even count dogs.

"National Infant Stage? No matter what state he is, there will be no such person in this world from tomorrow on. There will no longer be a cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage. If you two want to survive, just put your mouth away. Do you know carefully?" the man in orange said in a cold voice.

"Yes! This subordinate understands!" Then how dare the Qin and Gao surnames talk more?Hastily replied in unison.

At this time, these four people were less than fifty miles away from where Chen Dong was.The four huge bloody vortexes in the sky almost completely cover the main sky, making people feel like they are in another world.

At this moment, the man in orange waved his hand and the four of them stopped.

"It actually triggered four blood-colored catastrophes. Hmph, it seems that we don't need to do anything. We will wait outside for a while, and the task of the two of you remains the same. Go collect the corpses, do you understand?" The man in orange Looking at the four bloody whirlpools in the sky, he said.

"Subordinates understand!" Qin Gao and the others quickly bowed their heads and agreed.

At this moment, Chen Dong, who was surrounded by four blood clouds and vortexes, didn't know that so many people were already waiting for his result outside the scope of Heavenly Tribulation.

What Chen Dong has to do now is to go all out to resist the catastrophe.

"Buzz!" But seeing the dazzling golden light constantly flickering around Chen Dong's body, the body of Nine Suns, the Divine Fist of Nine Suns, and three six-yang Xuantian light balls tightly protected Chen Dong in the middle.


And at this moment, bloody electric currents flashed in the sky again!This time, not one but four huge vortexes simultaneously appeared bloody lightning!

"Boom!" Immediately afterwards, the sound of thunder spread throughout the sky.

Any fool can see that this time's Heavenly Tribulation is definitely stronger than the previous Scarlet Heavenly Tribulation!And the strong point will not be 01:30!
At this moment, it is outside the range of Jieyun, fifty miles south of the sky.

The location of the four members of the Cultivation Alliance.

"It seems that the good show is about to begin..."

Outside the range of Jieyun, in the sky fifty miles to the north.

The mysterious man in black stared at the blood cloud in the sky.

"No one can help you, this is your life..."

"Boom!" At this moment, the whole sky suddenly burst with blood, and endless bloody currents wandered crazily in the sky!

But I saw four huge blood-colored lightning bolts coming out of the four blood cloud vortexes in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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