Special masters on campus

Chapter 767 Thanks

Chapter 767 Thanks
"Not good!" At the moment when the lightsaber rushed out from the ground, the man in black obviously felt something was wrong.

But just when he wanted to pull back to repel the lightsaber, the fireball and the orange lightsaber above fell even more crazily at the same time, leaving him no time to pull back!
Outside the pit, the man in the orange robe frantically swung his long sword towards the pit, while the venerable man in the red robe kept blasting fireballs.

"Hmph, I admit that your strength is very strong, even if the two of us work together, we can't take any advantage of you, but we can still hold you back and kill that junior!" Venerable Orange Robe sneered.

"Kill that junior first, and then go back to the main altar to tell the elder brother about your reappearance. Next time you will face not just the two of us, but the joint efforts of the nine masters of the Cultivation Alliance ! Haha!" The red-robed venerable also laughed arrogantly.

From their point of view, without the guardian of the black-robed man, it would be impossible for Chen Dong to block the strongest blow of the swordsman!
At this time, Chen Dong's body was surrounded by a layer of dazzling golden light, so he couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

"Damn it!" As soon as the man in black robe moved, he was surrounded by endless fireballs and lightsabers and couldn't escape!
"You can die under my sword, junior, you can rest in peace! Haha!" At this moment, the orange-robed venerable laughed from above.

"Really?" But at this moment, a cold voice came from the bottom of the pit, like a response to Venerable Orange Robe!
"Hum!" Almost at the same time, the orange lightsaber that was slashing towards Chen Dong stopped in mid-air with a whining sound, unable to move forward!

But at this time above the deep pit, the orange-robed venerable who was still laughing wildly suddenly stopped laughing.

"Old Ba, what's the matter? Let's solve it, I can't hold it any longer!" The red-robed venerable beside him hurriedly asked, obviously no matter how strong he was, he couldn't do such endless bombardment.

"No!" But at this moment, the face of the orange-robed venerable suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" The red-robed venerable was taken aback.

"He's not dead! My lightsaber was knocked apart!" The Orange-robed Venerable almost exclaimed.

"What? Your lightsaber was knocked apart? Impossible! He has been held back by our joint efforts, so it is impossible to save him in the clone!" The red-robed venerable shook his head and said.

"There are weird things here, we have to be careful, old man!" the Orange Robe Venerable said in a low voice.

"Strange?" The red-robed venerable nodded. According to common sense, the black-robed man is no longer capable of saving people, but the most powerful blow of the orange-robed venerable was knocked away. Puzzled.

"Stop it for now, I want to see what's tricky inside!"

Since the entire deep pit is now completely enveloped by various lights and impacts, the two of them cannot see the situation inside the deep pit, so they become cautious.

"Okay!" The red-robed venerable nodded, and the two of them closed their hands and flew upwards at the same time.

As the two sides stopped at the same time, the light and smoke and dust in the pit gradually dissipated.

Two figures gradually emerged from the bottom of the pit.

One of them was wearing a black robe, and he couldn't see his face clearly with a cloak.

And there was a figure beside him, and he couldn't see his face clearly even with his head down.But when the smoke and sand slowly dissipated, he slowly raised his head.

"This person!" The voice of the red-robed venerable changed.

"It's impossible! He couldn't have resisted that sword attack alone!" The Orange-robed Venerable was also obviously surprised by this person's appearance.

At this time, the figure looked up completely, with a signature smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you..." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Hmph..." The man in black beside Chen Dong snorted and said nothing.

The two stood side by side in the air, and above them were the two high-level powerhouses of the Cultivation Alliance, the Orange-robed Venerable and the Red-robed Venerable.

"Old Ba, what should we do now? I didn't expect this kid to actually succeed in reshaping his golden body!" the red-robed venerable said in a low voice.

"Hmph, he has just been remodeled, and he may not be able to fully recover his strength now, and we may not have a chance to kill him now!" The orange-robed venerable said coldly.

"Understood! I don't believe that even if a junior has been reshaped, how strong can his body be? Could it be stronger than the mid-stage Yuanying?" Anyone who pays attention to him, even if Chen Dong has finished reshaping his golden body at this moment, he doesn't pay attention to Chen Dong.What he feared the most was the man in black beside Chen Dong.

"I have already notified the master master, and the others will come soon. So what we have to do is not to kill them, we just need to hold them back and block them in this pit!" The orange-robed venerable sneered One sound.

"Haha! This is called closing the door and beating the dog! No matter who dares to be an enemy of my cultivation alliance, this will be the end!" The man in red laughed wildly.

But it's no wonder that this person is so arrogant, because since the Cultivation Alliance appeared in the Cultivation World, he has never lost.Even the No. 1 black robe in the comprehension world back then had to escape for his life!

At the moment below the pit.

Chen Dong glanced at the two people above.

"It turns out that these two people are members of the Cultivation Alliance. It seems that they are much more difficult to deal with than the previous two." Chen Dong asked. He had been fighting against the Heavenly Tribulation just now. On the reshaped golden body, I don't know what happens outside the body.But as a strong man, his first reaction after waking up was that the two people above were his enemies, and the mysterious man in black robe beside him actually helped him when he was most critical!
"Why did you help me just now?" Chen Dong said.

"I'm just in a good mood. I don't need any reason. I can help whoever I want, and I can't stand to kill anyone I want." The man in black said lightly.

"You are not from the Cultivation Alliance." Chen Dong said while staring at the two people above.

"Is it important?" the man in black robe said hoarsely.

"The two of them are members of the Cultivation Alliance, and you are not only not a member of the Cultivation Alliance, but also their enemy." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Oh? Why do you say that?" The man in black seemed to be a little interested.

"I am the one that the Cultivation Alliance wants to kill, and now I can be regarded as a thorn in their side that must be eradicated. If you help me, it means that you are an enemy of the entire Cultivation Alliance. If you are not an enemy of the Cultivation Alliance, you cannot risk your life for a stranger. Such a big risk." Chen Dong said.

"Then, at least we are in the same boat right now." The man in black smiled.

"At least for now." Chen Dong smiled.

"Do you know why the two of them haven't done anything yet?" The black robe said hoarsely at this moment.

"Waiting for help?" Chen Dong looked up.

"Once the nine venerables of the Cultivation Alliance arrive together, we may not be able to leave here..."

(End of this chapter)

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