Special masters on campus

Chapter 769 Your Task Is To Watch Out For People

Chapter 769 Your Task Is To Watch Out For People
Where the pit is.The originally monstrous red flames dissipated rapidly, but the white light suddenly became brighter and brighter.

"This!" The red-robed venerable is extremely confident in his own fire. He thinks that even the black-robed man's black fire cannot completely suppress his own fire, but at this moment the flame he wants to be proud of is actually in his body. It quickly dissipated under the nose!

"What!" The orange-robed venerable frowned tightly. In his mind, even if the black-robed man had the strength to do this, what appeared should be black fire instead of this dazzling white fire!

And this glaring white light became stronger rapidly, and soon even these two strong men from the Cultivation Alliance couldn't look directly at it!

"Did you see it? This is called fire..." At this moment, a faint voice came from the deep pit.

"It's not the black robe! It's him!" At this moment, the orange-robed venerable suddenly screamed.

"Could it be!" The red-robed venerable stepped back a few meters and forcibly stabilized his body.

At this time, the flames in the sky finally dissipated, but a figure and a dazzling white light slowly rose up.

"Om!" Waves of white light illuminated a few kilometers around.

The two venerables in the red and orange robes looked at the figure at the same time.

I saw a white light ball with a diameter of nearly one meter floating above the man's head.

At this time, this person slowly raised his head, and looked at the two people in the orange robe and the red robe.

"It's really him!"

"This junior! How is it possible! How is it possible for him to break through the siege of you and me!" The red-robed venerable also said in a gloomy voice.

"No! That fire!" At this moment, the red-robed venerable couldn't help exclaiming as if he had suddenly discovered something.

"Could this be the Pure Yang True Fire! That's right, this is the Pure Yang True Fire, otherwise, with his strength, how could he completely destroy my fire in such a short period of time!" trembling.

"Pure Yang True Fire?" The orange-robed venerable also looked at Chen Dong.

"That's right! Only cultivators who have comprehended the origin of fire have the opportunity to condense a trace of pure Yang fire, but as far as I know, I am one of the top three cultivators with the fire attribute in the cultivation world, but no one, including me It can condense pure yang true fire. Pure yang true fire, the emperor of all fires in this world only exists in ancient legends. The original treasure will be possessed by an unknown junior! This child must not be kept, otherwise there will be endless troubles!" That red The robed venerable shouted loudly, disregarding his status and face.

"Pure Yang True Fire, the ultimate treasure. It seems that the reason why this junior was able to reshape his golden body after being smashed by the blood-colored catastrophe just now is probably because of this Pure Yang True Fire! But no matter what the reason is, he can't keep it!" Orange Robe Venerable said in a low voice.

"Do you want to save my life? As long as you can take it, I have no objection. But if you don't have the ability, then it's your life that's left!" Chen Dong smiled and his body kept rising to the two of Hongcheng and Hongcheng. Parallel midair.

"What did you say!" The red-robed venerable almost lost his temper. How could anyone dare to talk to him so presumptuously?

"This son can't be kept, he must be killed as soon as possible!" The orange-robed venerable said in a low voice.

"Understood! Since he is cultivating the fire attribute, let me handle it. I want him to understand that only the pure Yang fire is not enough. The key depends on whether the strength is strong. Only the strong are worthy of it." Possess such a treasure as Pure Yang True Fire!" The figure of the red-robed venerable slowly moved forward to lock onto the position of Chen Dong.

"Huh!" And at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Chen Dong, it was the man in black robe.At this time, he blocked Chen Dong behind him.

"Black robe!"

When he saw the man in black standing in front of Chen Dong again, he became obviously nervous.

And the black-robed man didn't seem to pay attention to the two of them, but said indifferently, "Not bad, boy, one person broke the barrier of two people. It seems that we have improved a lot since the last time we met."

The last meeting this black-robed man mentioned obviously refers to the first time the two of them fought against each other, that is, the time in the basement of the Tenglong Building in Donghai City. That time, the black-robed man claimed to be from the Cultivation Alliance.

"It seems that we should fight again if we have the chance." Chen Dong said.

"Haha! I like this character! As long as you have the courage!" The man in black laughed loudly.

"But you don't need to do anything today, you just need to watch one of them and don't let him make trouble, mainly to prevent him from running away." Chen Dong said lightly.

"Are you sure you don't need me to do it? The strength of these two people is not comparable to that of ordinary Nascent Souls." The man in black was obviously a little surprised.

"Of course I'm sure, this is my character." Chen Dong stood in front of the black-robed man in a flash.

"Okay! Then I will watch these two old dogs for you today. Haha! This is probably the most embarrassing time since the establishment of the Cultivation Alliance! Two guys called Venerable were treated as lambs to be slaughtered by a junior haha! Interesting ! Interesting!" The black-robed man laughed out loud, smiling so happily.

"Also, my name is Chen Dong, not a kid. I hope you will remember it next time..." Chen Dong stared at the red-robed venerable, but these words were obviously addressed to the black-robed man.

"Huh?" The black robe was taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't expect Chen Dong to talk to him like this, but in this situation, without him, Chen Dong would be besieged by two powerful men.Normally, anyone standing in Chen Dong's position would not talk to himself like this, but Chen Dong is obviously different.

"Haha! Good! Chen Dong! I remember!" the black robe said with a big laugh.

"Hmph..." Chen Dong snorted, looked at the red-robed Venerable opposite, and raised his hand to point at him.

"Just now you said that pure Yang and real fire are not enough to depend on strength, right?" Chen Dong said with a smile on his face.

"That's right!" the red-robed venerable said coldly.

"This sentence is very correct. Indeed, only the strong are worthy of possessing treasures!" Chen Dong nodded.

"Haha! Junior, do you know how to be afraid now? I can give you a chance to hand over the pure Yang fire and abolish your cultivation. I can consider letting you live!" The red-robed venerable said with a sneer.

"What you said makes sense, but I think I'm more qualified than you, do you believe it?" Chen Dong said with a twitch of his mouth.

"Haha! It's up to you! It seems that you still don't know what the cultivation alliance is!" The red-robed venerable sneered, and the red robe on his body burned again, and he rushed towards Chen Dong in a flash.His purpose is very clear to kill Chen Dong as soon as possible before Chen Dong becomes stronger!

And Chen Dong just stood there motionless as if he didn't realize it.

And the strength of the red-robed venerable above the Nascent Soul stage almost teleported to Chen Dong.

"go to hell!"

"Huh!" A huge fireball was heading towards Chen Dong like a shooting star!

And at this critical moment, seeing a golden light flash in Chen Dong's eyes, he punched the fireball directly!
(End of this chapter)

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