Special masters on campus

Chapter 782 Are You Waiting For Me?

Chapter 782 Are You Waiting For Me?

At nine o'clock in the morning, outside the west gate of Tunghai University.

Chen Dong and his party had just returned to Tunghai University.

Chen Dong felt the murderous intent. A cultivator from Tunghai University had come here, and the other party's cultivation was not weak, at least above the Golden Core Stage.

If it is a member of the Cultivation Alliance, then it is dangerous!

"Huh? Isn't this Vice President Chen?" Someone recognized Chen Dong at this moment.

"It's a pity that there are too many beauties around her..."


A few girls frolic.

"It seems that you are quite a celebrity in school!" Feng Shuangshuang said.

"I saw senior Gao Shi just now, I really don't know why senior Gao Shi is so well-behaved, why did he suspend school?" A girl said at this time.

"噗!" But just as the girl finished saying this sentence, she only felt a dark shadow flash in front of her.

"What did you just say?" Chen Dong looked at the girl and said.

"I... I saw Senior Gao Shi..." The girl said subconsciously for a moment before she could react.

"Where did you see it? Where did he go now?" Chen Dong quickly asked, Gao Shi's reappearance at Tunghai University was dangerous news.Before Chen Dong was eager to go to the Dragon Headquarters headquarters to save people, he only dealt with Chisongzi and ignored Gao Shi whose cultivation was completely abolished by him.

"I saw him leaving the school with classmate Liu Yashu." The girl stumbled with her eyes wide open.

"What! Together with Liu Yashu!" Chen Dong thumped in his heart, he knew something had happened when he heard that Gao Shi and Liu Yashu left the school together!
"Damn it! He should have been killed in the first place! And Tai Yizong! If you dare to touch Yashu, I will destroy your entire sect!" A frightening cold light flashed in Chen Dong's eyes.

"Which direction did they leave? How long have they been away?" Chen Dong asked quickly.

"From... from the north gate of the school, about half an hour ago." The girl was startled by Chen Dong's eyes and said hastily.

"North gate? Which abandoned factory building! It must be there!" Chen Dong rolled his eyes, and he understood Gao Shi's meaning.Gao Shi knew that as long as he returned to school and knew that he had taken Liu Yashu and left through the north gate, he would definitely go to a factory in the north of the city.

"Bingbing, you guys stay at school, I'll go out!" Chen Dong turned his head and said to Feng Bingbing and the two sisters.

"Yes!" Feng Bingbing nodded quickly.

"Huh!" Everyone who was present almost at the same time felt a gust of wind blowing in front of them, and by the time they realized it, Chen Dong was already gone.

"Where's...Chen Dong?" It took a while for the other girls around to react.

"No... I don't know, I just feel a gust of wind blowing in front of my eyes!" The girl who was questioned by Chen Dong said in a daze.

"So fast!"

"very handsome!"

"A man like the wind..."

The girls chattered for a while.

"Hmph! Sister, it seems that you have quite a few potential competitors. Would you like me to help you disappear?" Feng Shuangshuang said, pouted.

"Shuangshuang, don't mess around, this is a school." Feng Bingbing quickly stopped his sister.

"What's wrong with the school, anyone who dares to rob my sister of a man will have to pay the price!" Feng Shuangshuang sneered.

"Don't make trouble..." Feng Bingbing looked helpless.

"Okay, just to make you happy, I'm not that stupid." Feng Shuangshuang chuckled.

"I hope Chen Dong will not encounter any danger this time..." Feng Bingbing looked to the north, he knew why Chen Dong was in such a hurry.

Chen Dong went to rescue Liu Yashu.

And at the same time that Chen Dong was rushing towards the north of the city.

In the northern suburb of Donghai City, in the abandoned factory building.

Liu Yashu was tied to a stone pillar.

And there were a few people standing around Liu Yashu.

One person was Gao Shi who had been abolished twice by Chen Dong.

And behind Gao Shi are three old Taoists in Taoist robes.

"Hey Yashu junior, you just have to be patient for a while, just wait for the guests we are waiting for to arrive." Gao Shi said to Liu Yashu with a smile on his face.

"Bah! Beast! Bastard! It was a waste of me adoring you so much and treating you as an idol god! I was so blind! Only now I know you are a beast!" Liu Yashu spat on Gao Shi's face.

That Gao Shi closed his eyes tightly, stretched out his hand to wipe away the saliva on his face, and then sniffed his nose!

"Hey! Junior Yashu's is Junior Junior Yashu, even the saliva is so sweet!" Gao Shi had a weird smile on his face.

"Disgusting! You bastard!" Liu Yashu looked at Gao Shi with disgust.

"Haha! That's right! I'm a bastard! I'm a bastard! But all of this was given by Chen Dong, who forced me into this state!" At this time, Gao Shi said with a ferocious face.

"You nonsense! If I were Chen Dong, I would have killed you long ago!" Liu Yashu said.

"Haha! You are right! If it were an ordinary person, I would have killed me! But do you know? Chen Dong! It was he who broke my meridians, even my dantian! You know What does this mean? It means that I will be a useless person from now on! I can no longer cultivate! This is more painful than killing me, do you understand?" Gao Shi's face was ferocious, and the more he spoke, the more excited he was, his face was about to touch Liu Yashu's face lit up.

Liu Yashu closed his eyes tightly and tried his best to turn away his face.

"Haha! Don't worry! This time, Chen Dong will definitely die! This time my three uncles attack at the same time, I will definitely die! I will kill him with my own hands! Haha!" Gao Shi laughed crazily, making people feel goosebumps pimple.

"Okay." At this time, one of the three Taoist robed elders behind Gao Shi whispered.

"Yes, Uncle Third." Hearing the old Taoist's words, Gao Shi suddenly became respectful.

"Are you sure that the person named Chen Dong is the person in the portrait?" The old Taoist took out a painting and faced Gao Shi.

This portrait is indeed the killing order issued by the Cultivation Alliance to all major cultivation sects!Three days is enough time for this killing order to reach the senior leaders of the major cultivation sects.

I saw two big characters written in cinnabar on the top of this portrait.

"Kill it!"

And this portrait is exactly Chen Dong!
"That's right! It's Chen Dong! He's the one who abolished my dantian! Besides, Master, the old man, has not heard from him for several days. I suspect..." Gao Shi said hastily.

"What do you suspect?" Another veteran asked in a dark voice.

"I suspect that Master, the old man, has been killed by Chen Dong!" Gao Shi said sharply.


"Junior Brother Ninth's cultivation has reached the Golden Core Stage. If Junior Brother Ninth is killed, then this person's strength is at least above the Early Golden Core Stage!"

"What are you afraid of? The cultivation base of the three of you and I have reached the middle stage of the golden core. Even if his cultivation is at the middle stage of the golden core, he can't escape the cooperation of the three of us!" said another old Taoist.

"That's right! Killing him will not only avenge the Ninth Junior Brother, but also capture the Heavenly Fire and Black Ice! More importantly, we have made a first contribution to the Cultivation Alliance! Then the status of our Taiyi Sect in the Cultivation World It will be greatly improved!" said the old Taoist who stood in the middle and was called the third uncle by Gao Shi.

"The third senior brother is right!" The other two old Taoists echoed.

"Squeak!" At this moment, the iron door of the abandoned factory opened with a creak.

"Are you waiting for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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