Special masters on campus

Chapter 784 Get up and lead the way!

Chapter 784 Get up and lead the way!

"Hoo hoo!" The three masters of the Taiyi sect rushed towards Chen Dong at the same time, their speed was extremely fast, and at this time, they were going to kill Chen Dong with one blow!

"Chess!" And just as the three masters made their attacks with all their strength, Chen Dong's figure had already appeared beside Liu Yashu.

With a sound of "Shua!", the rope on Liu Yashu's body was already untied by Chen Dong.

"Chen Dong..." Liu Yashu suddenly fell into Chen Dong's arms because of his excessive weakness.

"Okay, I'm here and everything is fine." Chen Dong gently stroked Liu Yashu's forehead and sent a gentle qi into her body.


"What happened just now?"

But at this time, the three veterans of the Taiyi Sect behind Chen Dong rushed to the air to react, and Chen Dong had already untied Liu Yashu's rope.

"I didn't see clearly!"

"Could it be that his speed is higher than the three of us!"

These three veterans stared at Chen Dong with ugly expressions.

Now Chen Dong is not only their Taiyi Sect's enemy, but also related to the cultivating rare treasures, the fragments of Tianhuo Xuanbing and the orders of the cultivating alliance.

It can be seen from Tai Yizong's simultaneous dispatch of three middle-stage Jindan elders that they attach great importance to Chen Dong, so no mistakes are allowed.

"This kid must be superior to the Cultivation Alliance and be able to kill Junior Brother Chisongzi. We must be careful not to let him escape, otherwise none of the three of us can afford this responsibility." The third elder said in a low voice .

"Understood!" The other two veterans nodded with gloomy faces.

"Huhu!" With two whistling sounds, the two old Taoists blocked Chen Dong's left and right directions again.

And Gao Shi turned his eyes and slowly stepped back to the side.

"Chen Dong, what should we do? These three veterans are too strong!" Liu Yashu said weakly as he fell into Chen Dong's arms.

Although Liu Yashu has also become a cultivator, but with his Qi refining stage cultivation base, he is far from being able to fight against these three Jindan stage powerhouses.

But in Chen Dong's eyes, these three veterans are at best three old dogs.

He does whatever it takes for his own benefit, but on the surface he still wants to keep his noble face!
The person Chen Dongping hates the most in his life is this kind of person!

"Oh, I almost forgot about the three of you. Lead the way, maybe you can survive if you lead the way." Chen Dong said with a smile on his face, looking at the leader, the third elder of Taiyi Sect.

"What did you say?" The third elder was taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't expect Chen Dong to say that suddenly.

"Lead the way, go to Taiyi School, is that understandable?" Chen Dong said with a playful face.

"Haha!" The third elder suddenly laughed.

"Haha!" The other two Taiyi sect veterans and my Gao Shi who retreated to the distance all laughed.

"Chen Dong junior, I don't think you are a fool, don't you understand your current situation?" the third elder said in a dark voice.

"Oh? Let me tell you about my situation." Chen Dong smiled.

"Hmph, you have now received a killing order from the Cultivation Alliance. Do you understand that any cultivator who encounters you must be killed? So don't even think about getting out of here alive today!" The coercion on the third elder suddenly surged like a torrent Come towards Chen Dongyong!

It was obvious that he wanted to use coercion to suppress Chen Dong!
"What about Chen Dong?" Liu Yashu suddenly became nervous.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm here." Chen Dong raised the corner of his mouth and waved his hand seemingly casually.

"Huh!" With just such a casual wave of his hand, an invisible huge wave suddenly set off in the air, heading towards the third elder of Tai Yizong overwhelmingly!

Compared with Chen Dong's coercion, the coercion of the third elder of Taiyi Sect is like a trickle!
"This!" The pupils of the third elder's eyes suddenly shrank!
"Boom!" And in the next second, the body of the three elders flew towards the factory gate at the back like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, as if they were knocked away by some terrifying force!
"Boom! Crack!" Just before the other two veterans could react, hearing a loud noise, the third elder smashed through the iron gate and flew out of the workshop!


But at this time, the two Taiyi sect veterans standing on Chen Dong's left and right sides finally realized it!They didn't even see clearly what happened just now, their third senior brother had already been kicked out of the factory building!
"No! It's impossible! I must be dreaming! I must have such a dream because I'm too afraid of Chen Dong!" Gao Shizheng, who was standing aside, was completely dumbfounded.

He originally thought that this time the three elders of Tai Yizong gathered together, even if Chen Dong was really at the Golden Core stage, he would surely die.But what happened in front of him shattered the hope he had just built up!

But seeing that Gao Shi raised his left hand with a pale and stiff face, and pinched his left cheek.

"Ah!" In the next second, Gao Shi uttered a miserable scream, and he fell backwards all at once.

Because it hurt just now!He is not dreaming, all this is real!

At this time, even Liu Yashu in Chen Dong's arms was also foolish, staring at Chen Dong.

"Can you lead the way now?" Chen Dong smiled.

"You! Who are you! What kind of cultivation are you!" One of the veterans said with an extremely ugly face.

"Senior Brother Liu, I can't see through his realm, how about you!" At this time, the old Taoist on the other side whispered.

"I... I can't see through either!"

"Is he!"

"Golden Core won't work in the late stage!"

The two veterans looked at each other and took two steps back.

If the opponent is really a late Jindan, let alone the two of them teaming up, even with the addition of the third elder who was blasted out by Chen Dong just now, it is impossible to be his opponent.

"I said before, you can survive if you lead the way well." Chen Dong said lightly.

"No! How old is he? It's a miracle that he can barely reach the Golden Core stage. How could he reach the late Golden Core stage!" At this time, the old Taoist on Chen Dong's left suddenly said.

"Could it be that he has some magic weapon that can hide his cultivation, and he is just pretending to bluff the two of us now?" Another old man said in a dark voice.

"It should be like this! If you and I join forces, even if we fail to succeed, we can still retreat, and we can discuss it later!"


"Do it!" At this moment, the two veteran Taoists slapped Chen Dong at the same time!
"Hey! Do you want to listen?" Chen Dong shook his head helplessly, and at the same time grabbed it with his left hand!
"Ah!" The old Taoist who was rushing towards Chen Dong's left suddenly stopped. It wasn't that he wanted to stop, but an invisible force grabbed his neck, preventing him from taking half a step forward!

"Get out!" Chen Dong snorted coldly, and swung his left hand to the right!
"Ah!" But seeing the old Taoist caught by Chen Dong fly towards another old Taoist like a cannonball!



Then came the doctor's violent impact and two screams.

"Plop! Plop!" The two veterans collapsed to the ground at the same time.

"If you want to survive, get up and lead the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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