Chapter 786

After successfully rescuing Liu Yashu.

Chen Dong and Liu Yashu returned to Tunghai University with the three veterans of the Taiyi Sect who were all seriously injured.

Chen Dong first took Liu Yashu to explain to Principal Lin their plan to find Liu Yashu's parents.The old principal Lin was very happy when he heard that Chen Dong already knew the whereabouts of his daughter He son-in-law.

After telling Chen Dong and Liu Yashu to be safe, they agreed that Liu Yashu would go with Chen Dong.

At the same time, Chen Dong asked the two sisters, Feng Bingbing and Feng Shuangshuang, to stay at Tunghai University and notify him immediately if there is any change.

after one day.

Within the mountains in the southwest of China.

The mountains here are continuous and inaccessible.Especially those mountain peaks, soaring into the clouds and shrouded in clouds and mist all the year round, it does feel a bit like a fairyland.

But this is China after all, no matter how remote the place is, it is reasonable to say that there may be ordinary people living there.

However, it has never been heard that anyone has encountered any gods or entered any fairyland here.

In fact, it is very simple. Although this is the location of the Taiyi Sect in the cultivation world, there is a special formation on the mountain where the Taiyi Sect is located.

Not to mention that ordinary people can't see it, let alone enter it, even other cultivators can hardly find the real location of the Taiyi Sect's mountain gate.

This is where the mystery of comprehension lies.

At this time, at the foot of a huge mountain towering into the sky.

Five figures stood there.

Among them, a man and a woman are Chen Dong and Liu Yashu.

And in front of the two of them were three old Taoists in Taoist robes. They were the three Jindanqi elders sent by the Taiyi Sect to Donghai City to hunt down and kill Chen Dong.

"Chen Dong, do you mean that my parents are on this mountain?" Liu Yashu looked up and found that the top of the mountain was not visible at all.

The lingering clouds and mist have covered the entire part of this huge mountain above the mountainside, and it does not disperse all year round.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's in this mountain." Chen Dong also raised his head and looked upwards. With Chen Dong's cultivation base, he could naturally sense that there was a strong spiritual energy fluctuation above this huge mountain.

It can be said that Taiyizong is indeed a very suitable place for practitioners to cultivate.

The reason why Chen Dong brought Liu Yashu here as soon as he returned to Donghai City was to resolve the grievances with Tai Yizong as soon as possible.

What I will soon face is a direct battle with the behemoth Cultivation Alliance in the Cultivation World, and I will have no time to be distracted at that time.

Once Tai Yizong attacked Liu Yashu at this time, the consequences would be extremely dire.

So Chen Dong decided to deal with the Taiyi Sect first, and if the Taiyi Sect didn't understand current affairs, he wouldn't mind stepping down the Taiyi Sect so that this sect of cultivation would disappear from the cultivation world.

If Chen Dong was just ambitious before, now he has the strength!
"You three should know what to do, do you need me to tell you?" At this time, Chen Dong said to the three old Taoists in front of him.

"Yes." The three old Taoists glanced at each other and slapped palms on the mountain at the same time.

"Shua Shua!" I saw the clouds above the mountain began to disperse rapidly.

A moment later, a road leading to the mountain appeared in front of everyone.

This is an unknown number of tens of thousands of stone steps, leading from the mountainside to the top, and finally disappearing in the clouds and mist.

"Chen Daoyou, the gate of the Taiyi Sect has been opened, please." At this time, the third elder of the Taiyi Sect said.

"It seems that it will be much smoother if the three elders of the Taiyi Sect knock on the mountain gate, so please lead the way." Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"Okay." The three old Taoists didn't say much, and flew towards the mountain.

Chen Dong put his arms around Liu Yashu's waist, with a faint smile on his face.

"Don't be afraid you'll be at the top soon."

"Chen Dong, you definitely don't think it's going too well, are they cheating?" At this time Liu Yashu said with a reddish face, she was somewhat shy to be hugged by Chen Dong.

"Fraud? Hmph! If there is no fraud, then it wouldn't be the same." Chen Dong smiled, even Liu Yashu could see that everything was going too smoothly but seemed abnormal, and Chen Dong had already noticed it too.

"Then shall we follow?" Liu Yashu said quickly, she didn't want to put Chen Dong in danger because of her own affairs.

"Hmph! I'm not afraid of them cheating, but I'm afraid they won't be able to get out." Chen Dong smiled, and flew up with his arms around Liu Yashu's waist.

Liu Yashu only felt that he was being hugged firmly by a pair of strong and powerful hands, and the whistling wind was all around his ears.The moist cloud and mist blowing on her face not only did not give the slightest chill, but made her feel a little warm.

"This feeling is so strange..." Liu Yashu looked up at Chen Dong secretly.

At this moment, Chen Dong's eyes are like stars, and he is looking forward with full attention.

And as the two continued to fly upwards, the clouds on the top of the mountain gradually dispersed.

Gradually, majestic pavilions and pavilions appeared in the eyes of Chen Dong and Liu Yashu.

These pavilions are built in the sea of ​​clouds on the mountainside, and at first glance they really give people a feeling of being in a fairyland.

But Chen Dong knew that this place was not a fairyland, but full of murderous intentions!
At this time, a huge square appeared in front of him.

It is a huge square made entirely of stone slabs, built on the mountainside of the mountain.

On this huge square, there is a huge copper furnace of Jiuding, which is burning incense at the moment.

When Chen Dong and Liu Yashu landed on the square, the figures of the three Taiyi sect elders had disappeared.

However, this was all within Chen Dong's expectation. Chen Dong was not afraid of the Taiyi Sect's deceit, what he wanted was for the Taiyi Sect to come out in full force!

At this moment, there is no one else in this huge square that can accommodate thousands of people except Chen Dong and Liu Yashu.

"Dang!" At this moment, a bell rang suddenly above the mountain peak, and the clouds and mist surrounding the mountainside were instantly dispersed.

"Chem!" In the next moment, countless sword shadows appeared from all directions at the same time.

"噗噗!" In just a moment, hundreds of people wearing white Taoist robes and holding long swords had surrounded Chen Dong and Liu Yashu.

"Chen Dong." Liu Yashu hugged Chen Dong's arm subconsciously. After all, she was just an ordinary person, except in TV dramas, had she ever seen such a big battle?

"It's okay, don't be afraid, these are just small shrimps, the owner hasn't appeared yet." Chen Dong smiled.

The hundreds of white-clothed disciples around them should all be disciples of Tai Yizong, but most of these people's cultivation bases are in the Qi refining stage, and a few are in the Qi sea stage.

For Chen Dong, these people are not worth his shot.

"Taiyi Sword Formation!" At this moment, a deep voice came from above the mountain peak.

"噗噗!" The next moment, the disciples of the Taiyi Sect who surrounded Chen Dong and the two waved their long swords towards the sky at the same time!
"Chem!" Hundreds of sword lights roared towards Chen Dong and Liu Yashu like a rain of swords!

(End of this chapter)

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