Chapter 795 Angry

Under the Great Hall of Taiyi Sect.

Old Zilong Daoist was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted immediately.

"Yes! Yes!" Old Taoist Zilong was afraid that he would be slow in agreeing, and these three old monsters would wipe out their Taiyi sect together.

"Why are you still standing there in a daze, why don't you all retreat to the foot of the mountain!" Zilong said with an extremely ugly expression as he retreated in front of the elders and disciples of the Taiyi Sect.

He is the head of the Taiyi Sect, but he looks like a dog in front of the Cultivation Alliance. Can he look good?
"Why are you rushing away? Is it because I'm afraid that I will defeat you and lose your comprehension alliance?" Just as everyone in the Taiyi Sect was about to retreat down the mountain, Chen Dong's voice suddenly came from above the hall.


"Does he not want to live? How dare he speak to the venerable of the Cultivation Alliance like that!"

"That's right, he doesn't care about the Cultivation Alliance at all!"

These disciples of the Taiyi Sect began to discuss in low voices.

Although the three venerables couldn't see their faces clearly, it was obvious that their faces would not look good now.

Their cultivation alliance is known as the most powerful force in the cultivation world, leading the entire cultivation world.

For hundreds of years, anyone who dared to fight against the cultivation alliance, no matter if it was a casual cultivator or a powerful sect, would end up miserable.

That's why the status of the Cultivation Alliance in today's Cultivation Alliance has been established.

But now that Chen Dong deliberately said such words of belittling the Cultivation Alliance in front of the entire Taiyi Sect, his purpose was already obvious.

He is openly challenging the authority of the Cultivation Alliance!

"Why are you standing there in a daze? Why don't you hurry back to the foot of the mountain!" At this time, the old Zilong Taoist was naturally very knowledgeable, and quickly said to his disciples.

"Wait!" But just as everyone in Taiyi Sect was about to retreat down the mountain, Venerable Qingpao said in a cold voice.

"What's your order?" The Zilong old man hurriedly lowered his head and asked.

"Everyone, don't leave! Since he wants you to stay and witness, then you should stay and witness what will happen to those who dare to offend the majesty of the Cultivation Alliance!" The blue-robed venerable said in a cold voice .

"Ah? Yes! Yes!" The real Zilong was stunned for a moment, then realized it all at once, and quickly nodded in agreement.

"Everyone, come to the square!" Old Zilong shouted to his disciples.

"Follow the order of the head!"

"No! I'm following the orders of the Cultivation Alliance!" said the Zilong old man with a smile on his face.

"Yes! I will follow the order of the Cultivation Alliance!" The disciples of Tai Yizong were not stupid, and they all changed their minds.

In fact, why did the three venerables of the Cultivation Alliance change their minds so that everyone would not retreat to the foot of the mountain but let everyone stay.

Because Chen Dong's purpose was to discredit the Cultivation Alliance, and the three venerables of the Cultivation Alliance would naturally not let Chen Dong succeed.They wanted to kill Chen Dong in front of everyone in the Taiyi Sect to maintain the supremacy and image of the Cultivation Alliance in the Cultivation World!

Soon under the leadership of Zilong Laodao, hundreds of Taiyizong disciples all retreated to the square under the main hall.

All eyes were on the hall.

Because they all wanted to see how this arrogant man named Chen Dong'e was suppressed by the three venerables of the Cultivation Alliance!

Just thinking about that scene makes me angry!

"Uncle Liu and Aunt Lin, the meridians in your body have been shattered, so you can't use your cultivation, right?" Chen Dong said to Liu Zhentang and his wife in the hall.

"Yes, back then we were hit by Tai Yizong's full set, and they saved people and shattered our meridians. Otherwise, our husband and wife could still help you, but now! Hey!" Liu Zhentang sighed.

"Okay, I'll help you recover your meridians now, you take this Yashu out of the Taiyi Sect first, and I will try my best to hold these people back." Chen Dong said.

"What! Restore meridians!" Liu Zhentang and his wife looked excited.

"Hmm! Uncle Liu, Aunt Lin, please bear with me." Chen Dong nodded, and he walked behind Liu Zhentang and his wife in a flash.Then he clapped his hands on their backs at the same time.

Two soft pure yang forces were quickly instilled into their bodies, and they began to continuously repair the meridians of the two of them that had been broken for many years.

Since the meridians of the two of them had been shattered for many years, the recovery process was also accompanied by severe pain.

But they couldn't see any pain on their faces, on the contrary, they showed a look of joy.

Chen Dong could tell that Liu Yashu's parents were at the early stage of Golden Core cultivation before the meridians were broken.

In the case of their own containment of the cultivation alliance, the two cultivators at the early stage of Jindan were enough to leave safely with Liu Yashu.

As for Zilong and others, not to mention that they are all injured now, even if they are not injured, as long as they defeat the three strong men of the Cultivation Alliance, they don't have the guts to rob people halfway!

"Chen Dong!" At the same time that Chen Dong was healing the wounds of Liu Zhentang and his wife and restoring their meridians.

A cold voice came from under the hall.

I saw the figures of the three Cultivation Alliance venerables rising into the air in an instant, and they were looking at Chen Dong.

"That's right!" Chen Dong said lightly while instilling the power of pure yang with all his strength.

"That's right! Today is your death day." The yellow-robed venerable snorted coldly.

"Haha! It's because I single-handedly killed the two great masters of your Cultivation Alliance, so your Cultivation Alliance is furious, right?" Chen Dong said with a big laugh.

"You!" The three venerables said at the same time, their hands trembling in anger.But they couldn't refute what Chen Dong said!


"He's not kidding! He alone can kill the venerables of the two major cultivation alliances!"

"Then the reaction of the three venerables seems to be telling the truth!"

"If it's true, how powerful is he!"

"too frightening!"

Because Chen Dong wanted everyone to hear it on purpose, everyone in the Taiyi School on the square heard what Chen Dong said just now.

As soon as Chen Dong's words came out, it was like a bomb falling into the water, and instantly set off a huge wave among the Taiyi sect.

Because before that, the four words Cultivation Alliance were invincible in everyone's consciousness!
Coupled with the reactions of the three venerables in the sky, they even believed that what Chen Dong said was true!

They are starting to feel a little scared now. They were able to kill the two great masters of the Cultivation Alliance with one person, and they took the initiative to attack him just now!Being able to survive is really a blessing!

At this moment, even the old Zilong's expression changed. He knew how powerful Chen Dong was, but he didn't expect Chen Dong to be so powerful!
One person kills two Cultivation Alliance venerables!
This matter has completely exceeded the scope that he and the entire Taiyi Sect can participate in!

Now Tai Yizong and his own fate are no longer in his hands.

But no matter what, once this matter gets out, the Cultivation Alliance will definitely lose face!Because it won't take long for this matter to spread throughout the cultivation world.

And this is Chen Dong's purpose!
"Junior, you are looking for death!" The three venerables in the sky shouted at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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