Chapter 797
"噗!" A white long sword broke through the crumbling Taiyi Sect Hall, and flew straight towards Chen Dong's hand.

"Tai Yi Sword! This is Tai Yi Sword!"

Everyone in the entire Taiyi Sect, including Master Zilong, let out an exclamation.

Others don't know Tai Yijian, how could they not?
This white long sword is clearly enshrined in the Great Hall of the Taiyi Sect, the Taiyi Sword that no one has been able to use for thousands of years!
It is also the treasure of the Taiyi Sect, the symbol of the Taiyi Sect!

But now the Taiyi Sword actually flew out of the Taiyi Sect Hall.

"Borrow the sword! Borrow the sword! Could it be Chen Dong!" The Zilong old man suddenly remembered what Chen Dong said just now, and quickly looked at Chen Dong!
"Om!" And at this moment, I saw that the white long sword called Taiyi Sword by everyone in the Taiyi Sect had really fallen into Chen Dong's hands!
"What! The decency treasure of our sect fell into the hands of an outsider, me!"

"He can use Tai Yi Sword! He is really in the Nascent Soul Stage!"

Shouts of exclamation came from Taiyizong Square.

At this time, the green-robed venerable in the sky naturally wouldn't give Chen Dong a chance to refine the Taiyi Sword. He waved the Qinghong long sword in his hand, and his whole body turned into a blue rainbow and slashed towards Chen Dong with a sword. !
Man and sword unite!This is the performance of the highest state of kendo!

And at the same time that Venerable Qingpao slashed with his sword, Chen Dong also moved!
"噗!" I saw Chen Dong slashing the long sword in his hand, and also rushed towards the green robed venerable!


Before everyone could react, the long swords in the hands of the two Nascent Soul stage powerhouses had already slashed together!
But seeing these two strong figures volleying in mid-air, the long swords in their hands collided.

Sword glows surged towards the surroundings like invisible waves.

One of the two parties is holding the Qinghong Sword, one of the nine immortal weapons of the Cultivation Alliance, and the other is the Taiyi Sect Supreme Treasure Taiyi Sword that was forcibly "borrowed"!
This Taiyi sword is also a low-grade fairy weapon, and it is not inferior to Qinghong sword.

For a moment, the two strong men and the two immortal swords confronted each other.

"The strength of this green robe is indeed far superior to that of the red robe and the orange robe. If his deity comes, I am afraid that my chance of winning is only [-]%. However, these two high-level leaders of the Cultivation Alliance have only dispatched clones, but they have never Seeing their deities. Is my strength not enough for them to send out their deities, or is it that their deities can't appear at all?" Chen Dong thought to himself.

"What kind of cultivation level is this junior? Why can't even I see through his cultivation level!" And the blue-robed venerable had an ugly face. He thought that he could kill Chen Dong in one fell swoop by sacrificing his natal fairy weapon. .But he didn't expect that Chen Dong would directly "borrow" Tai Yizong's Tai Yi Sword!
"No, we must kill this son as soon as possible!" But seeing the blue-robed venerable's gaze turn cold, he stepped back, and swung the blue long sword in his hand towards Chen Dong!
"噗!" A cyan light instantly rushed towards Chen Dongyong.

"Is that all you can do? I don't think your swordsmanship can match that of that orange robe!" Chen Dong smiled, and swung the Taiyi sword in his hand.

"噗!" The white sword light shot out instantly.

"Dang!" The cyan sword glow and the white sword glow collided again.

But at this moment, the green-robed venerable sneered, and appeared behind Chen Dong in a flash, and swung his sword again.

"Do you think you are fast?" But at the same time as the sword was swung, Chen Dong's voice appeared behind him!

"What!" The green-robed venerable felt a chill in his heart, almost instinctively slashed back with his sword, and at the same time his body retreated sharply!

"Dangdang! Dangdang!"

In an instant, the two sides had swung hundreds of swords in midair!
And the speed of these two powerhouses is too fast!The people who were approaching Taiyizong Square saw two phantoms, one blue and one white, colliding non-stop in the sky.

At the same time, bursts of blue and white intersecting light and endless sword energy came from the sky!
"Crack! Kick!"

As these cyan and white sword qi flew around, the Taiyi Sect Hall, which was already on the verge of collapse, was cut into cracks by these terrifying sword qi!
"Boom!" Finally, the Great Hall of the Taiyi Sect could no longer hold on and collapsed!

And on the ground near Chen Dong and the Qingpao Venerable, although there are some hard bluestone ground, it has already changed beyond recognition at this moment!

But seeing the originally flat stone ground, there are already shocking huge cracks everywhere!

"Back! Go back again!" The real Zilong didn't have time to feel sorry for his ancestral business, so he could only make all the people of the Taiyi sect go back!

I know too well that strong men of this level are fighting, and they are told that they rush up, even if they get too close, they will only be innocent souls!
And the yellow-robed venerable and the green-robed venerable have been standing under the main hall, and they don't seem to be in a hurry to make a move.



But at this moment, hearing a clear and clear sword cry, the figure of the green-robed venerable retreated sharply, and retreated to the top of the yellow-robed venerable and the green-robed venerable.

"What? If you can't beat this alone, you need help?" Chen Dong smiled with the Tai Yi sword in his hand.

In fact, Chen Dong was completely sure to kill one of these three people in a very short time.

But he didn't do that, because his purpose was to hold the three of them back and let all of them focus on Ji Zhi.Only in this way can enough time be created for Liu Yashu and Liu Zhentang to leave.

And once one of them is killed and the other two disperse, then the three of Liu Yashu will be in danger!

"Hmph! Don't you know that you are about to die?" At this time, the yellow-robed venerable sneered.

"Oh? Death is imminent? Is it necessary to prepare for the three of them to bully more and less?" Chen Dong smiled.

"Hmph! Look around you! No one can survive under the Qingyun Sword Formation! Haha!"

"Ha ha!"

The yellow-robed venerable and the green-robed venerable all laughed loudly.

"Huh!" The green-robed venerable snorted coldly, and looked at Chen Dong, "Chen Dong, do you think that this deity has used all his strength just now? This deity is setting up an formation! Let's see how you get out of this Qingyun sword formation today!" Get out alive!"

"Haha! The Qingyun sword appears!" But seeing the long blue thread in the hands of the green-robed venerable wave towards the sky.

"Om!" A streak of cyan sword glows flashed out from the sword body.

At the same time, countless cyan sword shadows instantly appeared in all directions in the air where Chen Dong was standing.

There are thousands of dense cyan sword shadows!
All of a sudden, thousands of sword shadows surrounded Chen Dong!
"Qingyun Sword Formation! I didn't expect that I could see Qingyun Sword Formation with my own eyes!"

"This Qingyun sword formation is said to be an ancient sword formation passed down from the ancient cultivation era, and it is extremely powerful!"

"It is said that there are ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine swords in this Qingyun sword formation! There is no one in the cultivation world who can walk out of this Qingyun sword formation alive!"

There were exclamations from the square.

"Hmph! Qingyun Sword Formation? I broke your broken formation today!" Chen Dong smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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