Special masters on campus

Chapter 803 Blow me up!

Chapter 803 Blow me up!

"Phew!" Above the sky, the cyan long sword in the hand of the green-robed venerable pierced the air, and came to Chen Dong with strands of cyan light.

Although Chen Dong's hands were raised, the speed was slow, and it was impossible to use his true energy to resist!
"Isn't your physical body strong? I want to see how you can resist the direct attack of the immortal weapon without using your true energy!" The green-robed venerable snorted coldly.

At this time, the blade of the Qinghong Sword was less than a foot away from Chen Dong's chest and pulse!

"Nine Suns Body Protector!" But at this moment, streaks of golden light suddenly appeared outside Chen Dong's body.

Nine protective layers of true energy!
Although Chen Dong's speed was slowed down by the sound of the green-robed qin, the body-protecting true energy only needs a movement of the cultivator's faith to appear.

"Hmph! You want to be able to block the sword of this deity with just your protective qi layer? What a joke!" The green-robed venerable snorted coldly.

This sword was a sword he had used ten times, and coupled with the Qinghong sword, a low-grade fairy weapon, even the body-protecting zhenqi in the early stage of Yuanying couldn't stop it!
"Bang bang! Bang bang!" And the situation was exactly as he had expected, with a muffled sound, the protective qi outside Chen Dong's body was continuously shattered!
In the blink of an eye, the nine protective qi outside Chen Dong's body had already been broken by seven layers!
"Boom!" At this moment, the eighth layer of true energy was instantly shattered!
The blade of the Qinghong Sword was less than an inch away from Chen Dong's chest!
"Boom!" In the next second, Chen Dong's last protective qi shattered and dissipated.

The Qinghong sword instantly pierced Chen Dong's chest!
No matter how strong Chen Dong's body is, the green-robed venerable who is stronger than the red robe and yellow robe, and who is still holding a low-grade fairy weapon, can't completely ignore his attack!
"Phew!" But seeing the Qinghong sword shining with dazzling blue light pierced the skin of Chen Dong's chest!

Chen Dong's blood flowed out all at once.

"Haha! Junior! Are you still alive this time!" The green-robed venerable laughed wildly.

The repeated attacks before were all resolved by Chen Dong, leaving him completely ashamed.How could he be unhappy seeing Chen Dong being stabbed in the chest by his own sword this time when he couldn't fight back?
"Huh?" But at this moment, the Qingpao Venerable was suddenly taken aback, because he felt that the Qinghong Sword in his hand could no longer move forward.

"What's going on?" He suddenly looked down, only to see that Chen Dong's left hand was holding the Qinghong sword.

"What! You actually grabbed the Qinghong sword with your bare hands!" The voice of the green-robed venerable turned cold, "Then I want to see how you can stop it!"

"Buzz!" In an instant, the blue light on the Qinghong sword exploded, and the endless sword energy crazily impacted on Chen Dong's arm.

At the same time, the green-robed venerable stabbed the Qinghong sword forward with all his strength.

"Your movements are as slow as a tortoise, how can you stop this deity? I advise you not to make the last struggle!"

"Huh!" But seeing the Qinghong sword continuously moving forward, Chen Dong was shocked and flew backwards rapidly.

"Buzz! Buzz!" At this time, the green-robed venerable also followed Chen Dong closely, constantly supporting the Tianhuangqin in his hand.The strange piano sounds kept coming, making Chen Dong still unable to move normally.

"Hmph, even if my actions are restricted by you, it's not so easy to kill me, Chen Dong!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and a white flame suddenly burned in the palm of his hand holding the Qinghong sword.

"What! This is!" The voice of the green-robed venerable changed, and he suddenly realized that something was wrong with the white flame!
"This is the pure yang fire!" He suddenly thought that the avatar of the yellow-robed venerable was burned to death by this pure yang fire!
"No! This strange and abnormal flame is absolutely irresistible! As long as he can't move, he is a lamb at the mercy of others!" The green robe has been cultivated for thousands of years, and he is naturally experienced. At this time, he decisively decided to draw his sword and retreat, and attacked again from another direction. Chen Dong.In this way, no matter how powerful Chen Dong's Pure Yang True Fire is, it will lose its effect.

But just when he was about to draw his sword and retreat, there was a sudden thump in his heart.

"What!" I saw that the Qinghong Immortal Sword exuding a cyan glow was actually held firmly in Chen Dong's hand.

Although Chen Dong's movement speed was severely slowed down by the sound of the Tianhuang piano, this did not prevent him from holding the Qinghong sword with his left hand on the sword body!
At the same time, the white flame that emerged from Chen Dong's palm was already rapidly spreading along the sword body towards the green robe's arm.

"Damn it! Come out!" But no matter how the green-robed venerable drew his sword, the Qinghong sword stuck in Chen Dong's chest remained motionless!

And at this moment, the white flame on the sword had already burned to his hand!Tianhuang Qinyin can slow down Chen Dong's speed, but it has no effect on Chunyang Zhenhuo!
"Ah!" Hearing the scream of the green-robed venerable, a kind of unbearable pain forced him to let go of his hand subconsciously, and his figure flew backwards.

"What!" At this time, the voice of the green-robed venerable who was originally controlling Tianhuangqin in the sky changed, and the hand that had been playing the qin unconsciously stopped.

And just this short pause was enough for Chen Dong.

"Huh!" But seeing Chen Dong disappear in an instant.

"Not good!" But when the green-robed venerable reacted, he found that Chen Dong's figure had long since disappeared!

Without a target, Tianhuang Qinyin can't lock the target and slow down its actions, otherwise the green robe will be invincible in the world.

"Are you looking for me?" At this moment, a faint voice suddenly came from behind the green robe.

Although the voice was flat, it was like a bolt from the blue to this green robe!

"Not good!" But seeing him turn around abruptly, at the same time his figure retreated sharply!

"噗!" However, the moment he turned around, a white sword light suddenly flashed out, slashing at him!
"It's up to you!" The green-robed venerable has naturally experienced countless storms and waves after practicing for thousands of years, and the current situation is not enough to make him completely messed up.

But he snorted coldly, holding Tianhuangqin with his left hand, and swung his right hand towards Chen Dong fiercely!
"Hoo hoo!" In an instant, countless green vines rushed towards Chen Dong like green pythons!
At the same time, he swung one hand horizontally, and the Tianhuang Qin in his hand was suspended in mid-air.

"Hmph! Junior, I admit that your strength is far beyond my expectations, but as long as you are locked by me, you will not be able to escape!" The green-robed venerable sneered.

But the moment he was about to stroke the Tianhuangqin in the direction of Chen Dong, a white sword light suddenly appeared!And this time, the target that Jianmang slashed was not himself, but Tianhuangqin floating in front of him!

"What!" The green-robed venerable realized all of a sudden, and stretched out his hand to take back the Tianhuang Qin.

But just as his hand moved, a huge golden ball of light suddenly appeared between him and Tianhuangqin!
"Six Suns Xuantian! Blow me up!"

(End of this chapter)

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