Chapter 812

A secret basement in Donghai City.

Nearly a hundred Japanese killers gathered here.

"Team leader!" At this moment, everyone bowed their heads towards a middle-aged man in a black suit and sunglasses.

"Hmm." The middle-aged man hummed and waved his hand.

All the killers looked up.

"I'm sure everyone knows the purpose of my coming to Donghai this time." At this time, the man who was called the team leader by many killers said.

"As long as our Heikou team can kill Chen Dong in one fell swoop, not only will we become a first-class comprehension force in the cultivation world! And each of you will get top-grade spirit stones and top-grade spirit weapons!" said the man.

"Exquisite Spirit Stone!"

"High-grade spirit weapon!"

The whole basement was boiled by his words.

For every cultivator, a spiritual stone means becoming stronger, and a top-quality spiritual stone is enough for a cultivator of the Qi Sea stage to hit the Jindan stage.Coupled with the magic weapon of the top-grade spiritual weapon, he will step into the ranks of the powerhouses in the cultivation world in one fell swoop, and it can be said that he will soar into the sky!
"But everyone knows that all the sects in the cultivation world have sent masters to Donghai City. We must dare to be ahead of other sects if we want to win this first prize. Otherwise, we will have nothing!" the middle-aged man said. The man said in a cold voice.

"Chen Dong, we have fought against each other before, and his cultivation is at the late Qi Sea stage, even close to the Jindan stage!"

"No! His strength is at least in the fake period, otherwise why did we fail the previous few times?"

All of a sudden there were discussions in the basement, saying that they all wanted to be rewarded by the Cultivation Alliance, but they knew Chen Dong's strength better.

"If we remember correctly, the deputy team leader has known and contacted Chen Dong before?" At this moment, the man looked at the veiled female killer standing beside him.

"Yes, team leader." The female killer nodded.

"Then what do you think about killing Chen Dong?" the man said with a smile.

For a while, the basement became quiet again, and all the killers turned their attention to the female killer.

"Chen Dong, we have indeed fought against him several times. He is very powerful, and he is elusive. We have failed in the previous few fights." The female killer said.

"We failed the previous few times? Are you saying that we have no chance this time?" At this time, the tone of the leader of the black-mouthed team was obviously a bit ugly.

"That's right! Before, it was because our realm was too different from his, so we failed every time. But this time is different! The team leader came to Donghai City in person, can he miss again?"

"Hmph! Even if that kid's realm has reached the false alchemy stage, our team leader's strength has already reached the golden alchemy stage! I don't see the difference between the two realms, and he has no chance of surviving!"

"That's right! The one who killed Chen Dong this time and received the killing order reward from the Cultivation Alliance must be our Black Mouth Team!"

The Japanese killers in the basement said enthusiastically.

"Deputy team leader, don't forget your identity. Could it be that you were so easily frightened by a Huaxia kid?" The black-mouthed team leader said coldly.

"Of course I know my identity, otherwise I wouldn't be standing here. But what I want to say is that Chen Dong's strength has probably surpassed the mid-stage Jindan and reached the late-stage Jindan or even stronger!" The female killer said in a cold voice.

"What did you say!"

"Golden core is even stronger in the late stage?"

"It's impossible! It's absolutely impossible!"

"When we fought against him before, he was indeed very strong, but he would definitely not reach the golden core stage. Otherwise, we would not be able to stand here alive!"

"That's right! I think the vice president is scaremongering or trying to shirk responsibility?"

For a while, the entire basement was full of discussions.

The leader of the black mouth team also looked at the female killer.

"Hmph! You are right. The last time we fought against him, his cultivation was indeed not at the Golden Core Stage, at best he was at the False Core Stage." At this moment, the female killer snorted coldly.

"Since this is the case, how do you explain what you said just now?" Heikou team leader said with a gloomy face.

"Don't forget that the last time we fought against him was a month ago. Anything can happen within this month!" The female killer said in a cold voice.

"You mean this person's realm has continuously broken through from the false alchemy stage to the late golden alchemy stage within a month?" the leader of the black mouth team said slightly jokingly.

"It's a possibility."

"Haha! What a joke! What a big joke! This kind of thing has never happened in the world of comprehension for so many years! Want to break through three realms in a row to reach the late stage of Jindan in a month? That is simply a dream! Even in the This is absolutely impossible in the ancient era of comprehension!" At this moment, the leader of the black-mouthed team burst out laughing, as a strong person in the mid-Golden Core Stage, he naturally knows the difficulty of breaking through in the Golden Core Stage.

He himself has stagnated in the middle stage of Jindan for a long time and has not yet broken through to the late stage of Jindan. Now let him believe that someone can do it within a month, and he will not believe it if he is killed!

"Ha ha!"

"It seems that the vice president is really scared!"

The leader of the black mouth team laughed, and the other killers in the basement also laughed.

But at this moment, the female killer looked at these killers with cold eyes.



Suddenly no one dared to laugh again!
"Hmph!" The female killer snorted coldly, and looked at the leader of the black mouth team.

"What I just said is just one possibility, and there is another possibility!"

"Oh? Is there another possibility? Tell me?" the leader of the black mouth team said with a look of contempt.

"This person has been hiding his cultivation. His own realm may be at the late stage of Jindan or even stronger. It's just that he has been hiding his cultivation for some reason."

"What! Hidden cultivation? What basis do you have for saying that?" The leader of the black mouth team changed his face and said hastily.

"It's very simple. If he doesn't have the strength of Jindan late stage or even stronger, will the Cultivation Alliance launch such a big battle and give out so many rewards to hunt down and kill an unknown junior?" The female killer said coldly.

"This!" The head of the Heikou team suddenly became serious, and he admitted that what he said made sense.Based on his understanding of the Cultivation Alliance, unless the Cultivation Alliance is completely angered, the Cultivation Alliance will not pull down its face and issue a killing order for the Cultivation Alliance.

There is only one possibility, that is, this Chen Dong is so powerful that even the Cultivation Alliance is not absolutely sure to kill him!
The whole basement suddenly fell silent.

"Should we just let us miss this opportunity? I'm not reconciled!" The leader of the black mouth team clenched his fists.

"Team leader, I think I should have a way to find Chen Dong and kill him!" At this moment, a voice suddenly came from a corner of the basement.

(End of this chapter)

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