Chapter 815

A villa in the western suburbs of Donghai City.

"What did you say!" Chen Dong stood up all of a sudden.

"Chu Shanshan, Xu Jiaying, and Tian Meihui, an overseas student from Japan, all participated in a tourist activity." Feng Bingbing said hastily.

"All three of them are here? There is definitely a problem." Chen Dong frowned. He had been healing his wounds in the secret room these days while comprehending the seventh level of the Nine Suns Book, and now it seemed that something had happened.

"Yes, on the surface it looks like an ordinary business lottery, but these three girls who have had close contact with you are all in this event, which means it is very abnormal." Feng Bingbing said arrive.

"They want to force me to show up." Chen Dong's eyes turned cold.

"That's right. And the other party seems to know you very well, otherwise it would be impossible for these three people to board the boat at the same time. They expected you to show up to save people." Feng Bingbing said with an ugly face, based on her understanding of Chen Dong It is absolutely impossible for Chen Dong to sit idly by.

"It seems that the other party is really familiar with me." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched, not to mention that these three girls were in danger because of him, but any one of them would save others with his personality.

"How long has it been since their ship left?" Chen Dong said at this moment.

"For more than two hours, Shuangshuang and I went to catch up as soon as we knew the situation, but we still didn't have time." Feng Bingbing said, biting his lip.

"It's okay, I don't blame you for this matter. The other party came for me, and the purpose was to lure me to show up, so naturally I won't let you find out." Chen Dong walked to Feng Bingbing's side with a smile.

"Chen Dong, do you have to go?" Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong with tears in his eyes. She knew what kind of opponent Chen Dong would face this time. The situation at the headquarters of the Dragon Headquarters alone.

"They were all involved because of me. Those members of the Cultivation Alliance can do anything to achieve their goals. If I really sit back and watch, am I still the man you can rely on?" Chen Dong smiled, He reached out and stroked Feng Bingbing's hair.

"Then I'll go with you!" Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong firmly.

"No. This time they made sufficient preparations to lure me. If I guessed correctly, the remaining venerables of the Cultivation Alliance and Tian Xuanzi will appear. Not only will you not be able to help if you go, And I will be in danger." Chen Dong said with a gentle smile.

"But..." Feng Bingbing wanted to say something, but was caught in Chen Dong's arms all of a sudden.

"All you have to do is protect yourself and wait for me to come back. My "Nine Suns Collection" is about to break through the eighth level, and I will give you happiness when the time comes." Chen Dong said solemnly.

"The eighth level? Happiness? Husband, what does this mean?" Feng Bingbing was taken aback. Chen Dong never told her that he could only do some things he loves after breaking through the eighth level in "The Book of Nine Suns", so Feng Bingbing looked puzzled.

"I will tell you with practical actions when the time comes, and I will never let you down." Chen Dong smiled, and naturally he wouldn't speak so bluntly in this situation.

"Ah? Oh!" Feng Bingbing was taken aback for a moment and then nodded foolishly. She absolutely believed in Chen Dong.

"Okay, just stay at home and wait for me to come back obediently, and tell Yaxi not to go to work after taking leave of absence recently. When I solve everything, I will return to calm." Chen Dong smiled , and then walked out the door.

"Okay! Husband, I'll wait for you at home!" Feng Bingbing said, biting her lip and looking at Chen Dong's back.

"Don't worry, Hades doesn't have the guts to accept your husband's life!" Chen Dong raised his lips and walked out the door without turning his head.

"My husband said that he wanted to give me happiness. This is the first time my husband told me so! Mmm! My husband will definitely not lie to me! My husband, you must come back safely, and we will be happy..." Feng Bingbing was bewildered Looking at Chen Dong's figure walking downstairs.

At this time, when Chen Donggang came to the living room on the first floor of the villa, his expression suddenly changed.

"Crack!" At this moment, a window near the door suddenly shattered, and a bright light rushed towards Chen Dong.

"Huh?" Chen Dong frowned, and stretched out his hand to grab it.

"噗!" A silver dagger appeared in his hand.

There is also a note stuck on top of this dagger.

Chen Dong took out the note and opened it.

"Don't go to Haidong Island." There were only these words written on the note, and it was written very scribbled, obviously written in a hurry.

"Boom!" Chen Dong slammed the door open, and came out of the villa, but the figure of that person had long since disappeared and there was no fluctuation of his aura.

It shows that this person can hide his cultivation.

"Is that you, Junior Sister?" Chen Dong looked in the direction of Donghai City with serious eyes.

"I understand what kind of situation I will face on this trip to the East China Sea. It is even more dangerous than the Taiyi Sect battle. The Cultivation Alliance and those mad dogs under him have arranged a banquet for me!" Chen Dong sneered,
"But I have to go!" Chen Dong's face turned pale, and his figure instantly disappeared into a phantom.

At this moment, the depths of the sea to the east of Donghai City.

A luxury cruise ship docked at the pier of a small island.

People on the cruise ship disembarked and boarded the island one after another.

This Haidong Island is hundreds of kilometers away from Donghai City, but it is precisely because it is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city that the environment of Haidong Island is maintained very well.In addition, the natural scenery here is very good, so it has become a tourist attraction.

This time, the event was held by Haidong Island's investors for the nominal purpose of promoting Haidong Island's tourism resources.

This company has an international corporate background and strong strength, so it is trusted by everyone.And he also promised to ensure the safety of every tourist, so naturally no one would doubt anything.

But these so-called lucky ones don't know that a huge conspiracy is brewing on this small island.

There are two lucky students in the first class of the medical school, one is Chu Shanshan and the other is Xu Jiaying.

The two knew each other because of Chen Dong's relationship, so they naturally got together during this event.

"Wow! Haidong Island is so beautiful!"

"Student Chu Shanshan!" Just as the two girls got off the boat together, a voice came from behind them.

The two turned around and saw a girl standing behind them and greeting them.

"You are..." Chu Shanshan couldn't remember the girl's name for a moment.

"My name is Tian Meihui." Tian Meihui said with a smile on her face.

"That's right! Tian Meihui is an exchange student from Dongying. She seems to know Brother Chen." Chu Shanshan seemed to remember this Dongying girl.

"It's a pity that classmate Chen Dong couldn't come together this time. I heard that he took a long vacation and I don't know when he will come back." Tian Meihui said politely.

"Brother Chen, he..." Chu Shanshan blurted out, and then quickly covered her mouth as if she suddenly thought of something.

(End of this chapter)

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